Research Projects & Grants

  • Perinatal nicotine exposure and developmental programming of cardiovascular and neuro dysfunction in offspring-II, Role: PI, (09/2023 - 09/2026) Status: Approved
  • Maternal diabetes and developmental programming of neuro- and cardio-vascular dysfunction in offspring III, Role: PI, (06/2023 - 05/2026) Status: Approved
  • Prenatal nicotine exposure and cardiovascular programming, Role: Investigator, (12/2011 - 12/2012) Status: Completed


  • Maternal inhaled nicotine enhances uncoupled eNOS leading to hypertensive phenotype in offspring, Role: Mentor - Sponsor, University of California, (07/2019 - 06/2022) Status: Closed


  • Prenatal cocaine exposure and cardiac programming - III, Role: Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (07/2012 - 07/2013) Status: Completed
  • Mechanisms of Acclimatization: Fetus and Adult, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS, (08/2010 - 07/2015) Status: Closed
  • Steroid Hormones and Uterine Vascular Adaption to Pregnancy (1 R01 HL 089012-01), Role: Post Doctoral Associat, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS, (02/2008 - 01/2014) Status: Closed
  • Maternal hypoxia and programming of fetal heart, Role: Asst. Research Professor, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS, (01/2007 - 12/2012) Status: Closed
  • Acquisition of a Zeiss LSM 900 confocal microscope with Airyscan 2 for an Imaging and Microscopy Core, Role: Major User, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (05/2023 - 05/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Genomic and Epigenomic Mechanisms of Maternal E-Cigarette induced Abnormal Brain Development, Role: PD/PI, National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS, (04/2023 - 01/2028) Status: Awarded
  • LLU-NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development, Role: Other Significant Contributor, National Institute of General Medical Sciences/NIH/DHHS, (01/2018 - 12/2023) Status: Closed
  • Nicotine-Mediated Fetal Programming of Vascular Dysfunction Phenotype, Role: PD/PI, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (05/2017 - 04/2020) Status: Closed
  • miRNA as a novel therapeutic target in antenatal nicotine-induced ischemic heart, Role: PD/PI, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS, (07/2017 - 04/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Maternal Inhaled Nicotine Leads to Aberrant Development of Hypertensive Phenotype, Role: PD/PI, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS, (01/2017 - 11/2023) Status: Awarded
  • Developmental Programming of Ischemic-Sensitive Phenotype in the Heart, Role: Co-Investigator, National Institutes of Health/DHHS, (12/2013 - 11/2018) Status: Closed
  • Fetal Programming of Vascular Dysfunction by Nicotine Exposure, Role: PD/PI, National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS, (09/2011 - 07/2014) Status: Closed
  • Hypoxia and Aberrant Uterine Vascular Adaptation in Pregnancy, Role: Co-Investigator, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS, (08/2011 - 05/2017) Status: Closed


  • Effect of prenatal nicotine exposure on the developing heart II, Role: Investigator, LLU Center for Perinatal Biology, (07/2010 - 07/2011) Status: Completed

Non-Profit Organization

  • PRENATAL NICOTINE EXPOSURE AND VASCULAR PROGRAMMING, Role: Principal Investigator, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (07/2009 - 06/2012) Status: Closed
  • Nicotine's effects on uterine artery contractility, Role: Co-Investigator, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (07/2005 - 06/2007) Status: Closed
  • Nicotine up-regulates pregnant uterine artery contractility, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (07/2005 - 06/2006) Status: Closed
  • Exposure to e-cigarette in pregnancy programs a cardiac dysfunctional phenotype in offspring, Role: PD/PI, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (07/2024 - 06/2027) Status: Awarded
  • Fetal E-cigarette Exposure Reprograms miR-30c/Neurod1 Axis and Exaggerates Neonatal Ischemic Stroke, Role: PD/PI, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (07/2022 - 06/2025) Status: Awarded
  • Fetal nicotine exposure develops heart ischemia-sensitive phenotype, Role: PD/PI, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (04/2019 - 03/2023) Status: Closed
  • Neuroprotection of miR210 inhibition in neonatal stroke, Role: Co-Investigator, American Heart Association, (07/2015 - 06/2017) Status: Closed
  • Prenatal Nicotine Exposure and Epigenetic Regulation of AT2R, Role: Principal Investigator, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, (08/2013 - 07/2016) Status: Closed