Chiriano J, Teruya TH, Zhang WW, Abou-Zamzam AM, Bianchi C. Treatment of superior mesenteric artery portal vein fistula with balloon-expandable stent graft. Ann Vasc Surg. 2009 Jan-Feb;23(1):99-102
(01/2009 - 02/2009)
Zhang WW, Abou-Zamzam AM, Hashisho M, Killeen JD, Bianchi C, Teruya T. Staged endovascular stent grafts for concurrent mobile/ulcerated thrombi of thoracic and abdominal aorta causing recurrent spontaneous distal embolization.J Vasc Surg. 2008 Jan;47(1):193-6
Bianchi C, Ou HW, Bishop V, Zhang W, Molkara A, Teruya TH, Abou-Zamzam AM. "Carotid Artery Stenting in High-Risk Patients: Midterm Mortality Analysis." Ann Vasc Surg. 2007 Nov 3
Bianchi C, Montalvo V, Ou H, Bishop V, Abou-Zamzam A. "Pharmalogical risk factor treatment of peripheral arterial disease is lacking and requires vascular surgeon participation." Annals of Vacular Surgery 21.2 (2007): 163-166.
Molkara A, Abou-Zamzam A, Teruya T, Bianchi C, Killeen JD. "Chronic ergot toxicity presenting with bilateral external iliac artery dissection." Annals of Vascular Surgery 20.6 (2006): 803-808.
Molkara A, Abou-Zamzam A, Teruya T, Bianchi C, Killeen JD. "Chronic ergot toxicity presenting with bilateral external iliac artery dissection." Annals of Vascular Surgery 20.6 (2006): 803-808.
Molkara A, Abou-Zamzam A, Teruya T, Bianchi C, Killeen JD. "Chronic ergot toxicity presenting with bilateral external iliac artery dissection." Annals of Vascular Surgery 20.6 (2006): 803-808.
Retamozo M, Teruya TH, Abou-Zamzam AM, Ballard JL. Aorto-Left Renal Artery Bypass as an Adjunct to Suprarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Ann Vasc Surg. 2005 Sept:19(5)599-604.
Teruya TH, Bianchi C, Abou-Zamzam AM, Ballard JL. "Endovascular treatment of a blunt traumatic abdominal aortic injury with a commercially available stent graft." Ann Vasc Surg. 2005 Jul;19(4):474-8.
Ballard JL, Reiss J, Abou-Zamzam AM, Teruya TH, Bianchi C. Two-graft repair of very proximal superior mesenteric artery aneurysms: a technical note. Ann Vasc Surg. 2005 Jul;19(4):465-9.
Teruya TH, Bianchi C, Abou-Zamzam AM, Ballard JL. ". Endovascular treatment of a blunt traumatic abdominal aortic injury with a commercially available stent graft.." Ann Vasc Surg 19.4 (2005): 474-478.
20. Chiriano J, Abou-Zamzam AM Jr, Teruya TH, Ballard JL.. "20. Chiriano J, Abou-Zamzam AM Jr, Teruya TH, Ballard JL. Delayed development of a traumatic superior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula following multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen." Ann Vasc Surg 19.4 (2005): 470-473.
Komorowska-Timek E, Teruya TH, Abou-Zamzam AM Jr, Papa D, Ballard JL."Treatment of radial and ulnar artery pseudoaneurysms using percutaneous thrombin injection." J Hand Surg. 2004 Sep;29(5):936-42.
Gambaro E, Abou-Zamzam AM, Teruya TH, Bianchi C, Hopewell J, Ballard JL. "Ischemic colitis following translumbar thrombin injection for treatment of endoleak." Ann vasc surg 2004 jan
Ballard JL, Abou-Zamzam Jr. AM, Teruya TH, Bianchi C. "Quality of life before and after endovascular and retroperitoneal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair." J Vasc Surg 2004;39:797-803.
Teruya TH, Abou-Zamzam AM, Limm W, Wong L. "Symptomatic subclavian vein stenosis and occlusion in hemodialysis patients with transvenous pacemakers." Ann vasc surg 2003 sept
Abou-Zamzam AM, Bianchi C, Mazraany W, Teruya TH, Hopewell J, Vannix RS, Ballard JL. "Aortoenteric fistula development following endovascular abdominal aortic aneruysm repair: a case report." Ann Vasc Surg 2003 apr;17(2):119-222
Teruya TH, Ayerdi J, Solis MM, Abou-Zamzam AM, Ballard JL, McLafferty RB, Hodgson KJ. "Treatment of Type III Endoleak with an aortouniiliac stent graft." Ann vasc surg 2003 apr;17(2)123-8
Ayerdi J, McLafferty RB, Solis MM, Teruya T, Danetz JS, Parra JR, Gruneiro LA, Ramsey DE, Hodgson KJ. "Retrograde endovascular hypogastric artery preservation (REHAP) and aortouniiliac (AUI) endografting in the management of complex aortoiliac aneurysms." Ann vasc surg 2003 Apr
Abou-Zamzam AM, Teruay TH, Killeen JD, Ballard JL. "Major lower extremity amputation in an academic vascular center." Ann vasc surg, 2003 January
Bianchi C, Ballard JL, Teruay TH, Abou-Zamzam AM. "Subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery combined with saphenous vein ablation: results and critical analysis." J Vasc Surg 2003;38:67-71
Maldini G, Teruya TH, Kamida C, Eklof B. "Combined percutaneous endovascular and open surgical approach in the treatment of a persistent sciatic artery aneurysm presenting with acute limb-threatening ishcemia--a case repaort and review of the literature." Vasc Endovascular surg, 2002 sept-oct;36(5):403-8
(09/2002 - 10/2002)
Ballard JL, Abou-Zamzam AM, Teruya TH. Type III and IV thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair: results of a tricfurcated/two-graft technique." J Vasc Surg 2002 Aug; 36(2):211-6
Ballard JL, Romano M, Abou-Zamzam AM, Teruya TH. "Carotid Artery Patch Angioplasty: Impact and Outcome." Ann Vasc Surg 2002; 16(1):12-16
Teruya, TH. "Arfvidsson B, and Eklof B. Could Prolonged Air Travel Be Casually Associated with Subclavian Vein Thromboembolism?" J Travel Med 2002;9:17-19
"Could Prolonged Air Travel be Casually Associated with Subclavian Vein Thromboembolism?" Cardiovascular Surgery, April 2001: 9(2):161-164.
BJ Bowles, TH Teruya, A Rivkin, D Demetriades. "Blunt Azygous Vein Injury Diagnosed by Computed Tomography: A Case Report and Review of the Literature." Journal of Trauma, October 2000
(PEER REVIEWED) Christian Bianchi, MD, Vicki Bishop, RN, Ahmed M. Abou-Zamzam, MD, . "Predicting functional outcome in patients with below the knee amputations performed for lower extremity ischemia." . (): -.