
Accreditation Support -- LLU

  • The REAL VILLAGE - International Advisory Board Member of the Restoration and Empowerment of Africa through Love, Cape Town, South Africa grass-root organization enacting social justice through a Christian vision of peace and love. (07/2012 - 12/2014)

Committee Membership (non-LLU)

  • APF - an advisory member of the Adventist Peace Fellowship from the time of its founding on Columbia Union College (now WAU). (07/2009 - 12/2014)
  • IBC - member of the Institutional Biosafety Comittee WIRB-Copernicus Group - Institutional Biosafety Committee Services (07/2009 - 12/2014)
  •     IBMTE - a member of the International Board of Ministerial and Theological Education, General Conference 07/2005 – 07/2010 (07/2005 - 07/2010)

Community Service

  • Leading in the committee and personal organizing of the bi-annual Service Day for Students, Staff, and Faculty at the variety of social and justice services of the greater Washington from the Washington Adventist Univeristy. (07/2009 - 12/2014)

International Service

  • BTI - Member of the Biblical Traslation Institute - an international board that oversees the full Bible translation into modern Russian Language, a project that is co-sponsored by Zaoksky Adventist University, Washington Adventist University, Euro-Asia Division of the SDAs, and the General Conference of the SDAs. (07/2010 - 12/2014)

Society Memberships (professional)

  • AAR - member of the American Academy of Religion (11/2000 - 12/2014)
  • SBL - member of the Society of Biblical Literature (11/2000 - 12/2014)
  • AHSRA - member of the Adventist Human-Subject Research Association (01/2014 - 12/2014)
  • SAP - member of the Society of Adventist Philosophers (one of the founding members) (11/2010 - 12/2014)
  • ASRS - member (11/1998 - 12/2014)
  • ASRS - Elected as Secretary-Treasurer of the Adventist Society for Religious Studies (11/2014 - 12/2015)
  • ASRS - President of the Adventist Society for Religious Studies (11/2009 - 11/2010)