Safer-Lichtenstein, J., McIntyre, L. L., Rodriguez, G., Gomez, D., Puerta, S., & Neece, C.L. (2023). Feasibility and acceptability of parenting interventions delivered in Spanish to caregivers of children with autism and other developmental delays: A mixed-methods design. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Advanced online publication.
McIntyre, L. L., Neece, C. L., Sanner, C. M., Rodriguez, G., & Safer-Lichtenstein, J. (2022). Telehealth delivery of a behavioral parent training program to Spanish-speaking Latinx parents of young children with developmental delay: Applying an implementation framework approach. School Psychology Review, 51(2), 206-220.
Martin, A.M., Marin, D., McIntyre, L.L., & Neece, C.L. (2022). Familism and Parenting Stress in Latinx Caregivers of Young Children with Developmental Delays. The Family Journal, 30(3), 411-418.
Chan, N., Fenning, R.M., Neece, C.L. (2022). Prevalence and Phenomenology of Anxiety in Preschool-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 1-13.
Sanner, C. M., Benjamin, L. R., Eskander, C., McGregor, H. A., Preston, A. E., McIntyre, L. L., & Neece, C. L. (2022). Sibling support and perceived daily hassles in Latino and non-Latino families of children with DD. The Family Journal,
Alostaz, J., Baker, J.K., Fenning, R.M., Neece, C.L., & Zeedyk, S.M. (2021). Parental coping as a buffer between child factors and emotion-related parenting in families of children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Family Psychology. , 36(1), 153–158.
* Sanner, C. M., Neece, C. L., Herbozo, S., & Baum, M. F. (2021). A pilot study of enhanced operation fit: The feasibility of a camp-based health intervention for ethnically diverse families of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34(2), 624-633.
* Chan, N., Sanner, C. M., McGregor, H. A., Preston, A. E., & Neece, C. L. (2021). Anxiety in a Preschool-Aged Sample with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Delay: Rates, Symptom Manifestation, and Parenting Risk Variables. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(2), 202-224.
Sanner, C. M.,McGregor, H. A., Preston, A. E. and Neece, C. L. (2020). The effect of parent personality on the acquisition and use of mindfulness skills during an MBSR Intervention. International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities. 59, 135-161
Neece, C.L., McIntyre, L.L, & Fenning, R.M. (2020). Examining the Impact of COVID-19 in Ethnically Diverse Families with Young Children with Developmental Delays. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 64(10), 739-749.
McGregor, H. A., Sanner, C. M.,& Neece, C. L. (2020). Effects of a MBSR Parent Intervention on Internalizing Problems in Children: ASD Status as a Moderator. Manuscript accepted to the Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Luu, S., & Neece, C. L. (2019). Moderating parenting stress in ethnic minority parents of children with developmental delays. Early Child Development and Care, 189(3), 441-449.
Neece, C.L., Chan, N.L., Roberts, L., Klein, K., Fenning, R. (in press). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Parents Children with Developmental Delays: Understanding the Experiences of Latino Families. Mindfulness.
Chan, N. & Neece, C. L. (in press). Parenting stress and emotion dysregulation among children with developmental delays: The role of parenting behaviors. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
Emerson, N. D., Morell, E. R., Neece, C., Tapanes, D., & Distelberg, B. (in press). Multi-level model of parent-child attachment, depression and self-concept in pediatric chronic illness. Family Processes
Sanner, C. M.and Neece, C. L. (2018). Parental distress and child behavior problems: Parenting behaviors as mediators. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(2), 591-601. doi: 10.1007/s10826-017-0884-4
Dennis, M. L., Neece, C. L., & Fenning, R.M. (2017). Investigating the influence of parenting stress on child behavior problems in children with developmental delay: The role of parent-child relational factors. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 1-13
Crnic, K. A., Neece, C. L., McIntyre, L. L., Blacher, J., & Baker, B. L. (2017). Intellectual Disability and Developmental Risk: Promoting Intervention to Improve Child and Family Well-Being. Child Development, 88(2), 436-445.
Davis, A. L., & Neece, C. L. (2017). An examination of specific child behavior problems as predictors of parenting stress among families of children with pervasive developmental disorders. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 10(3), 163-177.
Chan, N., & Neece, C.L. (2017). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Parents of Children with Developmental Delays: A Follow-Up Study. Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 3:1, 16-29, DOI: 10.1080/23794925.2017.1399484.
Burke, M. M., Chan, N., & Neece, C. L. (2017). Parent Perspectives of Applying Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Strategies to Special Education. Intellectual and developmental disabilities, 55(3), 167-180
Luu, S., & Neece, C.L. (2017). Parenting Stress among Ethnic Minority Parents of Children with Developmental Delays: The Moderating Role of Family Support. Early Child Development and Care. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1325364.
Neece, C. L., & Lima, E. (2016). Interventions for parents of people with intellectual disabilities. Current Issues in Developmental Disorders. DOI: 10.1007/s40474-016-0088-4.
Emerson, N. D., Morrell, H. E., & Neece, C.L. (2015). Predictors of Age of Diagnosis for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Role of a Consistent Source of Medical Care, Race, and Condition Severity. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 1-12.
Roberts, L. R., & Neece, C. L. (2015). Feasibility of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Intervention for Parents of Children with Developmental Delays. Issues in mental health nursing, 36(8), 592-602.
Lewallen, A. C., & Neece, C. L. (2015). Improved Social Skills in Children with Developmental Delays After Parent Participation in MBSR: The Role of Parent–Child Relational Factors. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-13.
Robinson, M., & Neece, C. L. (2015). Marital Satisfaction, Parental Stress, and Child Behavior Problems among Parents of Young Children with Developmental Delays. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 8(1), 23-46.
Caplan, B., Neece, C. L., & Baker, B. L. (2015). Developmental level and psychopathology: Comparing children with developmental delays to chronological and mental age matched controls. Research in developmental disabilities, 37, 143-151.
Tagge, E. P., Parker, K. H., Natali, E. L., & Neece, C. L. (2014). Aspects of Parental Mental Health Associated with Surgical Treatment of Infants in the NICU. Journal of Surgical Research, 2(186), 507.
Xu, Y., Neece, C.L., Parker, K. (2014). Parental Depression and Child Behavior Problems in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Examining Pathways of Influence. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 7, 126-143.
Neece, C. L. (2014). Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Parents of Young Children with Developmental Delays: Implications for Parental Mental Health and Child Behavior Problems. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(2), 174-186.
Neece, C. L., Baker, B. L., & Lee, S. S. (2013). ADHD among adolescents with intellectual disabilities: Pre-pathway influences. Research in developmental disabilities, 34(7), 2268-2279.
Neece, C. L., Berk, M. S., & Combs-Ronto, L. A. (2013). Dialectical behavior therapy and suicidal behavior in adolescence: Linking developmental theory and practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44(4), 257.
Tagge, E. P., Natali, E. L., Lima, E., Leek, D., Neece, C. L., & Randall, K. F. (2013). Psychoneuroimmunology and the pediatric surgeon. In Seminars in pediatric surgery, 22(3), 144-148.
Neece, C.L., Green, S., & Baker, B.L. (2012). Relationship between parenting stress and child behavior problems: An examination across time. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 117(1), 48-66
Christensen, L.L., Fraynt, B., Neece, C.L., & Baker, B.L. (2012). Victimization of adolescents with intellectual disability: Why are they targeted and what happens over time? Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Williams, M.E., Park, S., Anaya, A., Perugini, S.M., Rao, S., Neece, C.L., & Rafeedie, J. (2012). Linking infants and toddlers in foster care to early childhood mental health services. Children and Youth Services Review.
Neece, C.L. & Baker, B.L., Crnic, K., & Blacher, J. (in press). Examining the validity of ADHD as a diagnosis for adolescents with intellectual disabilities: Clinical presentation. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1-16
Emerson, N. D., Morell, E. R., Mahtani, N., Sanderson, L., Neece, C.L., Boyd, K. & Distelberg, B. (2018). Preliminary Validation of a Self-Efficacy Scale for Pediatric Chronic Illness. Child: Care, Health & Development.
Books and Chapters
* Neece, C.L., & Chan, N. (in press). The Stress of Parenting Children with Developmental Disabilities. In K. Deater-Deckard and R. Panneton (Eds) Parenting and Stress: Adaptive and Maladaptive Consequences for Developmental Well-Being of Children.
* Davis, A. L. & Neece, C. L. (in press). Diagnostic overshadowing. In E. Braaten (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Developmental Disabilities. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.
McIntyre, L. L., & Neece, C. L. (2016). Parent training. In N. S. Singh (Ed.), Handbook of evidence-based practices in intellectual disabilitiesand developmental disabilities (pp. 467– 492).Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/973-3-319-26583-4_17.
Crnic, K & Neece, C.L. (in press). Illness & Disability. In Lerner, R.M. (Ed.). Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science-7th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers.
Kaladjian, A. & Neece, C.L. (2007). Developmental disabilities. In Swanson, L. (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Special Education. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
McIntryre, L.L., Gab, M., Hoskins, J., Tienson, J., & Neece, C.L. (in press). Lessons learned supporting families of young children with disabilities via telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educating the Young Child: The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Responses. Springer Nature.
Book Review - Scholarly Journals--Published
Martin, A.M., Marin, D., McIntyre, L.L., & Neece, C.L. (in press). Familism and Parenting Stress in Latinx Caregivers of Young Children with Developmental Delays. The Family Journal
Scholarly Journals--Submitted
MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEWNeece, C.L., Berk, M., & Combs-Ronto, L. (under review). Development of emotion regulation and suicidal behavior in adolescence: Implications for practice.Neece, C.L. & Baker, B.L. (under review). Examining the validity of ADHD as a diagnosis for adolescents with intellectual disabilities: Pre-Pathway Influences.