
Church Activities

  • Church Elder, Campus Hill SDA Church (07/2017 - 08/2022) (link)
  • Director, Health Ministry- Campus Hill Church (10/2010 - 08/2022) (link)
  • Associate Finance Commitee Chair - Campus Hill SDA Church (10/2023 - Present)
  • Head Elder - Campus Hill Church (09/2022 - Present) (link)

Committee Membership (LLU)

  • Recruitment and Marketting Committe - Provide direction to recruitment activities of the School. (05/2005 - 09/2011)
  • 509 Committe - Develop new public health core courses for the school of public health based on ASPH recommendations. (05/2006 - 06/2007)
  • Research Oversight Committee (ROC) (07/2021 - Present)
  • School of Public Health (SPH) Awards and Traineeship Committee Member (07/2021 - Present)
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Strategy (07/2020 - Present)
  • Health Policy and Leadership (HPL) (07/2017 - Present)
  • General Education (GE) Commitee (09/2007 - Present)
  • SPH Administrative Council - Member (09/2007)
  • SPH Academic Council - Academic Council for the School of Public Health (04/2006)
  • BSPH Advisory Committee - Provide direction to the Bachelor\'s Degree Programs of the School (09/2005)

Committee Membership (non-LLU)

  • San Jacinto College GIS Advisory Commitee Member (06/2010 - 07/2013)

Community Service

  • Vice President, Calimesa Community Garden, 371 W. Avenue L, Calimesa, CA (07/2018 - 06/2021) (link)
  • Deacon - Serves in practical ways such as caring for the physical ambiance of its facilities and assigned aspects of the worship service. Ensures that the church physical building is comfortable and suitable for worship, weddings and other meetings. Deacons also collect tithes and offerings, prepare and serve Communion, officiate at baptisms and distribute hearing and language devices in worship services as needed. They also function as ushers. (04/2005 - 04/2007)
  • President, Calimesa Community Garden Focus: Building Community and Sharing the Bounty The President: Preside at all CCG meetings and at the Board of Directors meetings. Be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees except the Nominating Committee May call a meeting of the Board of Directors any time deemed necessary. Call a meeting of the Board of Directors upon written request of three members. Appoint Chairs for committees as required to achieve organizationalgoals and appoint a Parliamentarian; appointments to be approved by the Board of Directors Attend District and State functions of CCGI and report the highlights of each meeting to the CCG. If unable to attend, shall appoint a member in good standing to represent CCG. In the event of a vacancy (either elected officer or committee chair) the President shall appoint a replacement and that appointment shall be approved by the Board of Directors. Perform all other duties pertaining to the office. (07/2021 - Present) (link)
  • Community Health and Wellness Fair Organizer in San Bernardino County The purpose is to bring the hope of Christ to the church family and the community through promotion of good health in relation to spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and mental health needs though the following activities: Organize and provide educational opportunities for the church family about healthy lifestyles across the lifespan Conduct health screening and health promotion programs for the church family and community Provide first aid support for regular church services and special events Provide information for Health Professionals about opportunities to participate in the health ministry at Campus Hill Church as well as in our community (01/2010 - Present)

Journal Reviewer

  • BMC Public Health Manuscript title, " Addressing the disproportionate breast cancer burden in LMICs: Outcomes from an interventional study evaluating preventing teachings in high schools. (09/2023) (link)
  • BMC Health Services Research, Manuscript, “Mapping evidence on knowledge of breast cancer screening and its uptake among women in Ghana: evidence from a scoping review (10/2022) (link)
  • BMC Women's Health Manuscript, "Factors that influence breast cancer screening among women of reproductive age in the Nandom Municipality, Ghana (06/2022) (link)
  • BMC Women's Health An open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of the health and wellbeing of adolescent girls and women, with a particular focus on the physical, mental, and emotional health of women in developed and developing nations. (09/2021) (link)

Society Memberships (professional)

  • Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) - Member UICC represents the world’s major cancer societies, ministries of health and patient groups and includes influential policy makers, researchers and experts in cancer prevention and control. (01/2014 - Present)
  • International Breast Cancer and Nutrition (IBCN) (07/2012 - Present) (link)
  • African Organization for Reserach and Training in Cancer (AORTIC) (01/2012 - Present) (link)