

  • Freeman, K.,(2013, May). Nondirective play therapy.Invited lectureship for the Loma Linda University Department of Psychology, Loma Linda, CA.  (05/2013)
  • Freeman, K.,(2014, May). Play therapy.Invited lectureship for the Loma Linda University Department of Psychology, Loma Linda, CA.  (05/2014)


  • Freeman, K. (Sep. 2004). Psychosocial development of children with craniofacial issues. Presented at the Craniofacial Parent Information Meeting. Faculty Medical Offices, LLU. (09/2004)
  • Freeman, K. (Feb. 2005). Psychological and social needs of the drug endangered child. Drug Endangered Children (D.E.C.) Training. Ontario School District. (02/2005)
  • Freeman, K. (Apr. 2005). Psychological and social needs of the drug endangered child. Drug Endangered Children (D.E.C.) Training. Butte, CA. (04/2005)
  • Buckles B., Freeman, K., & Simpson, C. (Apr 2005). LLU International Behavioral Health Team: Crisis intervention training. Presented at the Southeastern Asia Health Ministries. Malaysia. (04/2005)
  • Freeman, K. (Jun.2005). Psychological and social needs of the drug endangered child. Drug Endangered Children (D.E.C.) Training. Greenville, South Carolina. (06/2005)
  • Freeman, K. (Aug. 2005. Psychological and social needs of the drug endangered child. Drug Endangered Children (D.E.C.) Training. Birmingham, Alabama. (08/2005)
  • Freeman, K. (Nov. 2005). Psychological and social needs of the drug endangered child. Drug Endangered Children (D.E.C.) Training. Meridian, Idaho. (11/2005)
  • Freeman, K. (Feb. 2006). Psychological and social needs of the drug endangered child. Drug Endangered Children (D.E.C.) Training. Asland, Kentucky. (02/2006)
  • Buckles B., Freeman, K., & Chen, K. (March 2006). LLU International Behavioral Health Team: Crisis intervention training. Honduras. (03/2006)
  • Buckles, B., Freeman, K., & Murdoch, W. (Apr. 2009). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in Psychological First Aid. ADRA Crisis Training. Trinidad. (04/2009)
  • Buckles, B., Freeman, K., & Murdoch, W., & Arechiga, A. (Jul. 2009). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in Psychological First Aid. ADRA Japan/China Crisis Training. China. (07/2009)
  • Buckles, B., & Freeman, K. LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in Psychological First Aid. ADRA Haiti Crisis Training.  Haiti. (02/2010)
  • Buckles, B., & Freeman, K. The Haiti Hope and Humanity Project.  ADRA/Inter-America Division, Haiti. (08/2010)
  • Arechiga, A.,& Freeman, K. (2017, September). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited presentation for medical staff at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, California. (09/2017)
  • Arechiga, A.,& Freeman, K. (2017, October). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited presentation for medical staff at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, California. (10/2017)
  • Karas, E., Sapp, M., Burton, J., & Freeman, K.(2017, October). The Trauma Resources Institute training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited training for Belfast, Ireland. (10/2017)
  • Arechiga, A.,& Freeman, K. (2017, November). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited training for Maracas Valley, Trinidad. (11/2017)
  • Buckles, B., Arechiga, A.,Freeman, K., & Muldrew, C., Cafferky, B.  (2018, March).LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited training for Dublin, Ireland. (03/2018)
  • Buckles, B., Arechiga, A.,& Freeman, K. (2018, May). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited training for St. Maarten. (05/2018)
  • Buckles, B., Arechiga, A.,Freeman, K., Lepale, T.  (2018, July). LLU International Behavioral Health Trauma Team Training in the Community Resiliency Model.Invited training for Apia, Samoa. (07/2018)


  • Zaytsev, L., Freier, M. C., Freeman, K., Burley, T., Ashwal, S., & Holshouser, B. (Jun. 2007). Neonatal seizures and long-term cognitive outcomes in children. Presented at the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Conference on "Excellence in Clinical Practice.  Denver, Colorado. (06/2007)
  • Ball, L., Jackson, S., Morgan, J., Freeman, K., Rivera, J., Montgomery, S.B., James, S. Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center's Shield Program. Poster session presented at: The DBT Intensive Training Course.  Behavioral Tech LLC, San Francisco, CA, June 3, 2013. (06/2013)
  • Herman, S., Freeman, K.,Distelberg, B., Mayo, D., & James, S. (2016, September). Gender differences in treatment outcomes using Dialectical Behavior Therapy to treat self-harming adolescents. Poster to be presented at the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, KS. (09/2016 - Present)


  • Buckles, B. & Freeman, K. (Dec. 2004). Bio-Psychosocial-Spiritual aspects of geriatric care management. International Trends and Issues in Care Management. Sahmyook University, Korea. (12/2004)
  • Buckles B., Freeman, K., & Simpson, C. (Apr. 2005). LLU International Behavioral Health Team: Crisis intervention training. Presented at the Phuket Adventist Hospital. Phuket, Thailand. (04/2005)
  • Nichols, J., Freier, M., Shu, S., Chinnock, R., Riggs, M., & Freeman, K. (May 2005). Infant heart transplant: Exploring bypass pressure, flow, and rewarming rate in relation to intellectual outcome. Presented at the 46th Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. American Heart Association. Washington, DC. (05/2005)
  • Freeman, K. (Nov.2005). Providing guidance to adult age children of older adults with organic brain syndromes. The Jewish Family Services Conference. Riverside, CA. (11/2005)
  • Freeman, K., Forrester, T., & Duncan, R. (Feb. 2006). Quality of MSW field instruction: Perceptions of students and field instructors. Presented at the Social Justice Through Social Reform: 52nd Annual Program Meeting of CSWE. Chicago, Illinois. (02/2006)
  • Tinsley, C., Hill, J., Shah, J., Wilson, M., Bolla, L., Dalton, L., Freeman, K., Freier, K., Zimmerman, G., & Abd-Allah, S. (Feb. 2006). Family presence during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in the pediatric intensive care unit.  Presented at the Pediatric Critical Care Colloquium. Loma Linda, CA. (02/2006)
  • B. Buckles, K. Freeman (Oct. 2007) . The Biopsychosocial-spiritual aspects of geriatric care management: Care management from international perspective. Presented at the 8th Asia/Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Beijing, China.   (10/2007)
  • Freier, K., Williams, T., Krishnamurthy, V., Kranz, A., Freeman, K. (Nov. 2009). Drug endangered children: Developmental outcomes of exposure to methamphetamine. Presented at the American Public Health Association conference. Philadelphia, PA. (11/2009)
  • Buckles, B., Freeman, K. The Haiti Hope for Humanity Project: Utilizing the knowledge base of social work to promote psychosocial resiliency and sustainable community development.  Presented at the 4th Conference on International Social Work, Los Angeles, CA, March 2011. (03/2011)
  • Cuervo, D., Freeman, K. Freier-Randall, K., Burley, T., Zaytsev, L., Abd-Allah, S. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) like symptomatology in pediatric intensivists.  Presented at the 6th World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care, Sydney, Australia. March 2011. (03/2011)
  • Freeman, K., James, S., Mayo, D., Hagerman, S. Treatment outcomes of adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury following outpatient treatment.  Presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2011. (08/2011)
  • Mayo, D., Freeman, K., James, S., Hagerman, S. Adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury: A study of gender differences.  Presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2011. (08/2011)
  • James, S., Smith, A., Mayo, D., Morgan, J.P. & Freeman, K.R. Changes in clinical functioning among adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury in DBT.  Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 31, 2013. (07/2013)
  • Buckles, B., Freeman, K., & Miller-Karas, E. (2013, October). Mentoring civil war survivors toward community resiliency and recovery from trauma. Paper presented at the 59thCouncil on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Global Social Work, Dallas. Texas. (10/2013)
  • Buckles, B.,Freeman, K., Amundson, W. (2014, June). Creating safe zones for children following disaster. Invited lectureship by the Trauma and Resiliency: Preparedness and Response to Natural Disaster and Complex Emergencies conference, Berlin, Germany. (06/2014)
  • Buckles, B., Vermeersch, D., Baker-Oloo, W., Freeman, K., Arechiga, A., & Jackson, V.  (2014, June). The Community Resiliency Model.Invited lectureship by the Global Conference on Health and Lifestyle, Geneva, Switzerland.   (06/2014)
  • James, S., Smith, A., Freeman, K.& Morgan, J. (2015, January). Changes in clinical functioning among adolescents engaged in deliberate self-harm. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.  (01/2015)
  • Freeman, K.,Buckles, B., Heredia-Miller, F., & Miller-Karas, E. (2015, October). Community resiliency training for Filipino social workers and volunteers following typhoon Yolanda.Paper submitted for presentation at the meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Denver, Colorado.    (10/2015)
  • Freeman, K. (2016, January). Interventions with children and adolescents who self-harm.Presented at the Rotary World Peace Conference, Ontario, CA.  (01/2016)
  • Buckles, B., Arechiga, A., Freeman, K.,& Montgomery, S. (2016, March). Resiliency-informed care: Strategies and implications for improved healthcare outcomes.Presented at the Alumni Association for the School of Medicine of Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California. (03/2016)
  • Chia, D., Truong, S., Montgomery, S., Baek, K., Freeman, K., Lister, Z. (2020, August). Effect of low-dose wellness interventions on burnout for healthcare professionals in clinical settings. Poster presented at the meeting of the 128th Annual American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D. C.  (08/2020)
  • Truong, S., Baek, K., Freeman, K., Huelett, B., Ngo, M., Montgomery, S. (2020, August). Analyzing the impact of a low-dosage intervention for PTSD symptoms among healthcare professionals. Poster presented at the meeting of the 128th Annual American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D. C.  (08/2020)
  • Freeman, K., Baek, K., & Montgomery, S. (2020, October). Evaluation of the Community Resiliency Training Innovation Project in San Bernardino County. Paper presented at the meeting of the Annual American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, CA. (10/2020)
  • Arechiga, A., Freeman, K., Buckles, B., & Montgomery, S. (2020, October). Effectiveness and Sustainability of a Community-Based Mental Health Wellness Program in Sierra Leone. Paper presented at the meeting of the Annual American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, CA. (10/2020)
  • Baek, K., Freeman, K., Truong, S., & Montgomery, S. (2020, October). Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Community Resiliency Model Intervention on Veterans. Paper presented at the meeting of the Annual American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, CA. (10/2020)
  • Pasca, I., Freeman, K., Baek, K., Lister, Z., Ngo, M., Chia, D., Montgomery, S. (2020, October). Implementation of a Wellness Program within A Large Healthcare Facility. Paper presented at the meeting of the Annual American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, CA. (10/2020)