Almarzouki R, Bains G, Lohman EB, Bradley B, Nelson T, Alquabbani S, Daher N, Alonazi A. Improved balance in middle-aged adults after 8 weeks of a modified version Otago Exercise Program: A randomized controlled trial. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Washington DC, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
Almarzouki R, Daher N, Bradley B, Nelson T, Lohman EB, Bain G. Assessing balance changes following an exercise program among middle-aged adults: A randomized controlled trial. Neurologic Section, APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Washington DC. 2019. (Poster Presentation)
Tsai P, Huang YC, Sanchez A, Noval J, Bains G, Bradley B, Mleziva P, Wilson C, Oda K, Bitok E. Effect of dietary nitrate and anthocyanins on anaerobic exercise in untrained individuals. ANS Nutrition Meeting. Seattle Washington, 2020. (Poster Presentation)
Chinnock L, Bradley B, Garcia H, Swen RW, Valenzuela A, Wilson C. Physical therapy and heavy construction. CPTA Annual Conference. Virtual. 2021. (Poster Presentation)
Bradley B, Swen R, Wilson C. Effects of crutch type on gait characteristics. CPTA Annual Conference. Virtual. 2021. (Poster Presentation)