

  • ABC Webinar : Paradigm Shift: How Geoinformatics is Changing our Understanding of Healthcare Learning Objectives Describe the science of geoinformatics and how it can be applied to understanding complex health care problems Examine ethical concerns of privacy associated with the use of health geoinformatics systems Identify practical ways health geoinformatics systems can affect heath care from individual patients to populations (05/2021)


  • Seth Wiafe. "Geospatial Solutions for Public Health Today." APC, Healthy People 2003. Loma Linda University, CA (03/2003)
  • Seth Wiafe. "Workforce Development: Building GIS Capacity." ESRI International Health GIS Conference. Washington ,DC (10/2004)
  • Seth Wiafe. "What Mapping Tells Us." Partnership for Quality Medical Donations (PQMD) Second Annual Education Forum. Tigard, Oregon (10/2004)
  • Seth Wiafe. "GIS in Philanthropy and Grant Making ." PQMD Annual Conference. Stamford, CT (06/2005)
  • Seth Wiafe. "Mapping the Needs: Technology as a Tool." General Conference World Health Advisory. General Conference of SDA Headquarters (03/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe. "Mapping Field Presence:The potential for Planning, Coordinating and more?.. ." Supporting Ministries Advisory. General Conference of SDA Headquarters (05/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, Lori Brower, Brett Williams. "PQMD Research Committee- Mapping Report Update." PQMD International Educational Conference. London (06/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe. "Preparing Health's 21st Century Workforce for GIS ." ESRI International Health User Conference. Colorado Convention Center, Denver, CO (10/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, Lori Brower. "Using GIS to improve Global Medical Donations ." PQMD Educational Conference . Kansas City (10/2006)
  • Jim E. Banta, PhD, MPH, Seth Wiafe, MPH, Sam Soret, PhD, and David Dyjack, DrPH. "Mapping respiratory infection rates in California for flu epidemic planning." APHA 134th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Boston, CA (11/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH. "GIS Applications in Public Health." GIS Day 2006. Loma Linda University (11/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH. "The Role of GIS in Pandemic Influenza Planning & Response ." In-Service Seminar. Loma Linda University (12/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH. "Using GIS in a Pan Flu Response." UCLA Center for Public Health and Disasters. Universal City Hilton Hotel (12/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH and Jesse Bliss MPH. "Native American Environmental Protection Coalition (NAEPC) GIS Training." Workshop for NAEPC Tribal Members. Pechanga (12/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH. "GIS and Public Health Emergency Management." GIS for Public Health Practice. Miller Family Health Center, Long Beach, CA (01/2007)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH ; Sam Soret, PhD. "Extending Public Health Practice with Geoinformatics Intelligence." Health GIS Workshop for Public Health Executives. Loma Linda University (03/2007)


  • Soret S., McCleary, K. J., Wiafe, S.A., Rivers, P.A., and Montgomery, S.B. . "Access to kidney Transplantation in California ; A Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Assessment ." First Annual ESRI International Health GIS Conference. Washington, D. C (11/2001)
  • Seth Wiafe, Miriam Pfisterer, Heather Lauver, Atiya Ali. "Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the Diflucan Distribution Project in South Africa." International AIDS conference. Bangkok, Thailand (07/2004)
  • Alfred Quansah, MD, MPH, Seth Wiafe, MPH, Khaled Bahjri, MD, DrPHc, Lance Miller, MA and Jacob Diekmann5, MBA. "Determining the Association of Childhood Asthma and Exposure to Criteria Air Pollutants in Riverside and San Bernardino County Using Geographic Information System (GIS)." American Occupational Conference (AOHC). Los Angeles, CA (05/2006)
  • SORET Samuel, GHAMSARY Mark, SHAVLIK David, BEESON Lawrence, CHEN Lee Hong, WIAFE Seth, PRESS James, KNUTSEN Synnove . "ZIP Codes Or Street Addresses? Comparing Ambient Ozone Exposures For Alternative Spatial Resolutions Of Cohort Subjects." ISEE/ISEA International Conference . Paris, France (09/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH, Andrew Haglund, B.Sc, Emily Tong, MPH©. "Understanding Medical Products Donation with Geographic Information Systems (GIS): The Partnership for Quality Medical Donations (PQMD) approach." Public Health Geomatics Conference. Ottawa, Canada (09/2007)
  • Rapid Need Evaluations Using Geographic Information Technologies for Vector Control surveillance in San Bernardino County   Seth Wiafe, Andrew Haglund, Jim Banta, Wakoli Wekesa, Emily Tong, Daniel Handysides, David Dyjack (10/2008)
  • Unmet needs in women following primary treatment for breast cancer in two African countries: the feasibility of implementing holistic needs assessment at the end of treatment. Susanah Stanway MBChB, MSc, FRCP, MD;  Beatrice Wiafe Addai MD, PhD; Nazima Dharsee MD, MMed, MSc; Lisa Murray MRes, PgDip, RN; Geraldine O’Gara BSc (Hons), RN; Seth Wiafe PhD, MPH; Amanda Jane Shewbridge  MSc, BSc (Hons), RN; Theresa Wiseman PhD, PGDEd, BSc, RNT, RN. (10/2018)
  • Geospatial analysis of social determinants of health and health outcomes in San Bernardino. Seth A Wiafe, PhD; Sherene Samuels, MPH;  Elizabeth Adesanya, MPH, MBA, CPH; and Michael B. Wiafe, MPP OBJECTIVE: To improve understanding of the intersection of health and the societal factors within San Bernardino city through the application of GIS on secondary data to inspire interventions and increase health equity.  (03/2023)


  • Seth Wiafe, M.P.H.; Sam Soret, Ph.D; Jim Banta, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Kelly Leong, M.P.H. "GIS-Toolkit for Defining Access to Kidney Transplantation in California ." 2006 ESRI International User Conference. San Diego Convention Center (08/2006)
  • Jim Banta Ph.D., M.P.H, Seth Wiafe, M.P.H.. "Epidemiology of Indigent Psychiatric Hospitalizations in California." 2006 ESRI International Conference. San Diego Conference Center , San Diego, CA (08/2006)
  • Seth Wiafe, MPH, Sam Soret PhD, Jim Banta PhD. "GIS-Based Model for Determining Geographic Variations and Factors Related to Access to Kidney Transplantation in California." URISA'S GIS in Public Health Conference. New Orleans (05/2007)
  • Understanding Medical Donation Practices with GIS in Ghana, Seth Wiafe, Ogonnaya Dotson-Newman, Oware Winnifred , Osei Badu Frank 28th Annual ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, (08/2008)
  • Geospatial Technologies in a Healthcare Setting LLU’s approach of integrating GIS, medical informatics, and public health practices - Seth Wiafe ; 3rd International  Health GIS Symposium, University of Niigata, Japan (03/2009)
  • Integrating Community Resources and Educational Programs for Building Sustainable Geospatial Technology Workforce Capacity in Riverside County, California  Seth Wiafe, Michael Conner, Joyce Johnson, Andrew Haglund 2009 CalGIS Conference in San Diego (05/2009)
  • A Small Area Analysis of Health Disparity Hotspots in the Inland Empire. Alma D. Lopez, Seth Wiafe; 9th Annual Health Disparities Research Symposium, Loma Linda University (08/2009)
  • SA Wiafe, AORTIC International Conference, Durban, South Africa, November 20-24, 2013. “Sociocultural factors on health behaviour towards early detection of breast cancer on women who were exposed to breast cancer education in Ghana” (11/2013)
  • Seth A. Wiafe, Beatrice W. Addai, Thomas A. Ansong, ChristinaSchuierer; ADDRESSING DELAYED BREAST CANCER PRESENTATION INGHANA THROUGH COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMS, World Cancer Congress (2014) 2014 world congress abstracts, 3-6 december 2014, melbourne, australia. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 10 Suppl 9: 1-263 (12/2014)
  • Seth Wiafe, Beatrice W. Addai, Tammie Denyse; A model for improving breast cancer care through the hope peer-nurse navigation in Ghana. World Cancer Congress (2014) 2014 world congress abstracts, 3-6 december 2014, melbourne, australia. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 10 Suppl 9: 1-263. (12/2014)
  • Wiafe S, Lathlean J and Wagland R (2014) Facilitators and barriers to help seeking behaviour among Ghanaian women with breast cancer symptoms . IN:  ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. WILEY-BLACKWELL 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA 179-179 (12/2014)
  • Application of Public Health Informatics using data, information, andknowledge (03/2024)