Investigating the genetic mechanisms of heritable connective tissue disorders, skeletal dysplasia and rare genetic disorders,
Role: PI,
LLU Dept. of Pediatrics,
(11/2024 - 11/2025)
Status: Approved
Investigating the genetic mechanisms of heritable connective tissue disorders and skeletal dysplasia,
Role: PD/PI,
LLU School of Medicine,
(11/2022 - 10/2025)
Status: Awarded
Other Research
ASHG abstract reviewer 2023
(06/2023 - Present)
Grand Reviewer
NORD (National Organization for Rare Disease) Grant Reviewer Since 11. 2022.
(11/2022 - Present)
Reviewer/Editorial Board of Frontiers in Endocrinology, 8.2022- present
(08/2022 - Present)
Moderator: Concurrent Platform Session C, 42. Genetics in Therapeutic Target Discovery, American Society of Human Genetics Annul Meeting (ASHG) 2019, Houston, Oct. 15-19
(05/2019 - Present)