
Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Deavenport, A., Modeste, N., Hopp Marshak, H., Neish, C. (2011) Closing the Gap in Mammogram Screening: An Experimental Intervention among Low-income Hispanic Women in Community Health Clinics, Health Education and Behavior, 38(5) 452-461. (05/2011)
  • Zagrafos, K., Hopp Marshak, H., Dyjack, D., Neish, C. (2011) The effects of an adolescent asthma education intervention on knowledge, intention, behavior, self-efficacy, self-consciousness. California Journal of Health Promotion, Volume 8, Issue 1, 60-71.  (01/2011)
  • Galvez, C., Neish, C., Balabarca, Yvan, Rojas, Leonardo, Serrano, Ceclia.  (2010).  Programa educacional efectivo en la formacion de agentes comunitarios de salud voluntarios en Lima, Peru, Global Health Promotion. 17(2): 82-91. (06/2010)
  • Bramson, L., Lee, J., Moore, E., Montgomery, S., Neish, C., Bahijri, K., Lopez Melcher, C. (2010). The effect of early skin-to-skin mother/infant contact during the first three hours following birth on exclusive breastfeeding during the maternity stay, Journal of Human Lacatation, January 28, 2010.     (05/2010)
  • Deavenport, A., Hopp Marshak, H., Modeste, N., Neish., C.  (2010) Health Beliefs of Low-income Hispanic Women: A Disparity in Mammogram Use, American Journal of Health Studies. (02/2010)
  • Shaw, S.F., Marshak, H.H., Dyjack, D.T., & Neish, C. (2005). Effects of a Classroom-based Asthma Education Curriculum on Asthma Knowledge, Attitudes, Self-efficacy, Quality of Life, and Self-management Behaviors among Adolescents, America Journal of Health Education, 36(3), 140-145. (01/2005 - 12/2005)
  • Rea, B., Marshak, H.H., Neish, C., & Davis, N. (2004).  The role of health promotion in physical therapy in California, New York, and Tennessee.  Journal of Physical Therapy, 84(6), 510-524. (01/2004 - 12/2004)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J., Hopp Marshak, H., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1998). AIDS risk among students attending Seventh-day Adventist Schools in North America, Journal of School Health, 68(4), 141-145. (01/1998 - 12/1998)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1998). An AIDS risk assessment of students attending Christian high schools in the United of America: A practical application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 7(2), 91-120. (01/1998 - 12/1998)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). Effects of parental use of alcohol and students AIDS risk behaviors. Abstracts: American Public Health Association 125th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Session 4000, p. 440. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Neish, C.M., Hopp, J.W. (1988). The role of education in pulmonary rehabilitation, Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 8(11):439-441. (01/1988 - 12/1988)
  • Hopp, J.W., Gerken (Neish), C.M. (1983). Making an educational diagnosis to improve patient education, Respiratory Care, 28(11):1456-1461. (01/1983 - 12/1983)

Scholarly Journals--Submitted

  • Fleming, E., Hopp Marshak, H., Modeste, N., Neish, C. (2010) The Role of Experience in Predicting Intention to Wean from the Bottle Among Spanish and English-Speaking Hispanic Mothers, Research in Nursing and Health.  (05/2010)

Non-Scholarly Journals

  • Hopp, J., Neish, C. (2010) Light for Living, part 2, Journal of Adventist Education, February 2010/March 2010. (02/2010 - 03/2010)
  • Hopp, J., Neish, C. (2009) Light for Living, part 1, Journal of Adventist Education, December 2009/January 2010. (12/2009 - 01/2010)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1998). Is there value in Christian education? ICPA Reporter. (01/1998 - 12/1998)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). AIDS risk among students attending SDA academies in North America, Journal of Adventist Education, 59(4), 36-39. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Neish, C, Billinger, S., Haddock, B., Knowlton, K. (1997). Looking out for number one. Journal of Adventist Education, 59(4), 4-11. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). AIDS risk in adolescents attending SDA schools.  Journal of Adventist Youth Ministry, p. 21-26, July-December. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). AIDS and the Adventist Academy. The Adventist Review, v. 174, November p. 12-15. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). AIDS risk among students attending SDA academies in North America. The Journal of Adventist Education, 59(4), 36-39. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). AIDS Risk in Adolescents: A rationale for concern. Journal of Adventist Youth Ministry, p. 16-20, July-December. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H.P., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1996). AIDS and Adventist Youth. Ministry, 69(7), 22-27. (01/1996 - 12/1996)

Books and Chapters

  • Hopkins, G.L., Hopp, J.W., Hopp, H., Neish, C., & Rhoads, G. (1997). AIDS and Adventist Youth, in D.S. Williams, K. Kuzma, & L. Van Dolsen, (Eds.) Ministries of Health and Healing, pp. 140-144. (01/1997 - 12/1997)
  • Hopp, J. W., Neish, C.M. (1992). Patient and family education. In: Hodgkin, J. E., Connors, G. L., & Bell, G. W. Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Guidelines to Success, Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott. (01/1992 - 12/1992)
  • Hopp, J.W., Hodgkin, J.E., Maddox-Perez, S.E., Zorn, E.G. (1985). Living with lung disease, a manual for pulmonary rehabilitation, Parke-Davis, (Contributor). (01/1985 - 12/1985)
  • Hills, R.L., Gerken [Neish], C.M., Jezerinac, L. Compliance and the patient with pulmonary disease. In: Hodgkin, J.E., Zorn, E.G., Connors, G.L. (1984).  Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Guidelines to Success, Stoneham, Massachusetts: Butterworth Publishers. (01/1984 - 12/1984)