Shimabukuro Kozue, Gibbon Frances, Kerstetter Justin, Tinsley Cynthia, & Ashwal Stephen. (2014). DRESS ASSOCIATED WITH PERAMPANEL ADMINISTRATION IN A CHILD WITH DRUG-RESISTANT EPILEPSY. Neurology, 83(23), 2188-2189.
Robb, M. Crowell, D, Dun-Rankin, Tinsley, C . "Cry features in siblings of SIDS ." Aca Paediatrica . (2007): -.
Abstract Aim: To examine the acoustic features of crying demonstrated by infants whose older sibling died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and compare these features to a nonrisk group of infants. Methods: Pain-induced crying episodes were collected from a group of healthy term (HT) infants and siblings of SIDS infants. One complete crying episode was obtained from each infant and analyzed acoustically with regard to durational and spectral features. Results: The cries of SIDS siblings were found to be significantly higher in pitch and reflected hyperadductory vocal fold vibratory behaviour compared to the HT group. There were no group differences with regard to durational features of crying. Conclusions: The laryngeal behaviour of infant crying, as inferred via acoustic analyses, differs between HT infants and siblings of SIDS infants. Accordingly, acoustic features of infant crying may serve as an additional diagnostic marker in the identification of children who may be at risk for SIDS.
Mathur, M, Petersen, L, Stradtler, M, Rose, C. Ejike, C, Petersen, F, TinsleyC, Ashwall, S. "Variability In Pediatric Brain Death Determination and Documentation in Southern California ." Pediatrics . (): -.
Books and Chapters
Yamamoto, L, Inaba, A, Okamoto, J. Patrinos, M Yamashiroya V . Chapter on Child Abuse in Case Based Pediatrics for Medical Students and Residents, . Department of Pediatrics, Univerisity of Hawaii John A Burns School of Medicine : 1st ed. Indiana Author House , 2004. Child Abuse XIV. 12 revised and updated chapter 2014