

  • Clendenon, C. L., and L. R. Brand.  2018.  Experimental trackways of isopods and millipedes under subaerial and subaqueous conditions: paleoenvironmental implications for ichnites in fine-grained sandstone.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov 5.  Abstract No. 324191. (11/2018)
  • Maithel, S., L. Brand, and J. H. Whitmore.  2021.  Characterizing variation among prints interpreted as “raindrip impressions” in the Permian Coconino Sandstone (Northern Arizona, USA).  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Portland, Oregon, October 10-13, 2021.  No. 369910. (10/2021)


  • Schafer, A. R., H. T. Goodwin, L. Brand, and H. Moon.. "Taphonomy of microfossils from the Black Mountain turtle layer, Eocene, Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming.." J. Vert. Paleo, Abstracts 24 .(Suppl to 3) (2004): 110A. (11/2004)
  • Brand, L., and M. Urbina. "Towards a stratigraphy of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, Peru.." Geological Society of America, annual meeting,. Salt Lake City (10/2005)
  • Brand, L.  2006.  We make progress when we talk to each other. Oxford Round Table, Oxford University, England.  July 23-28.  Topic for this Round Table - Faith and Science: the Great Matter             (07/2006)
  • Brand, L., C. Carvajal, T. DeVries, M. Urbina, R. Esperante. . "A contribution to the stratigraphy of the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, Peru. Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, annual meeting. ." Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists, annual meeting. J. Vert. Paleo, Abstracts, 26 (Suppl. to 3):45A. (10/2006)
  • Esperante, R., Nick, K., L. Brand. . "Exceptional occurrence of fossil baleen in the Miocene/Pliocene Pisco Formation, Peru. ." Geological Society of America, annual meeting, . Philadelphia; Abstracts with programs, 38 (7):64. (10/2006)
  • Esperante, R., and L. R. Brand. . "How slow is sedimentation in shallow marine environments? Insights from fossil whales of the Pisco Formation, Peru. ." . XXIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontologia. P. 46-47 in: Braga, J. C., A. Checa, and M. Company (eds.). Libro de Resúmenes (Abstract of paper presented at meetings) Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain, (10/2007)
  • Nalin, R., Brand, L.R. & Chadwick, A.V., 2011 - Structural and textural variability of mud mound and stromatolite layers from the Notch Peak Formation (upper Cambrian, Utah, USA). In: Abstracts, 28th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Zaragoza, Spain (Eds. B. Bádenas, M. Aurell and A.M. Alonso-Zarza), p. 393. (08/2011)
  • Brand, L. R., S. E. Phillips, and A. V. Chadwick.  2012.  Elongated stromatolite-like structures in the Upper Cambrian Hellnmaria Member, Notch Peak Formation, Utah.  Abstracts with Programs, 44 (7): 223.  Presentation at the Geological Society of America annual national meeting, Charlotte, NC, November 4-7. (11/2012)
  • Chadwick, A. V., and L. R. Brand. 2013. Does the Moenkopi/Chinle contact represent a 10my depositional hiatus on the Colorado Plateau?  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Denver, CO, October 27-30. Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7): 241.  (10/2013)
  • Coulson, K. P., Brand, L. R., and A. V. Chadwick. 2013. Environmental controls on Upper Cambrian microbialite morphologies. Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Denver, CO, October 27-30. Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7): 323.  (10/2013)
  • Maithel, S. A., L. R. Brand, and J. H. Whitmore. 2013. Morphology of avalanche beds in the Coconino Sandstone at Chino Wash, Seligman, Arizona. Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Denver, CO, October 27-30. Abstracts with Programs, 45 (7): 126.  (10/2013)
  • Coulson, K. P., and L. R. Brand.  2014.  Bizarre patterns found in upper Cambrian stromatolites.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Vancouver, B. C., October 19-22.  Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6): 727.   (10/2014)
  • Maithel, S. A., J. H. Whitmore, and L. R. Brand.  2014.  “Ripple marks,” “slump features,” and “rainprints” in the Coconino Sandstone near Ash Fork, Arizona.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Vancouver, B. C., October 19-22.  Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6): 768.   (10/2014)
  • McLain, M. A., A. V. Chadwick, and L. R. Brand.  2014.  Solving taphonomic jigsaw puzzles: insight into the complex depositional history of a Lance Formation (Maastrichtian) dinosaur bonebed.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Vancouver, B. C., October 19-22.  Abstracts with Programs, 46 (6): 330.     (10/2014)
  • Brand, L. R., C. W. Stanton, and P. C. Murphey.  2015.  Geological mapping of the Eocene Bridger Formation, SW Wyoming.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Baltimore, MD. Nov. 1-4.  Abstracts with Programs, 47 (7): 804. (11/2015)
  • Coulson, K. P., L. R. Brand, and A. V. Chadwick.  2015.  Microbialite elongation by means of coalescence: an example from the Upper Cambrian Notch Peak Formation. Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Baltimore, MD. Nov. 1-4.  Abstracts with Programs, 47 (7): 581. (11/2015)
  • Maithel, S. A., L. R., Brand, and J. H. Whitmore.  2015.  Morphological analysis of “grainflow” cross-strata in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona. Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Baltimore, MD. Nov. 1-4.  Abstracts with Programs, 47 (7): 588. (11/2015)
  • McLain, M. A., B. T. Siviero, D. Nelsen, L. R. Brand, and A. V. Chadwick.  2015. Tyrannosaur cannibalism: a case of a tooth-traced Tyrannosaur bone in the Lance Formation of eastern Wyoming.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Baltimore, MD. Nov. 1-4.  Abstracts with Programs, 47 (7): 68.      (11/2015)
  • Weeks, S. R., A. V. Chadwick, A. V., and L. R. Brand.  2015.  Large dinosaur bonebed deposited as debris flow: Lance Formation, Niobrara County, Wyoming.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Baltimore, MD. Nov. 1-4.  Abstracts with Programs, 47 (7): 565.       (11/2015)
  • Siviero, B., L. Brand L, and A. Chadwick.  2016. Bone modifications indicating pathology within a monospecific hadrosaur bonebed from the Lance Formation (Maastrichtian), WY. The 21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association: Aug 15-19, 2016; Moscow, Russia. (07/2016)
  • Fleming, M, and L. Brand.  2016. Pothole sediments: an interplay of wind, rain, and sandstone permeability. Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Denver, CO. Sept. 25-28.  Abstracts with Programs, 48(7), doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-284220. (09/2016)
  • Maithel, S. A., L. R. Brand, and J. H. Whitmore.  2016. Using textural trends to interpret cross-bed depositional processes in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian), Arizona.  Presentation at the GSA annual national meetings in Denver, CO. Sept. 25-28.  Abstracts with Programs, 48(7), doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286508. (09/2016)
  • Siviero, B., L. Brand, and A. Chadwick. 2016. Bone modifications indicating pathology within a monospecific hadrosaur bonebed from the Lance Formation (Maastrichtian), WY.  The 76th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology: Oct 26-29, 2016; Salt Lake City, UT.  Program and Abstracts: 225. (09/2016)
  • Brand, L., and S. Maithel.  2017.  Soft-sediment deformation features in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona, possibly produced by seismic activity.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Seattle, WA, Oct 22.  Abstract No. 297524. (10/2017)
  • Maithel, S., L. Brand, and J. H. Whitmore.  2017.  Along-dip textural trends in the Permian Coconino Sandstone from thin sectin and laser diffraction particle analysis.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Seattle, WA.  Oct 22.  Abstract No. 307885. (10/2017)
  • Siviero, B. T., M. A. McLain, D. Nelsen, L. Brand, and A. V. Chadwick.  2017.  Refinement of tooth trace criteria through experimentation and literature review.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Seattle, WA.  Oct 22.  Abstract No. 303249. (10/2017)
  • Brand, L. R.  2018.  Polygonal cracks on bounding surfaces in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 7.  Abstract No. 318111. (11/2018)
  • Clendenon, C. L., and L. R. Brand.  2018.  Experimental trackways of isopods and millipedes under subaerial and subaqueous conditions: paleoenvironmental implications for ichnites in fine-grained sandstone.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov 5.  Abstract No. 324191. (11/2018)
  • Fleming, M. A., L. R. Brand, N. Moll, and C. Bootsman.  2018.  Possible fluvial origin of potholes on Rock Window Mesa in Chinle Valley, AZ.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 7.  Abstract No. 322954. (11/2018)
  • Maithel, S., L. R. Brand, and J. H. Whitmore.  2018.  New insights on cross-bed facies in the Permian Coconino Sandstone (Arizona, USA) from high-resolution scans and scanning electron microscopy.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 7.  Abstract No. 323004. (11/2018)
  • Brand, L. R.  2019.  Shear and clay drapes between cross-beds in the Permian Coconino Sandstone, Arizona.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 23, 2019.  No. 202-2. (09/2019)
  • Maithel, S., L. R. Brand, and J. H. Whitmore.  2019.  Differentiating the undifferentiable? A classification of hard-to-distinguish dune stratification types in the Permian Coconino Sandstone.  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 23, 2019.  No. 188-1. (09/2019)
  • Nalin, R., T. Ohiara, K. Prince, L. N. Yobo, L. R. Brand, and A. V. Chadwick.  2019.  Genesis of a widespread erosional surface on the continental shelf of Laurentia (Upper Cambrian, Notch Peak Formation, Utah). Geological Society of America annual meetings, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 24, 2019.  No. 218-3. (09/2019)
  • Siviero, B. C. T., E. Rega, A. V. Chadwick, and L. R. Brand.  2019.  Pseudopathologies in Edmontosaurus annectens bones: Biogenetic and diagenetic bone alterations from a monospecific bone bed in the Lance Formation, Wyoming. Geological Society of America annual meetings, Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 23, 2019.  No. 157-8. (09/2019)
  • Clendenon, C., and L. R. Brand.  2021.  Experimental trackways of scorpions, tarantulas, and crayfish under subaerial and subaqueous conditions: implications for determining water content of fine sand at the time of trackway formation.  ).  Geological Society of America annual meetings, Portland, Oregon, October 10-13, 2021.  No. 365767. (10/2021)