Research Projects & Grants


  • Effect of Dally Consumption of Peanuts on Immune Function and Cardlometabolic Markers and Risk Factors In Free-living Individuals: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Role: Investigator, United States Department of Agriculture, (07/2023) Status: Approved
  • Effect of Daily Consumption of Peanuts/Peanut Butter on Immune Function and Cardiometabolic Markers and Risk Factors in Free-Living Individuals, Role: Co-Investigator, United States Department of Agriculture, (09/2022 - 08/2025) Status: Awarded


  • Effect of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fat from plant and marine sources on markers of bone maintenance, Role: PI, LLU Dept. of Nutrition, (09/2008 - 09/2009) Status: Completed
  • Effect of adding nuts to a high carbohydrate dried fruit pre-exercise snack on endurance capacity in trained runners, LLU Center for Health Research, (08/2002 - 07/2003) Status: Closed
  • Effects of pre-exercise snacks on endurance capacity of trained runners, Role: PI, LLU School of Public Health, Status: Completed

Non-Profit Organization

  • The effect of Macadamia nuts on Cardiometabolic risk factors and Adiposity: A randomized intervention study, Role: Investigator, Horticulture Innovation Australia, (09/2024 - 09/2025) Status: Approved
  • Immune and cognitive benefits of mango intake in young adults: A randomized trial, Role: PI, The National Mango Board, (01/2024) Status: Approved
  • The effects of fresh mango consumption on cardiometabolic outcomes in free-living individuals with prediabetes: a randomized controlled crossover trial, Role: Investigator, The National Mango Board, (12/2023) Status: Approved
  • Immune and cognitive benefits of mango intake in young adults:A randomized controlled trial, Role: PD/PI, The National Mango Board, (08/2023 - 07/2027) Status: Awarded
  • The effects of fresh mango consumption on cardiometabolic outcomes in free-living individuals with prediabetes: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial, Role: Co-Investigator, The National Mango Board, (06/2023 - 11/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Immune benefits of Blueberry consumption and response to influenza vaccination in overweight older men and postmenopausal women: A randomized trial, Role: PI, U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, (08/2022) Status: Approved
  • Effects of Peanut Intake on task -related brain activation and cognitive functions in the older adults with memory complaints: A randomized controlled study, Role: PI, The Peanut Institute, (01/2022) Status: Approved
  • Effect of Daily Consumption of Almonds on Immune Strength and Response to Flu Vaccination in overweight Middle-aged Men: A Randomized Controlled Study, Role: Investigator, Almond Board of California, (07/2021) Status: Approved
  • Effects of Peanut Intake on task-related brain activation and cognitive functions in older adults with memory complaints: A randomized controlled study, Role: PD/PI, The Peanut Institute, (06/2021 - 11/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Effect of a fermented soy product on cognition, immune status and response to influenza vaccine in elderly men and women, Role: Investigator, BESO - Biological Research Inc, (05/2021) Status: Approved
  • Effect of daily consumption of almonds on immune strength and response to flu vaccination in overweight middle-aged men: a randomized controlled study, Role: Co-Investigator, Almond Board of California, (05/2021 - 02/2026) Status: Awarded
  • The Effects of Macadamia Nuts on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Adiposity: A Randomized Intervention Study, Role: Co-Investigator, Horticulture Innovation Australia, (08/2018 - 07/2021) Status: Closed
  • Avocado and visceral fat: a multi-center intervention trial, Role: Co-Investigator, Hass Avocado Board, (12/2017 - 12/2024) Status: Awarded
  • Effects of feeding regular eggs, omega-3 eggs, and walnuts on serum lipids, membrane incorporation of essential fats, thromboxane and serum lutein levels, in free-living lacto-ovo vegetarians, Role: PI, American Egg Board, (08/2004 - 08/2005) Status: Completed
  • Developing a valid screening tool for assessing nutritional adequacy and osteoporosis among vegans in the United States, Role: PI, McClean Endowment Research Fund, (05/2004 - 05/2005) Status: Completed
  • Factors that contribute to iron deficiency anemia among infants who attend the WIC program in San Bernardino, Role: PI, Kellogg (W. K.) Foundation, (03/2000 - 03/2001) Status: Completed


  • Effect of daily ingestion of walnuts for 2 years on age-related cognitive decline and macular degeneration in healthy elderly subjects: a randomized, single blind, dual center, controlled trial, Role: Investigator, California Walnut Commission, (07/2024 - 07/2025) Status: Approved
  • Effects or walnuts on innate, acquired and gut immunity in older adults with overweight: A randomized controlled trial, Role: Investigator, California Walnut Commission, (03/2023) Status: Approved
  • Effects of walnuts on innate, acquired and gut immunity, and response to flu vaccination in older adults: A randomized controlled trial, Role: Co-Investigator, California Walnut Commission, (09/2022 - 08/2025) Status: Awarded
  • Comparing different types of n-3 fatty acids (ALA vs EPA/DHA) on selected coronary heart disease risk factors in healthy adults, Role: Investigator, Center for Health and Nutrition Research - UC Davis, (01/2017 - 01/2018) Status: Completed
  • Effect of Daily Ingestion of Walnuts for 2 Years on Age-related Cognitive Decline and Macular Degeneration in Healthy Elderly Subjects: A Randomized Single Blind, Dual Center, Controlled Trial, Role: Co-Investigator, California Walnut Commission, (01/2012 - 12/2018) Status: Closed
  • Postprandial Effects of Walnut Ingestion on Plasma Concentrations of Nutrients, Polyphenolic Compounds and Biomarkers of Antioxidant Status in Human Volunteers, Role: Co-PD/PI, California Walnut Commission, (10/2010 - 03/2012) Status: Closed
  • Effect of Walnuts Compared to Fish on Selected Markers of Bone Formation and Resorption, Role: Principal Investigator, California Walnut Commission, (10/2009 - 06/2010) Status: Closed
  • The effect of walnuts compared to fish on lipids and fatty acids in blood, Role: PI, California Walnut Commission, (01/2005 - 01/2006) Status: Completed