Annual AP Statistics Poster Competition
The main areas a poster is evaluated on include the following: (1) the research question: a study should seek to answer some well posed question under well considered assumptions; (2) the design of the experiment: the design should be appropriate for the research question; (3) gathering and validating data: students should have developed significant understanding of the data they gathered for the project; (4) analysis of the data: students should show understanding of the methodology used and its appropriateness; (5) communication of results: both the poster and the interviews will be considered in determining how well the students understood their work.
About the judging: The poster competition allows students a chance to show and discuss the results of a study or experiment they have conducted to answer some question. Professional statisticians will judge the work. Students must stay by their poster to await interviews by the judges assigned to the entry. After you have been interviewed and scored by judges, you may wander around and look at other posters. However, do not interrupt or observe other entries as they are being judged. Also, note that a judge or two might chat informally with you about your poster but not be assigned to score you. Be sure you have been interviewed by assigned judges before you leave your poster. If you’re not sure when talking with a judge if you’re being scored, simply ask them if this is a judging interview or just an informal chat. Some judges just can’t help discussing an interesting looking topic they run across. The number of judging interviews per entry will be announced when the judging begins.
UCLA FSPH Mentorship Program
The Mentor Program leverages the experiences, knowledge, and networks of our Fielding alumni committed to Public Health to provide current students individualized guidance, support, and advice as they grow their careers. The program pairs students with an alum for the academic year. Matches will be made based on shared professional interests and experiences. Mentors will be expected to meet with their mentees a minimum of three times throughout the academic year, though we encourage meeting more often if schedules permit. Mentees will also be required to attend an orientation session at the beginning of the program. Both the mentor and mentee will be required to sign a program participation agreement. We also encourage and recommend mentors and mentees to participate together in additional Fielding programs and public health related activities to meet other faculty, students, and alumni.
(09/2016 - Present)
Journal Reviewer
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Early Child Development and Care
Children and Youth Services Review
Society Memberships (professional)
WNAR is the Western North American Region of The International Biometric Society
(01/2015 - Present)
International Society for Autism Research
(01/2014 - Present)
American Statistical Association
(01/2013 - Present)