

  • Dr. Lane C. Thomsen. ""Oral Cancer and the Use of the Velscope"." Dept. of Public Health Dental Clinic. Fairfield, California (03/2007)


  • Dr. Lane C. Thomsen. "Oral Pathology, Head & Neck Anatomy, Anatomy & Physiology." Education Horizons. Washington, D.C. (01/2006)
  • Dr. Lane C. Thomsen. "Does Your Clinical Index of Suspicion Need a Complete Makeover." LLU School of Dentistry Alumni Convention. Loma Linda University (02/2006)
  • Dr. Lane C. Thomsen. "Digital Radiography." LLU School of Dentistry Alumni Convention. Loma Linda University (02/2006)
  • Dr. Lane C. Thomsen. "Introduction to Dentistry - Oral Pathology." Pre-dental students. La Sierra University, La Sierra, CA (04/2006)