

  • Martinez A. M, Memeti V., Paterson S.R., Esposito R., and Chambers M. 2021. Using mineral forensics to determine the nature of gabbro: primitive mantle melt or crystal cumulate? Geological Society of America: Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 53, No. 4. May. (05/2021)


  • Bendita, R., Martinez, A. M., Clausen, B. L., Pompe, L., and Holk, G. J. 2021. Variation in age and geochemistry of the Peruvian Coastal Batholith from south to north. Geological Society of America: Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 53, No. 4. May. (05/2021)
  • Hernandez S., Alférez G.H., Martinez, A. M., and Clausen, B. L. 2021. Automatic classification of plutonic rocks with machine learning applied to dominant colors on ios devices. Geological Society of America: Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 53, No. 4. May. (05/2021)
  • Voos A., Martinez, A. M., and Clausen, B. L. 2021. Zircon ages reveal unexpected older flare-up in the Peruvian Coastal Batholith. Geological Society of America: Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 53, No. 4. May. (05/2021)


  • Registered at the Symposium The Geology of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. (11/2020)
  • GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, 2021 (05/2021)
  • Xth Hutton Symposium (09/2023)