

  • Joseph M. Caruso. "Orthodontic Anchorage Using Pin Implantgs." Symposium of Manufacturers- The future of Pin Implants. Paris, France (09/2003)
  • Joseph M. Caruso and Damon Needelman. "How to use the NewTom 3G for orthodontic records." Radiology seminar. UCLA School of Dentistry (01/2005)
  • Joseph M. Caruso. "Educating the Resident and Seasond Clinician in Digital Radilography: Maximizing the benefits of the newest technology." Moyers Symposium. University of Michigan (02/2005)
  • Joseph M. Caruso. "An Update in Volumeteric Imaging." Armenian Dental Society. St. Joseph's Hospital, Burbank (11/2005)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "Introducing Micro Screws Into Your Practice." Southwest Dental Conference. Dallas, Texas (01/2007)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "." Moyers Pre-Symposium. University of Michigan, School of Dentistry (02/2007)
  • Joseph M. Caruso. "Use of Miniscrews for Orthodontics." Hands on course for residents at U. of Michigan Ortho department. University of Michigan, School of Dentistry (03/2007)
  • Joseph M. Caruso. "Use of Miniscrews for Orthodontic Anchorage." Miniscrew Hands on workshop for orthodontist. Sslt Lake, Utah (04/2007)
  • Joseph M. Caruso. "Use of Microscrews for Orthodontic Anchorage." Miniscrew Hands on workshop for orthodontist. Toronto, Canada (04/2007)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "Use of Miniscrews for Orthodontic Anchorage." Miniscrew Hands on Workshop. University of Manitoba, Canada (08/2007)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "3D Imaging for the Private Practitioner." Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontist, Annual Session. Monterey, California (10/2007)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "Use of Miniscrews for Orthodontic Anchorage." Hands on course for Orthodontist. Cour d' Alene (10/2007)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "The Use of CBCT for Dental Diagnosis and Treatment Planning." Mid Peninsula Dental Meeting. Palo Alto , CaliforniaThe (03/2008)
  • Joseph M Caruso. "The Use of miniscrews in Orthodontics." Southern Association of Orthodontist. Charleston, S.C. (03/2008)


  • Joseph M. Caruso. "Advances in Digital Diagnostic Radiographid Equipment Designed Specifically for Dentist." Continuing Dental Education. Annenberg Center for Health Sciences (03/2004)
  • TriCounty Dental Society: An Update on the NewTom 9000 Volumetric Imaging Advances (11/2004 - 10/0000)
  • 108th Annual Session-American Association of Orthodontists: “2 D or not 2 D, is  there a question? (05/2008 - 10/2008)
  • Wendell Wylie Memorial Lecture: Conebeam Computed tomography: Use and Misuse (06/2008 - 10/2008)
  • 3D Symposium , Orange California: The Use of Conebeam in a University Setting. (08/2008 - 10/2008)