

  • Chalk Talk: 2007:  Survivin uptake Chalk Talk 2008: Survivin Release Chalk Talk 2009:  Survivin function Chalk Talk 2010:  Breast Cancer Chalk Talk 2011: Prostate Cancer (04/2012)
  • Lecture on How to create a project and publish them using clinical data  Webinar format: Young Physicians and Residents (10/2020)


  • 2011: Genetic influence on First degree relatives marriage, Peace Academy   2010: Peace academy, Redlands, CA   (04/2012)


  • Khan S, et al, In vitro differentiation of cytotrophoblast by macrophage culture supernatant.  Inernational Session (IS) in 51st Annual Congress on Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tokyo, Japan, 1999. Khan S, et al. In vivo and in vitro differentiation of hCG by human peritoneal macrophages. IS in 50th Annual Congress on Japanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sendai, Japan, 1998. Khan S, et al. In vivo and in vitro differentiation of hCG by human peritoneal macrophages All Japan Society for Study of Lymphoreticular system, Kumamoto, Japan, 1998. (04/2012)
  • Khan S. et al, FOXL2, a Gene Associated with Premature Ovarian Failure, Interacts with Large Tumor Suppressor Gene 1 (LATS1).  ASRM (American Society Of Reproductive Medicine) Abstract, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2006. Ketefian A, Khan S, Zarrini P, Kao L, Pisarska MD. Expression of forkhead transcription factors in the human granulosa cells. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, New Orleans, LA, October 2006.    (04/2012)
  • Khan S, Neidigh JW and Wall NR. Cellular import of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) protein survivin. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, Abstract (#120) 2010. Khan S, Slater JM, Neidigh JW and Wall NR. Characterization of an extracellular, cell permeable pool of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) protein survivin. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, Abstract (#121) 2010. Slater JM, Khan S, Wall NR. Modulation of T Lymphocytes by Tumor-Released Survivin. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, Abstract (#4788) 2010. (04/2012)
  • Bose S, Chandaran S, Khan S, Bose N.  Pathway of PTEN-signaling in breast cancer: a tissue array study.  American Association of Clinical Pathology (AACP) 2004. Khan s et al, In vivo and In vitro degradation of hCG by human macrophages.  Proceedings of 33rd Annual Meeting of Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2000. Khan S, et al Macrophage-conditioned media enhances the differentiation of cytotrophoblasts.  32nd Annual Meeting of Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), Pullman, Washington, USA, 1999.    (04/2012)
  • Kao LC, Lai H, Zhao Y, Pisarska MD, Khan S. Immunohistochemical demonstration of hormonal regulation of n-acetylglucosamine-6-o-sulfotransferase (GlcNAc-6-OST) in human endometrium. The Society for Gynecologic Investigation 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada, March 2006. Khan S. et al, FOXL2, a Gene Associated with Premature Ovarian Failure, Interacts with Large Tumor Suppressor Gene 1 (LATS1).  ASRM (American Society Of Reproductive Medicine) Abstract, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2006. Ketefian A, Khan S, Zarrini P, Kao L, Pisarska MD. Expression of forkhead transcription factors in the human granulosa cells. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Ame (04/2012)
  • Pisarska MD, Bentsi-Barnes, I., Barlow, G., Khan S., Kuo F. “FOXL2 Mutations, Associated With Premature Ovarian Failure (POF), Likely Dimerize With Wild Type FOXL2, Leading to Altered Regulation Of Genes Associated With Granulosa Cell Differentiation”. The Endocrine Society’s 92nd Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010. Pisarska MD, Bentsi-Barnes, I., Barlow, G., Khan S., Kuo F. “LATS1 phosphorylates Forkhead L2 and regulates its activity as a transcriptional repressor of the Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Gene”. The Endocrine Society’s 91st Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2009. Khan S, Asumen MG, Aspe JR, Alm (04/2012)
  • Oral Presentation: Recent advancement on the research of premature ovarian failure  (11/2020)
  • Niihara R, Khan S. Pathway analysis of Enigma oncogene in thyroid cancer progression. Western Medical Conference 2021 (Online). (01/2021)
  • Mancao J, Khan S. Differential expression of miR-491-5p in thyroid cancer health disparities. Endocrine Society (Online). Churdsuwanrak N, Khan S. Pathway analysis of Enigma oncogene in thyroid cancer progression. Endocrine Society 2021 (online) (03/2021)
  • Lee J, Khan S. Differential expression of miR-491-5p in thyroid cancer health disparities. Alumni Association of Physician’s convention (APC) (Online). (03/2021)
  • CHDMM symposium (08/2021)
  • Western Medical conference (01/2022)
  • Endocrine Society meeting (03/2022)
  • DBP-VDR interaction in thyroid cancer health disparities (06/2022)
  • CHDMM symposium (08/2022)
  • Upregulation of miR-4633-5p and downregulation of let-7 gene in thyroid cancer progression in Filipino Americans (10/2022)