LLU Online Course Standards

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LLU Mission-Focused Learning Standards

To further the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus Christ "to make man whole,” LLU’s programs and courses include: 1. Integration of faith in God and course content in relevant and meaningful ways. 2. Orientation and preparation for lives of service, exemplifying LLU’s core values. 3. Emphasis on health and wholeness informed by the Adventist perspective.
MFL Standards for Programs and Courses

Recommended Books





  • Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)
    • SREB Checklist for Evaluating Online Courses
    • SREB Guidelines for Professional Growth of Online Teachers: although designed for online teachers of SREB state virtual schools, many of the standards for professional growth are adaptable and useful for higher education teachers as well. In fact, some of the resources used for this document were actually gleaned from documents for higher education. The standards for what the SREB state virtual schools should do or provide should be related to what the University, schools, or programs should do for the online instructors to help ensure student learning success.
    • SREB Standards for Quality Online Teaching: there may be some points here we would want to include in our online teaching.