

  • Kothiyal, P., Eley, G., Ilangovan, H. Katherine A. Hoadley, S. Robin Elgart, Xiao Wen Mao, Parastou Eslami. A multi-omics longitudinal study of the murine retinal response to chronic low-dose irradiation and simulated microgravity. Sci Rep 12, 16825 (2022).  Mao XW, Seta Stanbouly, Bella Chieu, Vijayalakshmi Sridharan, Antiño R Allen, Marjan Boerma. Low dose space radiation-induced effects on the mouse retina and blood-retinal barrier integrity. Acta Astronautica 199: 412-419, October 2022. Jacob M. Holley, Seta Stanbouly, Michael J. Pecaut, Jeffrey S. Willey, Michael Delp, Mao XW. Characterization of gene expression profiles in the mouse brain after 35 days of spaceflight mission. npj Microgravity, 8:35., 2022. Kwok AT, Mohamed NS, Plate JF, Yammani RR, Rosas S, Bateman TA, Livingston E, Moore JE, Kerr BA, Lee J, Furdui CM, Tan L, Bouxsein ML, Ferguson VL, Stodieck LS, Zawieja DC, Delp MD, Mao XW, Willey JS. Spaceflight and hind limb unloading induces an arthritic phenotype in knee articular cartilage and menisci of rodents. Sci Rep. 2021 May 18;11(1):10469. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-90010-2. PMID: 34006989; PMCID: PMC8131644. Xiao Wen Mao, Seta Stanbouly, Tamako Jones and Gregory Nelson. Evaluating Ocular Response in the Retina and Optic Nerve Head after Single and Fractionated High-Energy Protons. Life 2021, 11(8), 849; doi:10.3390/life11080849 Paul AM, Overbey EG, da Silveira WA, Szewczyk N, Nishiyama NC, Pecaut MJ, Anand S, Galazka JM, Mao XW. Immunological and hematological outcomes following protracted low dose/low dose rate ionizing radiation and simulated microgravity. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 1;11(1):11452. Zhong Chen, Seta Stanbouly, Nina C. Nishiyama, Xin Chen, Michael D. Delp, Hongyu Qiu, Xiao W. Mao and Charles Wang. Spaceflight decelerates the epigenetic clock orchestrated with a global alteration in DNA methylome and transcriptome in the mouse retina. Precision Clinical Medicine, 2021 May 17;4(2):93-108. Willey JS, Britten RA, Blaber E, Tahimic CGT, Chancellor J, Mortreux M, Sanford LD, Kubik AJ, Delp MD, Mao XW. The individual and combined effects of spaceflight radiation and microgravity on biologic systems and functional outcomes. J Environ Sci Health C Toxicol Carcinog. 2021;39(2):129-179. (05/2022)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) M.J. Pecaut, S. Mehrotra, E.J.M. Bayeta, X. Luo-Owen, C. Perez, S. Rightnar, G. Harding, L. Ortloff,  P. Gifford, X.W. Mao, D.L. Bellinger and D. S. Gridley. The Impact of Body-Only Proton Radiation on Immune-CNS Communication. PNIRS, San Diego, 2012. Lucie Kubínová, JiÅ?í JanáÄ?ek, Petr Karen, Oleksandr Chernyavskiy, X. W. Mao, Ida Eržen, Marie Jirkovská. Estimation of geometrical characteristics of blood capillary network and their visualization by 3D mapping. Microscopy & Microanalysis, 2012. Mao XW and Gridley DS. Role of NADPH oxidase in low-dose radiation-induced neurovascular remodeling in mouse hippocampus. 23th annual NASA Space Radiation Investigators’ Workshop, Durham, North Carolina, 2012. (01/2012 - 12/2012)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Mao XW, PecautMJ, Stodieck LS, Ferguson VL, Bateman TA,  Jones TA, Moldovan M, Cunningham C,  Chieu J, Slater JM, Gridley DS. Space flight environment induced-mitochondrial oxidative damage in ocular tissue. 58th Radiation Research Society, Puerto Rico, 2012. Mao XW, Gridley DS, Role of NADPH oxidase in low-dose radiation-induced neurovascular remodeling in mouse hippocampus. 23rd Annual NAA Space Radiation Investigators’ Workshop, Durham, North Carolina, 2012. (01/2012 - 12/2012)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Mao XW, Mekonnen T, Gridley DS,Detection of early-stage apoptosis-associated protein expression profiles in mouse brain after low-dose of gamma irradiation. Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space Symposium, May 26-31, 2011, Shanghai, China. Pecaut MJ, Mao XW, Stodieck LS, Ferguson V, Bateman TA, Luo-Owen X, Mehrotra S, Bayeta E, Jones T, Ortloff L, Perez C, Bianski B, Reyes J, Ngo J, Ritter L, Harding G, Slater JM, Gridley DS. The Effects of the Spaceflight Environment on Immune Parameters.  Presented at the joint meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (27th Annual) and the International Society for Gravitational Physiology (32nd Annual). San Jose, CA., Abstract book pp. 96. November 3-6, 2011. (01/2011 - 12/2012)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) 34. Jeff Kao, Xiao Wen Mao, Andy Obenaus, Sheng-Kwei Song.. "Radiation induced injury of the lens and retina in rat eyes: Assessment with diffusion tensor imaging." ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting . (2006): -. (04/2006)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Xiao Wen Mao. "Charged particle irradiation causes a progressive loss of cells and a remodeling of CNS tissue as a function of dose, time and LET:A Progress report." 4ISWRR . (2006): -. (01/2006)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Mao XW, Archambeau P, Baqai W, Larsen S and Archambeau J. "A quantification study of brain vasculature to iron irradiation using stereology." 53th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Denver, 2005 . (2005): -. (11/2005)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Mao XW, Archambeau JO, Archambeau P, Mekonnen T, and Larsen S, . "Stereological analysis of dose response of microvessel parameter in brain to iron and Proton Irradiation: a progress report.." Radiation Research society . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Xiao Wen Mao, Tsehay Mekonnen, James Crapo and John Archambeau.. "Effect of metalloporphyrin antioxidant on endothelial cells following irradiation." Cancer Research . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) 40. Xiao Wen Mao, Tsehay Mekonnen, James Crapo and John Archambeau. "Effect of metalloporphyrin antioxidant to reduce the radiation population damage in rat retinal following proton irradiation: A pilot study." Radiation Research . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) 41. X.W. Mao, L. Kubinova, J. Janacek, T. Mekonnen, N. Lindsay and J.O. Archambeau. "Dose Response of Brain Vasculature to Proton Irradiation: a Progress Report." NASA workshop . (): -.
  • (PEER REVIEWED) 42. Xiao Wen Mao, Cecile Favre, Michael J. Pecaut, and Greg Nelson. "Stereological Quantification of Rat Brain Vascular Population Following Iron Ion Radiation: a Progress Report. ." NASA workshop . (): -.

Scholarly Journals--Published

  •  Mao XW, Seta Stanbouly, Bella Chieu, Vijayalakshmi Sridharan, Antiño R Allen, Marjan Boerma. Low dose space radiation-induced effects on the mouse retina and blood-retinal barrier integrity. Acta Astronautica 199: 412-419, October 2022. Jacob M. Holley, Seta Stanbouly, Michael J. Pecaut, Jeffrey S. Willey, Michael Delp, Mao XW. Characterization of gene expression profiles in the mouse brain after 35 days of spaceflight mission. npj Microgravity, 8:35., 2022. Kothiyal, P., Eley, G., Ilangovan, H. Katherine A. Hoadley, S. Robin Elgart, Xiao Wen Mao, Parastou Eslami. A multi-omics longitudinal study of the murine retinal response to chronic low-dose irradiation and simulated microgravity. Sci Rep 12, 16825 (2022). Willey JS, Britten RA, Blaber E, Tahimic CGT, Chancellor J, Mortreux M, Sanford LD, Kubik AJ, Delp MD, Mao XW. The individual and combined effects of spaceflight radiation and microgravity on biologic systems and functional outcomes. J Environ Sci Health C Toxicol Carcinog. 2021;39(2):129-179. Kwok AT, Mohamed NS, Plate JF, Yammani RR, Rosas S, Bateman TA, Livingston E, Moore JE, Kerr BA, Lee J, Furdui CM, Tan L, Bouxsein ML, Ferguson VL, Stodieck LS, Zawieja DC, Delp MD, Mao XW, Willey JS. Spaceflight and hind limb unloading induces an arthritic phenotype in knee articular cartilage and menisci of rodents. Sci Rep. 2021 May 18;11(1):10469. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-90010-2. PMID: 34006989; PMCID: PMC8131644. Xiao Wen Mao, Seta Stanbouly, Tamako Jones and Gregory Nelson. Evaluating Ocular Response in the Retina and Optic Nerve Head after Single and Fractionated High-Energy Protons. Life 2021, 11(8), 849; doi:10.3390/life11080849 Paul AM, Overbey EG, da Silveira WA, Szewczyk N, Nishiyama NC, Pecaut MJ, Anand S, Galazka JM, Mao XW. Immunological and hematological outcomes following protracted low dose/low dose rate ionizing radiation and simulated microgravity. Sci Rep. 2021 Jun 1;11(1):11452. Zhong Chen, Seta Stanbouly, Nina C. Nishiyama, Xin Chen, Michael D. Delp, Hongyu Qiu, Xiao W. Mao and Charles Wang. Spaceflight decelerates the epigenetic clock orchestrated with a global alteration in DNA methylome and transcriptome in the mouse retina. Precision Clinical Medicine, 2021 May 17;4(2):93-108. Willey JS, Britten RA, Blaber E, Tahimic CGT, Chancellor J, Mortreux M, Sanford LD, Kubik AJ, Delp MD, Mao XW. The individual and combined effects of spaceflight radiation and microgravity on biologic systems and functional outcomes. J Environ Sci Health C Toxicol Carcinog. 2021;39(2):129-179. (05/2022)
  • Vijayalakshmi Sridharana, John W Seawrightb, Reid D Landes, Maohu Cao, Preeti Singha,Catherine M Davise, Xiao-Wen Mao, Sharda P Singh, Xin Zhang, Gregory A Nelson, Marjan Boerma. Effects of single-dose protons or oxygen ions on function and structure of the cardiovascular system in male Long Evans rats. Life Sci. in Space Res. 26:62-68, 2020. (04/2020)
  • Overbey EG, da Silveira WA, Stanbouly S, Nishiyama NC, Roque-Torres GD, Pecaut MJ, Zawieja DC, Wang C, Willey JS, Delp MD, Hardiman G, Mao XW. Spaceflight influences gene expression, photoreceptor integrity, and oxidative stress-related damage in the murine retina. Sci Rep. Sep 16;9(1):13304, 2019 (09/2019)
  •     Mao XW, Pecaut MJ, Stodieck LS, Ferguson VL, Bateman TA, Bouxsein M, Jones TA, Moldovan M, Cunningham CE, Chieu J and Gridley DS. Space Flight Environment Induces Mitochondrial Oxidative Damage in Ocular Tissue. Radiat. Res. 180:340-50, 2013. Gridley DS, Rizvi A, Makinde AY, Luo-Owen X, Mao XW, Tian J, Slater JM and Pecaut MJ. Space-relevant radiation modifies cytokine profiles, signaling proteins and Foxp3(+) T cells. Int J Radiat Biol 89:26-35, 2013   Mao XW, Crapo JD and Gridley DS. Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress-induced Apoptosis and Radioprotection in Proton-irradiated Rat Retina. Radiat Res. 178:118-25, 2012.  Kubinova L, Mao XW, Janacek J. Blood capill (01/2012 - 01/2013)
  •       Gridley DS, Luo-Owen X, Rizvi A, Makinde AY, Pecaut MJ, Mao XW, Slater JM. Low-dose Photon and Simulated Solar Particle Event Proton Effects on Foxp3+ T Regulatory Cells and Other Leukocytes. Tech Can Res Treat 9:637-650, 2010.     Kubínová L, JanáÄ?ek J, Eržen I, and Mao XW. Measurement of capillary length from 3D images acquired by confocal microscopy using image analysis and stereology. Microsc. Microanal. 16 (Suppl 2), 2010   Gridley DS, Freeman TL, Makinde AY, Wroe AJ, Luo-Owen X, Tian J, Mao XW, Rightnar S, Kennedy AR, Slater JM, Pecaut MJ. Comparison of proton and electron radiation effects on biological responses in liver, spleen and blood. Int J Radiat Biol. (01/2010 - 01/2011)
  •         Mao XW, Favre C, Fike JR, Kubinova L, Anderson E, Campbell-Beachler M, Jones T, Smith A,  Rightnar S, Nelson GA. High-LET radiation-induced response of microvessels in the hippocampus. Radiat Res. 173:486-493. 2010.      Mao XW, Green LM, Mekonnen T, Lindsey N, Gridley DS. Gene expression analysis of oxidative stress and apoptosis in proton-irradiated rat retina. In Vivo 24: 425-30, 2010.   (01/2009 - 01/2010)
  • Mao XW Crapo JD, Mekonnen T, Lindsey N, Martinez P, Gridely DS and Slater JM, Radioprotective effect of a metalloporphyrin compound in rat eye model.  Current Eye Res. 34: 62-72,2009. (06/2008 - 06/2009)
  • Xioa Wen Mao. "A quantitative study of the effects of ionizing radiation on endothelial cells and capillary-like network formation." Technology Cancer Research and Treatment 5.2 (2006): 127-134. (04/2006)
  •    Mao, XW, Kettering, JD, & Gridley, DS.  Immunotherapy with low-dose interleukin-2 and interferon-g in a murine tumor model.  Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research 15:  1017-1027, 1995. (09/2005 - 09/2006)
  • Mao, XW, Archambeau JO, Kubínová, L., Boyle S., Petersen G. and Grove R.  Quantification of Rat Retinal Growth   and Vascular Population Changes following Single and Split Dose Schedules of Proton Irradiation: Translational  Study Using Stereology Methods.  Radiation Research, 160, 5-13, 2003. (09/2003 - 09/2004)
  • Lucie Kubínová, Xiao Wen Mao, Jiří Janáček, and John O. Archambeau. Stereology Techniques in Radiation Biology.  Radiation Research 160, 110-119,2003. (09/2003)
  • Mao, XW, Green LM, Gridley DS: Evaluation of Polysaccharopeptide Effects against C6 Glioma in Combination with Radiation. Oncology, 61:243-253, 2001. (09/2001)
  • Archambeau, JO, Mao, XW, Yonemoto, LT, Slater, JD, Friedrichsen, E, Teichmann, S, Preston, W & Slater, JM.  What is the role of radiation in the treatment of subfoveal membranes:  Review of radiobiologic, pathologic, and other considerations to initiate a multimodality discussion.  International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biol. Physics 40 (5) 1125-1136, 1998. (09/1997)
  • Mao, XW, Archambeau, JO & Gridley, DS.  Immunotherapy with low-dose interleukin-2 with a polysaccharopeptide derived from Coriolous versicolor.  Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 11: 393-403, 1996. (09/1995)

Scholarly Journals--Accepted

  • Mao XW Archambeau P, Baqai W, larsen S and Archambeau JO, Radiobiological study of retin microvessel proliferation in diabetic-like rat model. The open Physio. J 1:38-43, 2008. (06/2008 - 06/2009)
  • X.W. Mao, P Archambeau, W.K. Baqai, S. Larsen and J.O. Archambeau. Radiobiological study of retinal microvessel proliferation in diabetic-like rat model. The Open Physio. J. 1:38-43, 2008. (09/2007)

Books and Chapters

  • 1.   Archambeau, JO., Mao, XW, Oeinck, C,  McMillan, PJ, Gouloumet, VL, Grove, R, Yonemto, LT, Slater, JD. Dose response of rat retinal microvessel to proton dose schedules used clinically: A pilot study.  International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys, 48;1155-1166,2000. (09/2000 - 09/2001)