

  • "An Affair of the Heart with Variations on the Theme". Presented at American College of Physicians Adventures in the History of Medicine 2012, Laguna Hills, CA (02/2012)
  • "Interstitial Lung Disease", presented to Respiratory Care students at Crafton Hills College, Yucaipa CA, March 7, 2012. (03/2012)
  • "When Generations Collide in the Workplace and Classroom", presented at the Annual Postgraduate Convention, March 4, 2012. (03/2012)
  • "Crossing the Generational Chasms between Senior Faculty, Junior Faculty and Trainees", presented at Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM) Week 2012, Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, AZ, October 13, 2012 (10/2012)
  • Poster co-presentation, "The Truth About Spirometric Changes in Chronic Wound Patients Undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy". Annual Postgraduate Convention, Loma Linda, CA. Received 2nd Place Recognition.  March, 2013 (03/2013)
  • "Pulmonary Hypertension" presented at the 58th AARC International Congress, Anaheim, CA, November 18, 2013 (11/2013)
  • "Finding Your Voice", presented to Azusa Pacific University School of Nursing, nurse practitioner students, San Bernardino, April 10, 2014 (04/2014)
  • "What Doctors Feel Can Influence Their Practice", presented to Primary Care physicians including Obstricians, Pediatricians, Family Practitioners, Surgeons and medical professionals at Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, Newport Beach, CA, May 16, 2014. (05/2014)


  • Takkin Lo, MD & Philip M. Gold, MD. "Spirometric Changes with Long Term Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Prospective Study." Annual Postgraduate Convention. Loma Linda, CA (02/2006)
  • Takkin Lo, MD, Philip M. Gold, MD. "Spirometric Changes with Long Term Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Perspective Study." American Thoracic Society. San Francisco, CA (06/2007)
  • "A 10-Year Retrospective Study of the Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Treating Critically Ill Pediatric Patients".  T Lo, T Yu, C Poon, P Moore, M Terry, P Gold. Presented at ATS 2008 ~ Toronto International Conference. (05/2008)
  • "Long-Term Spirometric Changes in Patients Undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)". T Lo, T Yu, C Poon, T Lam, J Park, M Ward, D Sample, P Moore, N Daher, P Gold. Presented at ATS 2008 ~ Toronto International Conference. (05/2008)
  • "Organ Recovery From Donation After Cardiac Death (DCD) Cases at a Tertiary Care Teaching Institution".  T Lo, T Yu, D Castleberry, M Stadtler, M Terry, P Gold. Presented at ATS 2008 ~ Toronto International Conference. (05/2008)
  • "Diabetic Versus Non-Diabetic Patients Undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: What Are the Long-Term Spirometric Changes?" T Lo, NC Delamora, P Moore, N Daher, PM Gold.  Presented at American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA (05/2009)
  • "Long-Term Spirometric Changes in Smokers Versus Non-Smokekrs Undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy". T Lo, NC Delamora, P Moore, N Daher, PM Gold.  Presented at American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA (05/2009)
  • "Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Cause Long-Term Spirometric Changes in Smokers Versus Non-Smokers?"  Tan L, Lo T, Yap J, Terry M, Lum M, Gold P.  Presented at the Undersea Hyperbaric Medicine Society Scientific Meeting (04/2010)