

  • Pothier, P.K.T. (2001). Effect of relaxation on neuro-immune responses of persons undergoing chemotherapy. Dissertation Abstracts International (UMI No. AA13028724) (04/2014)
  • (PEER REVIEWED) Pothier, P.K.T. " Effect of relaxation on neuro-immune responses of persons undergoing ." Dissertation Abstracts International UMI No. AA13028724. (): -.

Books and Chapters

  • Practical Chemotherapy. A multidisciplinary guide. By Maxwell Summerhayes & Susanna Daniels. Radcliffe Medical Press, 2003, 398 pages, ISBN 1 85775 965 6. Published in Journal of Advanced Nursing February 2005, Vol. 49 Issue 4, p. 445. (04/2014)
  • Delirium: Acute confusional states in palliative medicine, by Augusto Caraceni & Luigi Grassi. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003, 259 pages, ISBN 0 19 263199 3. Published in Journal of Advanced Nursing, November 2004, Vol. 48 Issue 3, p315 (04/2014)
  • Sara Booth & Eduardo Bruera. Palliative Care Consultations in Haemato-oncology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. (05/2005)
  • Raymond voltz, James L. Bernat, Gian Domenico Biorasio, Ian Maddocks, David Oliver, & Russell K. Portenoy. Palliative Care in Neurology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. (01/2005)

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Van Cleve, L., Johnson, L., and Pothier, P. (1996). Pain responses of hospitalized infants and children to venipuncture and intravenous cannulation. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 11(3), 161-168. (04/2014)
  • Pothier, P.K.T. (2003 July/August). Skin lesion cupcakes are food for thought. Nurse Educator, 28(4), 1-152 (04/2014)
  • Osei, D., Lee, J., Modest, N., and Pothier, P. (2013).  Effects of an Online Support Group for Prostate Cancer Survivors. Urologic Nursing 33(3):123-133.  (04/2014)
  • Pothier, P.and Magilvy, K. (2012). NEXus Academic Doctoral Education Collaborative Continues to Grow. International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing 10(4), pp 12-14. (04/2014)
  • Pothier, P.K. (2006 Sept/Oct). ). Creating a low-cost model for tracheotomy suctioning simulation. Nurse Educator, 31(5): 192-194. (04/2014)