

  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "When is a Toothache Not a Toothache?"   School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA   10/23/2011     (1.0 CE) (10/2001)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "How to Diagnose and Treat Orofacial Neuropathic Pain." School of Dentistry, Loma Linda Univeristy, Loma Linda, CA.     3/15/2002    (1.0 CE) (03/2002)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "When is a Toothache not a Toothache? Case Based Learning.  43rd Annual Alumni Studetn Convention, Scientific Session.  Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Ca.  2/6/2004         (2.0 CE) (02/2004)
  • Dr. Susan Roche. "TMD Treatment & When is a toothache not a toothache." LLUSD Continuing Dental Education. Camp Mivoden, Idaho (7.5 CE) (08/2004)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Neurological Disorders Presenting as Facial Pain."  Arizona Endodontic Association, Scottsdale, AZ.  5/3/2008  (3.5 CE) (05/2008)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "TMD Management:  Case Studies "             2/5/2010                            50th Annual Alumni Student Convention                            Scientific Session                            Loma Linda University                            Loma Linda, Ca.           (2.0 CE) (02/2010)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  " When is a Toothache Not a Toothache?"          2/5/2010                                  50th Annual Alumni Student Convention                      (02/2010)
  • Dr. Susan Roche & Dr. Robert Handysides.  "How Many Root Canals are Too Much?"  51st Annual Alumni Student Convention Scientific Session.  Loma Linda Univeristy, Loma Linda, Ca.   2/11/2011      (2.0 CE) (02/2011)
  • 2014 Leoni Meadows Medical/Dental Retreat- CE presentations on: "Muscle Disorders Causing Facial Pain:  Diagnosis and Management of these Common Conditions" (1.5 CE)"Which Neurological Disorders Produce Toothache and Facial Pain?  What You Don't Know Could Hurt Your Patients" (1.5CE) (08/2014)
  • "CBCT Considerations for Orofacial Pain" (1.0 CE) in Emerging Technologies for Dental Practice:  Innovations in Cone Beam Imaging (8.0 CE)Loma Linda UniversitySchool of DentistryContinuing Dental EducationLoma Linda, Ca 92350 (11/2014)
  • Roche, Susan. Oral Diagnosis and Beyond:  Our Aging Population Presents Unique Challenges for Today's Dentists. Leoni Meadows Medical/Dental Conference, Leoni Meadows,  August 2, 2016. (1.5 CE) (08/2016 - 09/2016)
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Myofascial Pain that leads to headaches: Overview and Diagnosis2.0 CME for Dentists, Hygienists, MDs.  Invited Speaker.Location:   Eisenhower Medical / Annenberg Center Dental Education        39000 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 (11/2018)


  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Neuropathic Pain."  Santa Barbara Dental Study Club, Santa Barbara, CA.   11/15/2000      (1.0 CE) (11/2000)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Myofascial and neuropathic orofacial pain."  Santa Barbara-Ventura Dental Association, Santa Barbara, CA.    3/22/2001     (2.0 CE) (03/2001)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "TMD:  Why your patients may not be improving."  Solvang Denatal Study Club, Solvang, CA.     9/11/2001    (1.0 CE) (09/2001)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Is your patient''''s pain really coming from their TMJ?"  Santa Maria Dental Study Club, Santa Maria, CA.     10/9/2001     (2.0 CE) (10/2001)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuropathic Orofacial Pain."  Central Coast Dental Society, Pismo Beach, CA.   10/17/2002    (2.0 CE) (10/2002)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Non-surgical Management of TMD."  Jerry L. Pettis VAMC, Loma Linda, Ca.       9/2/2011        (2.0 CE) (09/2011)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuropathic Orofacial Pain."  Central Coast Dental Society, Pismo Beach, CA.   10/17/02        (2.0 CE) (09/2011)
  • 'TMD:  Diagnosis and Treatment"Jerry L. Pettis VAMC Dental Residents in GPR program (08/2014)


  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "The ABC''s of TMD". Continuing Dental Education, Loma Linda University, Camp Mivoden, ID.  8/5/2004  (7.5 CE) (08/2004)
  • Dr. Susan Roche.  "ABC''s of TMD",   Continuing DentalEducation, School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University.  Nov. 2, 2008.  (7.0 CE) (11/2008)


  • (07/2006)