
Accreditation Support -- LLU

  • Serve on the Accreditation Committee for the LLU PA Department (2015-present)                                 (04/2015 - Present)

Accreditation Visits

  • Participated in two accreditation visits by ARC-PA (2017, 2019)  (09/2017 - 10/2020)

Committee Membership (LLU)

  • Serve on the Faculty Council Executive Committee within the SAHP (2022-present) Serve on the Administration Committee for the LLU PA Department (2020-present)                                      Serve on the Admissions Committee for the LLU PA Department (2015-present) Served on the Clinical Subcommittee for the LLU PA Department (2015-2020) Serve on the Clinical Coordinators Committee for the LLU PA Department within the SAHP (2015-present)  (01/2015 - Present)

Community Service

  • Participate in Sparks of Love toy drive (2020-present) Participated in COVID-19 vaccination clinic (2020-2021) Participate in providing free sports physical exams to high school students (2015-present) Participated in Your Best Pathway to Health 2016- a three day community service event providing free health services to residents of Los Angeles, CA (2016) (01/2015 - Present)

International Service

  • Participate in annual Mexico Mission Trip with PA students.  (06/2015 - Present)
  • International/Community ServiceParticipate in the annual LLU PA Deparmtent mission trip to Mexico to provide healthcare to the underservedParticipated in clinical rotation to Guam to provide healthcare to the underseved (05/2014 - 10/2020)

Society Memberships (professional)

  • Pi Alpha Honor Society member for PAs (2019-present)PA Education Association member (2015-present)American Academy of PAs member (2012-present)California Academy of PAs member (2012-present) (09/2012 - Present)