Research Projects & Grants


  • National Children's Study, Role: Co-investigator, University of California, Irvine, (09/2008 - 09/2012) Status: Closed


  • Geospatial techniques in healthcare field and social services, Role: Principal Investigator, Department of Veterans Affairs, (08/2017 - 09/2017) Status: Closed


  • “Barriers Impacting Breast Cancer Screening During COVID-19 among Hispanic Women in New Jersey”, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Nutrition, (11/2023 - 06/2024) Status: Completed
  • Caries Risk Assessment and Management by Dental Institution: A Cross­-Sectional Study using BigMouth Data, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Dentistry, (08/2023 - 03/2025) Status: Completed
  • GI: A Proposed Loma Linda University Health International Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (LLUH-ICARS): A pilot for a private Healthcare Sector Model, Role: Co-Investigator, LLU - GRASP, (05/2022 - 04/2026) Status: Awarded
  • Improving Maternal Outcomes among Black Mother and Child in California, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (02/2022 - 01/2024) Status: Completed
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Perceptions among Loma Linda University Outpatient, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyles, and Disease Prevention, (01/2022) Status: Completed
  • Older Adults' Awareness and Satisfaction towards Teledentistrv, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Dental Education Services, (04/2021 - 04/2022) Status: Approved
  • Relationship of Patient Demographics on the Frequency of Teledentistry eVisits Provided by Institution, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Dental Education Services, (03/2021 - 03/2025) Status: Completed
  • Relationship of Patient Demographics on the Frequency of Teledentistry eVisits, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Dental Education Services, (01/2021 - 03/2025) Status: Completed
  • Reclaiming Fatherhood: Linking Health Literacy to Resilience in Young Men, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Health Promotion and Education, (10/2020) Status: Approved
  • Geospatial approaches to community outreach of the elderly population in San Bernardino County, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Dentistry, (05/2020 - 05/2021) Status: Completed
  • Improved ultrasound prenatal estimated fetal weight in predicting growth restriction in fetuses with gastroschisis and omphalocele, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Gynecology & Obstetrics, (11/2014 - 11/2015) Status: Completed
  • Responding to a community's call for action: Studying the health effects of an intermodal railyard in San Bernardino (phase 1), Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Environmental & Occupational Health, (10/2012 - 10/2013) Status: Completed
  • Gastroschisis: small defect, big mystery. A restrospective review of the temporal and geographical trends in the prevalence of gastroschisis in a 5-county region in Southern California, Role: Investigator, LLU Dept. of Pediatrics, (06/2005 - 06/2006) Status: Completed
  • Social determinants of health associated with poor oncologic outcomes in Latino and Black patients with hepatobiliary malignancies, Role: Research Tech/Assistant, LLU Dept. of Surgery, (10/2024) Status: Approved

Non-Profit Organization

  • UPLIFTING San Bernardino (SB) Women, Role: PD/PI, JP Morgan Chase, (11/2022 - 06/2025) Status: Awarded
  • Responding to a community's call for action: studying the health effects of an intermodal railyard in San Bernardino (community-based health assessment) - Phase 2, Role: Investigator, BP / South Coast Air Quality Management District, (07/2013 - 07/2014) Status: Completed
  • Responding to a community's call for action: studying the health effects of an intermodal railyard in San Bernardino (Phase 3), Role: Investigator, BP / South Coast Air Quality Management District, (08/2012 - 08/2013) Status: Completed