
Books and Chapters

  • Martinez, J. A. (2024). Are critical thinking and problem-solving skills enough to help prepare students to meet the modern workforce demands with artificial intelligence? In V. Wang (Ed.), Integrating AI into pedagogical and andragogical education (Chapter 11). IGI Global. (09/2024) (link)
  • Martinez, J. (2016). Lung Cancer. In Teichroew, Jean Kaplan (Eds.), Chronic Diseases: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Effects, and Treatments. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood. ABC-CLIO Chronic diseases and their consequences are among the foremost problems faced by the U.S. health care system, accounting for untold distress and mounting personal and societal costs. Bringing together an unprecedented array of detailed data and facts, this unique two-volume encyclopedia provides information that will help readers understand what they can do to avoid these diseases, as well as how to best manage chronic conditions that may affect them or their families.Designed for high school, public, and university libraries, this three-volume set covers an extensive range of disorders, including diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney disease, Alzheimer's disease, HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis. Depression and anxiety are covered, as are violence and injury, drug use and abuse, and tobacco as a health hazard. Much more than just a list of diseases, this encyclopedia enables readers to easily research terminology, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, medical treatments and alternative medicine, risk factors, associated conditions, and preventive approaches. The work is consistent with Healthy People 2010 national goals and objectives and with National Health Education Standards. (12/2015 - 12/2016) (link)


  • Martinez, J.A. (2013). Exploring variations in knowledge, decision making and information inquiry among minority women with breast cancer. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 74/6-A(E), 0419-4209 Breast cancer is second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths among women (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2011). Early detection improves treatment options and survival. Patient knowledge and the trusted communications from physicians are influential factors toward patient compliance with their cancer treatment. A nationally represented random sample of self identified non-minority white and minority women diagnosed with breast cancer was studied using the National Cancer Institute's, Health Interview National Trends Survey (HINTS, 2007). Ethnic differences were examined in relation to breast cancer screening knowledge and trusted health communications with doctors. In addition, whether the desired level of involvement in decision making is associated with perceived health status and better nutrition and exercise practices was examined. This study illustrates ethnic differences in the desire for involvement in treatment decision making and the degree to which women were involved to the extent desired role associated with satisfaction with their treatment decision. Since physician referral has been shown to be a strong predictor of mammography screening compliance and decision making, it appears improved patient-physician communications could mediate ethnic differences in regards to breast cancer treatment options. Examining the effects of patient's knowledge, as well as factors mediating participatory decision making and trust in the context of health communications may prove fruitful avenues of enquiry in future studies. (02/2013)

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Smith M, Woodroffe A, Smith R, Holguin S, Martinez J, Filipek PA, Modahl C, Moore B, Bocian ME, Mays L, Laulhere T, Flodman P, Spence MA. Molecular genetic delineation of a deletion of chromosome 13q12-->q13 in a patient with autism and auditory processing deficits. Cytogenetic Genome Research. 2002;98 (4), pp 233-9 In a sporadic case of autism and language deficit due to auditory processing defects, molecular genetic studies revealed that a chromosomal deletion occurred in the 13q12→q13 region. No chromosome abnormalities were detected in the parents. We determined that the deletion occurred on the paternally derived chromosome 13. There are two previous reports of chromosome 13 abnormalities in patients with autism. The deletion in the subject described in this paper maps between the two chromosome 13 linkage peaks described by Bradford et al. (2001) in studies of subjects with autism and language deficits. The 9-Mb region deleted in the patient described here contains at least four genes that are expressed in brain and that play a role in brain development. They are NBEA, MAB21L1, DCAMKL1 and MADH9. These genes therefore represent candidate genes for autism and specific language deficits (04/2002) (link)