
Committee Membership (LLU)

  • Transplant Search Committee - LLUMC (01/2005)
  • School of Medical Representative - LLU Foundation (07/2000)
  • Investment Management Committee (07/2003)
  • Practice Plan Advisory Council - LLUHC (07/2002)
  • Cancer Committee Clinical Care & Research Task Force - LLUMC (07/1998)
  • Chairman - Department of Surgery Promotions Committee LLUMC (07/2000 - 06/2006)
  • Search Committee - for the Head, Division of Medical Oncology (06/2006)
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Prostate Cancer - Loma Linda University Cancer Institute (07/1999)
  • Summer Research Committee - LLU School of Medicine (07/1996)

Presentations -- Lay Audience

  • Speaker Loma Linda Heart and Surgical Hospital Topic: What you Need to Know About Your Prostate, Sunday September 23rd, 2012 (09/2012)