

  • Pothier, P. & Winslow, B. (2013). Small school and international focus - Support and collaboration. Symposium podium presentation at Communicating Nursing Research Conference of the Western Institute of Nursing, Anaheim, CA. (04/2013)


  • Betty Winslow. "Making the decision for long term care: A family dilemma.." Alzheimer's Educational Forum . Somerford Place, Redlands, CA (04/2005)
  • Betty Winslow. "Pediatric Nurse Residency Recognition Program Keynote Speaker." . Loma Linda University Children''s Hospital (06/2006)


  • Betty Winslow & I. Mamier.. "Placement decisions: Contrasts between a family caregiver provider dyad.." 38th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference. San Francisco, CA. (04/2005)
  • Kaori Kyuragi and Betty Winslow. "Formal service provider''s descriptions of family caregiver placement decisions. ." presented at 39th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference. , Abuquerque, NM. (04/2006)
  • Jones, P., Zhang, X., Lee, J., Winslow, B., & Burns, M. (2007). The caregiver empowerment model. Poster presentation at 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in San Francisco, CA (11/2007)
  • Pothier, P., Radovich, P. & Winslow, B. (2008). Bridging the gap between academic and clinical nursing research.  Poster presentation at the Mosby Faculty Development Institute, San Francisco, CA, January 7-8, 2008. (01/2008)


  • Betty Winslow. "Placement decisions for relatives with dementia: Preliminary findings.." California Family caregiver Alliance Annual Educational Conference.. Sacramento, CA (01/2005)
  • Betty Winslow. "Beyond mere competence: Wholeness and care at life''s end.." Spirituality and Health Conference. Loma Linda University (05/2005)
  • Winslow, B. (2007, May 7). Back to the Future: A View of Nursing Research. Presentation at LLU, Wong Kerlee Conf Center, sponsored by LLUMC & LLUCH, STT Gamma Alpha Chapter, Nursing Research Council, Nursing Resources, & OSR. (05/2007)
  • Winslow, B. & Mamier, I. (2007). Family caregivers and placement decisions. Podium presentation at 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in San Francisco, California. (11/2007)
  • Winslow, B. (June, 2008). Induction Speaker for STTI, Gamma Alpha Chapter, Loma Linda University. (06/2008)
  • "Nursing Research: Alive and Well at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital" podium presentation at 10th Annual Nursing Research Conference: Transforming Practice with Research. (05/2009)