

  • "A Multidisciplinary Approach for Treating Bilateral Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors"by Peter Young, DDS; and Claudio Bucceri, Compedium October 2019 Volume 40, Issue 9, p6078 ABSTRACT To effectively treat congenitally missing teeth (CMT), a multidisciplinary approach involving both clinical and laboratory components is often not only beneficial but necessary. Such an approach frequently may involve the use of orthodontics, removable partial dentures (RPDs), fixed partial dentures, indirect adhesive restorations, or implant-supported restorations (ISRs), or a combination of these. In the case presented, an adult female patient had CMT at site Nos. 7 and 10 and was ready to have her existing RPD that she had worn for many years replaced and her smile enhanced. The treatment called for ISRs placed in the sites of the lateral incisors with lithium-disilicate crowns cemented to custom zirconia abutments. Lithium-disilicate veneers would be placed on adjacent teeth. However, in order to carry out the plan, limited fixed orthodontics would first be needed to create sufficient space for the ISR. (10/2019) (link)