Shih, W., Dean, M., Kretzmann, M., Locke, J., Caramanico, J., Zanibbi, K., Senturk, D., Mandell, D., Smith, T., Kasari, C., & AIR-B Network. (2017, May). Improving social connections at school for elementary aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): A multisite randomized trial. Poster presented at the 16th Annual Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), San Francisco, California. (05/2017)
Shih, W., Shire, S., Almirall, D., & Kasari, C. (2018, April). Identifying a mid-treatment tailoring variable in a pilot SMART for improving social skills interaction for elementary school aged children with ASD. Poster presentation at the 51th Annual Meeting on Research & Theory in Intellectual & Developmental Disorders (Gatlinburg), San Diego, California. (04/2018)
Chang, Y., Shih, W., Shire, S., & Kasari, C., Mediation of Treatment Effect in Teacher-Implemented Social Communication Intervention for Young Children with Autism. Poster presentation at the 17th International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands. (05/2018)
Shire, S., Shih, W., McCracken, C., Bracaglia, S., Kodjoe, M., & Kasari, C., Engaging Peers in Play: Community Partnered Adaptation of a Social Communication Intervention to Support Pairs of Toddlers with Autism. Poster presentation at the 17th International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands. (05/2018)
Shih, W., & Shire, S. (2014, May). Getting SMART about Combating Autism with Adaptive Interventions: Novel Treatment and Research Methods for Individualizing Treatment. Symposium panel presentation at the 13th Annual Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Atlanta, Georgia. (05/2014)
Chang, Y.C., Shire, S., Shih, W., & Kasari, C. (2015, May). Teacher Implemented Interventions for Preschool Children with Autism: Engagement and Play. Invited guest speaker at UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment (CART) conference: Advances in Autism. Los Angeles, California. (05/2015)
Shih, W., & Horvath, S. (2015, August). Improving Estimates of Biological Age Using Ensemble-Based Prediction Models in Genomic Data Applications. Oral presentation for Statistics in Epidemiology for Joint Statistical Meeting (JSM), Seattle, Washington. (08/2015)
Shih, W., Chang, Y.C., Shire, S., & Kasari, C. (2017, March). Does joint engagement mediate intervention outcomes of joint attention in young children with ASD in preschool classrooms?. Symposium panel presentation at the 50th Annual Meeting on Research & Theory in Intellectual & Developmental Disorders (Gatlinburg), San Antonio, Texas. (04/2017)
Shih, W., Shire, S., & Kasari, C. (2018, May). Identifying predictors of socially successful toddlers in the community. Oral presentation at the 17th International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands. (05/2018)
Kasari, C., Smith, T., Landa, R., Shire, S., Shih, W., Mruzek, W., Herman, D., & Senturk, D., Randomized Trial of Early Intervention for Spoken Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Oral presentation at the 17th International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands. (05/2018)
McGee Hassrick, E., Shih, W., Friedman, C., Shamsi, Z., Vejnoska, S., Bronstein, B., Linares, D., Carley, K., Stahmer, A., Smith, T., Mundy, P., Mandell, D., & Kasari, C., Care Coordination: Testing Associations between Social Networks and the Perceived Transition Success for Low Resource Children with ASD. Oral presentation at the 17th International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands. (05/2018)
Strum, A., Schlink, A., Shire, S., Shih, W., Almirall, D., & Kasari, C., Acceptability and Feasibility of a Pilot SMART Design in a School Setting. Oral presentation at the 17th International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), Rotterdam, Netherlands. (05/2018)
Loma Linda University - School of Public HealthCareers in Public Health - Research (07/2018)