
Committee Membership (LLU)

  • University Faculty Council (10/2021 - 10/2024)
  • Teaching and Learning Committee (09/2018 - 09/2022)
  • “Effects of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids supplemented diet on the presence and thickness of dentinal bridge formation in rats with a pulp exposure treated with Mineral trioxide aggregate”. A Graduate Endodontics resident MS project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use, research design and editing of project with Dr. Samar Alhashimi. (2019) (09/2018 - 09/2020)
  • “Effect of Dietary Omega 3 Supplementation on Tooth Ankylosis After Replantation Secondary to Trauma in A Rat Model”. A Graduate Endodontics resident MS project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use, research design and editing of project with Dr. Barry Chiang. (2019) (09/2018 - 09/2020)
  • “Effects of dietary Omega 3 Fatty Acid supplementation on pain in rats after pulp exposure: A Pilot Study”. A Graduate Endodontics resident MS project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use, research design and editing of project with Dr. Breanna Chow. (2019) (09/2018 - 09/2020)
  • Curriculum Committee LLUSD   (2016 – Present) (05/2016 - 10/2019)
  • “Prevalence of MB2 Canals in Maxillary First Molars Detected Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Direct Occlusal Access and Coronal Plane Grinding”. A Graduate Endodontics resident MSD project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use, research design and editing of project with Dr. Brent Hiebert.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree, and has been Published in the Journal of endodontics 07/2017; DOI:10.1016/j.joen.2017.05.011 for publication in the Journal of Endodontics: JOE: 17-134. (2017) Graduate Research committee member (10/2017)
  • “Accuracy of a Newly Developed Guided Dental Implant Delivery System”. A Graduate Periodontics resident MS project. Provide support in imaging and processing superimposition with an outside software vendor.  In addition mentorship with software use and research design with Dr. Fallon Livingston.  This project has been successfully defended for the MS degree, and is being prepared for publication. (2017) Graduate Research committee member (10/2017)
  • “Effect of Image Sharpening on Radiographic Image Quality”. A Graduate Prosthodontics resident MS project. Provide support in study design, bringing outside expertise into study and providing imaging guidance and mentorship with software use and research design with Dr. Jefferson Clark.  This project has been successfully defended for the MS degree, and is accepted for publication. (2017) Graduate Research committee member (10/2017)
  • School of Dentistry Awards Committee  Chair (09/2011 - 07/2017)
  • “The incidence of periapical radiolucency using CBCT in endodontically treated teeth without periapical lesions using conventional radiography”.  A Graduate Endodontics resident MSD project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use and research design with Dr. Omar Maktabi.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree, and has been published in the Journal of Endodontics. (2016) Graduate Research committee member (10/2016)
  • Honors Programs Sub Committee LLUSD (2016) (07/2016 - 02/2016)
  • “A Technical Comparison of Two Different Guided Implant Surgery Materials: 3D Printed vs. Thermoplastic”.  A Graduate Periodontics resident MSD project. Provide support in mentorship with software use and research design and advanced imaging with Dr. Richard Hunter.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree. (2015) Graduate Research committee member (10/2015)
  • “Incidence of MB2 Canals in Maxillary First Molars Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography or Cross Sectioning”.  A Graduate Endodontics resident MSD project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use and research design with Dr. Atosa Mehrfar.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree, and has been presented at the annual American Academy of Endodontics. (2015) Graduate Research committee member (10/2015)
  • Research Committee (09/2013 - 09/2015)
  • “Assessment of the Anterior Loop of the Mental Nerve Using Cone Beam CT-Scan”.  A Graduate Implant dentistry resident MSD project. Provide support in mentorship with software use and research design and advanced imaging with Dr. Chun-I Lu.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree, and has been Published in the Journal of Oral Implantology 41(6) · February 2014 DOI: 10.1563/aaid-joi-D-13-00346. (2014) Graduate Research committee member (10/2014)
  • “Analysis of Buccal Bone Changes and Positional Accuracy of Immediately Placed and Provisionalized Single Implants in the Maxilla using Computer–Guided Templates- A 6 month Pilot Study”.  A Graduate Implant dentistry resident MSD project. Provide support in mentorship with software use and research design and advanced imaging with Dr. Ashish Sharma.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree. (2014) Graduate Research committee member (10/2014)
  • Exam Soft Steering Committee (05/2013 - 09/2014)
  • Promotions Committee (09/2011 - 09/2014)
  • Job Morale Sub Committee (02/2013 - 12/2013)
  • “Effect of CBCT Software Training on the Accuracy of Detection of Periapical Bone Defects in Human Jaws” A Graduate Endodontics resident MSD project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use and research design with Dr. Victor Luikham.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree, and has been presented in in Poster format. (2013) Graduate Research committee member (10/2013)
  • “Accuracy of Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography and Periapical Radiography in Detecting Small Periapical Lesions”.  A Graduate Endodontics resident MSD project.  Provide support in advanced imaging and interpretation with software use and research design with Dr. Patrick Tsai.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree, and has been published in the J Endod. 2012 Jul;38(7):965-70. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2012.03.001. Epub 2012 May 18. (2012) Graduate Research committee member (10/2012)
  • “Association between Gingival Biotype and Labial plate thickness in the esthetic zone: A cone-beam computed tomography assessment”.  A Graduate Implant dentistry resident MSD project. Provide support in mentorship with software use and research design and advanced imaging with Dr. Petch Oonpat.  This project has been successfully defended for the MSD degree. (2012) Graduate Research committee member (10/2012)
  • Clinical Quality Assurance Committee (10/2019 - Present)
  • Dental Technology Committee LLUSD (09/2018 - Present)
  • Promotions Sub Committee (09/2018 - Present)
  • School of Graduate Studies (09/2018 - Present)
  • Well Being Committee LLUSD (02/2017 - Present)
  • Academic Review Committee (09/2010 - Present)

Committee Membership (non-LLU)

  • American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Predoctoral Education committee (2017-2018) (10/2018 - 10/2020)

Community Service

  • Clinic with a heart (02/2010 - 12/2017)
  • Provided dental care to underserved kids in a free community dental clinic. (12/1998 - 12/2000)

International Service

  • ADRA dental mission trip to the people of the Amazon, in Brazil where we provided basic dental care. (07/1993 - 08/1993)

Journal Reviewer

  • Manuscript # DT-06-16-OA-3248 entitled “A retrospective study on isolated fracture of alveolar process in permanent dentition” for Dental Traumatology. (7/2016) (07/2016)
  • Manuscript # DT-08-15-OA-2980 entitled "The influence of the number of line pairs rank of digital intraoral radiography on the diagnostic accuracy of horizontal root fractures" for Dental Traumatology. (9/2015) (09/2015)

Society Memberships (professional)

  • OKU Honor Society  (05/2024 - Present)
  • American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology  (08/2010 - Present)