We’re Stronger Together
With your help, we can advance education and improve student success in our community.
We have been created in God's image, and it has been my lifelong goal to help mankind reach their highest potential through lifestyle. God communicates with us through our mind, so how we treat and take care of our bodies has an impact on that connection. Striving for "wholness" is the best way to take care of our mind and body, specifically focuses on my 8 F's: Feet (physical activity), Food, Fingers (not smoking), Fight-or-flight (stress management), Fumigation (toxins in our environment), Fatigue (sleep), Family/Friends (social network/community), and Faith (trust in God, spiritual family/community, etc.).
Also known as the "Physical Activity Evangelist", I enjoy being physically active and helping to get others to be physically active. My current two activities are mountain biking and PICKLEBALL!!! I lead out in a weekly kid's mountain bike group ride and the rest of the time, I'm usually teaching/coaching, drilling, practicing, or playing pickleball.
Even though I'm focused on helping people live whole, healthy, and joyful lives now, my focus is NOTW....Not of this world!!! 1 Thess 4:13-18
With your help, we can advance education and improve student success in our community.