
Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Bracchi, V.A., Nalin, R., Basso, D., 2016. Morpho-structural heterogeneity of shallow-water coralligenous in a Pleistocene marine terrace (Le Castella, Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 454, 101–112. (04/2016)
  •  Nalin, R., Ghinassi, M., Foresi, L.M., Dallanave, E., 2016. Carbonate deposition in restricted basins: A Pliocene case study from the Central Mediterranean (Northwestern Apennines), Italy. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 86, 236-267. (03/2016)
  • Bracchi, V.A., Nalin, R., Basso, D., 2014. Paleoecology and dynamics of coralline dominated facies during a Pleistocene transgressive-regressive cycle (Capo Colonna marine terrace, Southern Italy), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414, 296-309. (09/2014)
  • Nalin, R., Bracchi, V.A., Basso, D., Massari, F., 2012. Persististrombus latus (Gmelin) in the upper Pleistocene deposits of the marine terraces of the Crotone peninsula (southern Italy). Italian Journal of Geosciences, 131/1, 95-101. (10/2012)
  • Bracchi, V., Nalin, R., Basso, D., 2011. Persististrombus latus-bearing deposits south of Isola di Capo Rizzuto, Calabria (southern Italy). Il Quaternario, 24 (Abstract AIQUA, Roma 02/2011), 23-25. (09/2010 - 01/2011)
  • Nalin, R., Ghinassi, M., Basso, D., 2010. Onset of temperate carbonate sedimentation during transgression in a low-energy siliciclastic embayment (Pliocene of the Val d’Orcia Basin, Tuscany, Italy). Facies, 56, 353-368. (01/2010 - 02/2010)
  • Nalin, R., Massari, F., 2009. Facies and stratigraphic anatomy of a temperate carbonate sequence (Capo Colonna terrace, Late Pleistocene, southern Italy). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79, 210-225. (02/2009 - 06/2009)
  • Basso, D., Nalin, R., Nelson, C.S., 2009. Shallow water Sporolithon rhodoliths from North Island (New Zealand). Palaios, 24, 92-103. (01/2009 - 12/2009)
  • Nalin, R., Nelson, C.S., Basso, D., Massari, F., 2008. Rhodolith-bearing limestones as transgressive marker beds: Fossil and modern examples from North Island, New Zealand. Sedimentology 55, 249-274. (01/2008 - 09/2009)
  • Basso, D., Nalin, R., Massari, F., 2007. Genesis and composition of the Pleistocene Coralligène de plateau of the Cutro terrace (Calabria, southern Italy). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 244/2, 173-182. (01/2007 - 09/2009)
  • Nalin, R., Massari, F., Zecchin, M., 2007. Superimposed cycles of composite marine terraces: The example of Cutro terrace (Calabria, Southern Italy). Journal of Sedimentary Research 77, 340-354. (01/2007 - 09/2009)
  • Zecchin, M., Nalin, R., Roda, C., 2004. Raised Pleistocene marine terraces of the Crotone peninsula (Calabria, Southern Italy): facies analysis and organization of their deposits. Sedimentary Geology 172, 165-185. (01/2004 - 09/2009)

Books and Chapters

  • Nalin, R., Braga, G., 2009. Late Pleistocene bryozoans from the deposits of Capo Colonna marine terrace (Calabria, Italy). In: Key, M. (Ed.) Bryozoan Research 2007: Proceedings of the 14th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Boone, North Carolina, July 1-8, 2007, Virginia Museum of Natural History, Special Publication 15, 153-162. (01/2009 - 02/2009)
  • Nalin, R., Basso, D., Massari, F., 2006. Pleistocene coralline algal build-ups (coralligène de plateau) and associated bioclastic deposits in the sedimentary cover of Cutro marine terrace (Calabria, southern Italy). In: M. Pedley & G. Carannante (Eds.) Cool-water Carbonates: Depositional Systems and Paleoenvironmental Controls, Geological Society of London Special Publications 255, 11-22. (01/2006 - 09/2009)