

  • The human coronavirus family: seven members, three problems. Excellence in STEM Experiential Education (EXSEED), conference organized by Loma Linda University, Virtual, because current pandemic. (06/2020)


  • Ubaldo Soto-Wegner. TV52-Telemundo (Spanish). "Risk of a future aviar flu." Mystery of the Faith (Original was in Spanish). Prof. Johnny Ramirez-Johnson (Religion) participated in the interwiew too. Was broadcasted in November 29, 2005. Recording was in Mortensen Hall, Room 223 (11/2005)
  • Ubaldo Soto-Wegner, Pablo Mleziva . "Benefit of anticipating a promissory future (Spanish)." TV Program . Newbury Park, CA (10/2006)
  • Ubaldo Soto-Wegner, Pablo Mleziva. "Stress Control (Spanish)." TV Program . Newbuy Park, CA (10/2006)
  • Ubaldo Soto-Wegner, Pablo Mleziva. "Cancer Prevention (Spanish)." TV Program . Newbury Park, CA (10/2006)
  • Ubaldo Soto, Humberto M. Rasi. Interview on Cancer Biology (in Spanish), LLBN Latino TV station (06/2013)
  • Ubaldo Soto, Humberto M. Rasi. Interview on Microbiology (in Spanish), LLBN Latino TV station (09/2014)
  • Ubaldo Soto, Humberto M. Rasi. Interview on Epigenetic (in Spanish), LLBN Latino TV station (02/2018)
  • SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Vaccine, South Eastern California Conference (SECC), Zoom, (in Spanish) (01/2021)
  • Coronavirus, COVID-19, Vaccine, San Bernardino County (in Spanish) (02/2021)
  • SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Vaccine, South California Conference (SCC), Zoom, (in Spanish) (02/2021)
  • Coronavirus, COVID-19, Vaccine, San Bernardino County (in Spanish)  (04/2021)
  • Coronavirus, COVID-19, Vaccine, San Bernardino County (in Spanish)  (05/2021)


  • Aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist Aminoflavone disrupts mammosphere formation via alpha 6 integrin inhition. AACR, April 2012, Chicago, IL) (04/2012)
  • Aminoflavone exhibits in vivo efficacy on cancer stem cells in an spontaneous estrogen-dependent breats cancer murine model. (AACR, April 2014, San Diego, CA) (04/2014)
  • Role of Alpha-6 Integrin in Cancer Stem Cell Plasticity. (ISSCR, June 2016, San Francisco, CA) (06/2016)
  • Role of Alpha-6 Integrin in Cancer Stem Cell Plasticity. (Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium, March 2017, Washington DC) (03/2017)
  • Role of Alpha 6 Integrin Splice Variant B in Determining Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype. (ISSCR, June 2019, Los Angeles, CA) (06/2019)
  • Transfection of integrin α 6 splice variant B into MCF-7 breast cancer cells increases the cancer stem cell subpopulation without changes in EMT markers (AACR, April 2020, Virtual) (04/2021)
  • Characterization of human breast cancer stem cells subpopulations based on similarity to normal mammary cellular differentiation. (ISSCR, June 2021, Virtual) (06/2021)
  • Characterization of human breast cancer stem cells subpopulations based on similarity to normal mammary cellular differentiation. (ISSCR, June 2021, Virtual) (06/2021)


  • Si Se Puede. Basic Science Introduction and Shadow Activities. Program Organized by Office of Diversity, LLU. (06/2007)
  • Si Se Puede. Basic Science Introduction and Shadow activities. Program organized by Office of Diversity, LLU. (07/2008)
  • Tumorspheres as a Model to Study Drug Sensitivity of Cancer Stem CellsPresented at the Basic Sciences Research Symposium, Loma Linda University (09/2011)
  • Targeting Cancer Stem Cells (05/2012)
  • Cross-talk Between Normal and Cancer Stem Cells (03/2013)
  • Stem cell secreted factors induce changes in alpha-6 integrin splicing in skin melanoma and breast cancer cells leading to a less oncogenic phenotype. (06/2018)
  • 2022 Annual Inland Empire Stem Cell Consortium "The variety of cancer stem cell populations in breast cancer" (11/2022)