UCLA - Center for Autism Research & Treatment
(07/2016 - 07/2018)
Seminars and Conferences
Annual Autism Intervention Research on Behavioral Health (AIR-B)
The AIR-B Network is a team of researchers from eight sites around the country working together with the community to improve the lives of children with autism spectrum disorders. One of the primary goals of the network is to equip parents, professionals, educators, and community members with treatments that are practical in non-research settings and proven to make an impact. In these efforts, the network conducts multi-site studies evaluating core deficits of social communication in children of al ages with ASD from underrepresented and minority backgrounds. AIR-B is committed to developing and validating outcome measures, treatment tools, and evidence-based guidelines, and spreading the latest research and results into the community.
INSAR 2018
Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities