
Books and Chapters

  • Altimier L & Phillips R. The NICU Environment. In Kenner C & Boykova M (Eds.). Neonatal Nursing Care Handbook: An Evidence-Based Approach to Conditions and Procedures, 3rd Edition: Springer Publishing. New York, NY: Oct 2022: 361-444. ISBN: 9780826135483. (10/2022)
  • Bozzette M, Kenner C, Boykova, M, Altimier L, and Phillip R. Chapter 5: The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Environment. In Kenner C, & McGrath, JM, (Eds.) Developmental Care of Newborns and Infants: A guide for health professionals, 3rd Edition: Wolters Kluwer N.V with the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Philadelphia, PA: Oct. 2022: 85-93. ISBN 9781975148393 (10/2022)
  • Bozzette M, Kenner, C, Boykova M, Altimier L, and Phillips R.  The Neonatal Intensive Care Environment in Neonatal Nursing Care Handbook, 3rd Ed, Kenner C, Boykova M, Editors, Springer Publishing, Oct 2021. (10/2021)
  • Phillips, RM. Guidelines for Supporting Skin-to-Skin Contact in the NICU in Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care.6th ed., Kenner, C. Altimier LB, & Boykova MV, Editors, Springer Publishing, Aug, 2019. (08/2019)
  • Altimier LB, Phillips, RM. Neuroprotective Interventionin Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care.6th ed., Kenner, C. Altimier LB, & Boykova MV, Editors, Springer Publishing, May, 2019 (05/2019)
  • Altimier LB, Phillips R. Neuroprotective Care of Extremely Preterm Infant in the First 72 Hours after Birth inNeonatal Nursing Care, Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, Diehl BP, Editor, Elsevier, Inc. New York, NY, Dec, 2018. (12/2018)
  • Phillips, R.Breastfeeding the Hospitalized Infantin Neonatal Guidelines of Care 2016-17. Perinatal Advisory Council, 2016. (2016)
  • Phillips, R.Breastfeeding the Hospitalized Infantin Neonatal Guidelines of Care 2013-14.Perinatal Advisory Council, 2013. (2013)

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Norholt H, Phillips R, McNeilly J, and Price C.  Babywearing practices and effects on parental and child physical and psychological health.  Acad J Ped Neonatol, June 2022, 11(5): 001-013. DOI:10.1900 (06/2022)
  • White RD, Lehtonen L, Reber KM, and Phillips, R.  A pivotal moment in the evolution of neonatal care. J of Perinatology. June 2022; doi:10.1038/s41372-022-01436-z (06/2022)
  • Banerji A, Hopper A, Kadri M, Harding B & Phillips R. Creating a small baby program: a single center’s experience.  J Perinatology, Jan 2022, (01/2022)
  • Angeles DM, Boskovic DS, Deming D. Hopper A, Peverini R, Czynski A, Hoch E, Phillips R, Tan JB, Camberos V, Bahjri K, Pegis P, Goldstein M, Truong G, Fayard E. A pilot study on the biochemical effects of repeated administration of 24% oral sucrose vs. 30% oral dextrose on urinary markers of adenosine triphosphate degradation. J Perinatology, Oct 2021, 41: 2761–2765. (10/2021)
  • Browne JV, Jaeger CB, Kenner C. Arvedson JC, Bigsby R, Cicco R, Hat?eld, B, Hynan MT,  Kolberg KJS,  McElroy J,  McGrath J, Phillips R, Ross E, Salsbury A, Smith, K, Sweeney JK. Executive summary: standards, competencies, and recommended best practices for infant- and family-centered developmental care in the intensive care unit. J of Perinatology (2020) 40:5–10       I have been a member of this consensus panal for 5 years, reviewed the entire document and was the primary author of the section entitled "Recommendatons on Skin-to-Skin Holding with Intimate Family Members." (08/2020)
  • Angeles, DM, Boskovic DS, Tan J, Shih W, Hoch E, Forde D, Phillips, R, Hopper A, Deming D, Goldstein M, Truong G, Febre A, Pegis P, Lavery L, Kadri M, Banerji A, Mousselli I, Farha V, Fayard E. Oral dextrose reduced procedural pain without altering cellular ATP metabolism in preterm neonates: a prospective randomized trialJ Perinatol, Feb 2020. (02/2020) (link)
  • Forde D, Deming DD, Tan JC, Phillips RM, Fry-Bowers EK, Barger MK, Bahjri Khaled, Angeles DM, Boskovic DS. Oxidative stress biomarker decreased in preterm neonates treated with kangaroo mother care. Biological Research for Nursing 2020 Apr;22(2):188-196. Epub 2020 Jan 24.  (01/2020)
  • Cadwell K, Brimdyr K, Phillips R. Mapping, Measuring, and Analyzing the process of Skin-to-Skin Contact and Early Breastfeeding in the First Hour After Birth. Breastfeeding Medicine, Sept 2018;13(7): 485-492. (09/2018)
  • Altimier L & Phillips R. The Neonatal Integrative Developmental Care Model: advanced clinical applications of the Seven Core Measures for Neuroprotective Family-Centered Developmental Care. doi:10.1053/j. NAINR 2016; 16(4): 230-244. (11/2016)
  • Transforming NICU care to provide comprehensive family support.  Hall S, Phillips RM, Hynan M.  NAINR. 2016;16:69-73. (02/2016)
  • Recommendations for involving the family in developmental care of the NICU baby: Interdisciplinary Recommendations for the Psycholsocial Support of NICU Parents, Ed: Hall SL & Hynan MT). J of Perinatology, 2015;35:S1-S4. (12/2015)
  • The association between common labor drugs and suckling when skin-to-skin during the first hour after birth.  Brimdyr K, Cadwell K, Widstrom A, Svensson K, Neumann M, Hart E, Harrington S, Phillips RM.  Birth, Oct 2015;42(4):319-328. (10/2015)
  • Seven core measures of neuroprotective family-centred developmental care: creating an infrastructure for implementation. Phillips R. NAINR. 2015;15:87-90. (09/2015)
  • Neuroprotection in the NICU, Guest Editorial.  Recommendations for Program Standards for Psychosocial Support of NICU Parents. Phillips R. NAINR. 2015;15:80-81. (09/2015)
  • Development of program standards for psychosocial support of parents of infants admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit: a national interdisciplinary consensus model. Hall S, Hynan M, Phillips R, Press J, Kenner C, Ryan D. NIANR, 2015;15(1):24-27. (04/2015)
  • National Perinatal Association 2015 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Prevention Guideline. Goldstein MR, Merritt TA, Phillips R, Martin G, Hall S, Yogev R, Spitzer A. Neonatology Today, Nov 2014;9(11).:1-11. (11/2014)
  • Impact of ART on pregnancies in California: an analysis of maternity outcomes and insights into the added burden of neonatal intensive care. Merritt TA, Goldstein M, Phillips R, Peverini R, Iwakoshi J, Rodriguez A, Oshiro B. Journal of Perinatology, May 2014, Vol. 34 Issue 5, p345 (05/2014)
  • Nicotine in Infancy - QUIT for Kids Merritt T, Phillips R, Beck S, Mazela J, Gadinowoski J J Przeglad Lekaraki (Polish Scientific Publication) (11/2010)