Miller, A M, Ashing, KT, Modeste,NN, Herring, RP, Sealy, D. (2015 Epub). Contextual factors influencing health-related quality of life in African American and Latina breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survival, 9(3):441-9
McKinney, O, Modeste, NN, Lee, JW, Gleason, P. (2015 Epub). Predicting Malawian women’s intention to adhere to antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Public Health Research, 4(2):533.
Examining the impact of food access and medication side effects on intentions to adhere to antiretroviral therapy
Antiretroviral therapy adherence determinants of women in Southern Malawi: Healthcare providers' perspectives
Scholarly Journals--Published
McKinney, O., Modeste, N.N., Lee, J.W., Gleason, P. (2015) Predicting Malawian women's intention to adhere to antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Public Health research, 4(2):533.
Miller, A.M., Ashing, K.T., Modeste, N.N., Herring, R.P. Sealy, D. (2015). Contextual factors influencing health-related quality of life in African American and Latina breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survival 9(3):441-9
Tareg, ARC, Modeste, NN, Lee, JW, Dos Santos, H. (2015) Health beliefs about tobacco with betel nut use among adults in Yap, Micronesia. Int Q Community Health Education, 35(3):245-57.
McKinney, O, Modeste, NN, Lee, JW, Gleason, PC & Maynard-Tucker, G. (2014). Determinants of Antiretroviral Therapy adherence among women in Southern Malawi: Healthcare providers’ perspectives. Aids Research and Treatment, 2014, 1-9.
Nelson, Anna, Modeste, Naomi, Hopp Marshak, Helen, Hopp, Joyce Wilson (2014). Saudi women’s beliefs on the use of car infant restraints: A qualitative study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 0,1-6
Nelson, A, Modeste, N.N, Hopp Marshak, H, Hopp, J.W (2014). Using the theory of planned Behavior to predict infant restraint use in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal, 35 (9), 959-966.
Naomi Modeste, Pramil Singh, Michael Betech, Serena Tonstad, Ronald Mataya, Fiona Lewis (2014). Exces maternal body weight and preeclampsi/eclampsia risk among women in San Bernardino County, 2007-2008. Journal of Food and Nutrition, 1:1-6.
Leon, N., Modeste, N. & Lee, J. (2012-2013). Predicting Mexican youth's intention to engage in risky behaviors: Applying moral norms to the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Community Health Education, 33(4), 349-362.
Nelson, A., Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H. Hopp, J.W. (2014). Using the theory of planned behavior to predict infant restraint use in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal, 35(9), 959-966.
Osei, D.K., Lee, J.W, Modeste, N.N., & Pothier, P.K.T. (2013). Effects of an online support group for prostate cancer survivors: a randomized trial. Urology Nursing (33)3, Epub ahead of print.
Cresky, Mary, Modeste, Naomi, Hopp, Joyce, Rajaram, Sujatha, cort, David (2013). How do diet and body mass index impact dental caries in Hispanic elementary schools. Journal of dental Hygiene 87(1), 38-46
Jones, V., Modeste, N., Hopp Marshak, H., and Fox, C. (2013). The effects of HIV/AIDS education on adolescents in Trinidad a nd Tobago. ISRN Infectious diseases (February), 1-8.
Aja, G. Modeste, N., and Montgomery, S. (2012). Qualitative inquiry into church-based assets for HIV/AIDS prevention and control: A forum focus group discussion approach. The Qualitative Report (17) 1, 1-15.
Lin, S., Lee, J.W., Modeste, N., and Johnson, E.G. (2010 Online). Attitudes and beliefs predicting Taiwanese older adults' intention to attend strength and balance training programs. Journal of Applied Gerontology (September), 1-22.
Raynor, K.J., Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H., Dos Santos, H. (2010). Gender differences in perceptions of weight and body image and comparison to recommended weight amoung adult Bermudians. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 30(2), 153-169.
McKenzie, M. M, Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H. & Wilson, K. (2014). Religious involvement and health -related behaviors among Black seventh-day Adventists in Canada. Health Promotuion Practice, Epub. May 1, 2014, 1-7
Deavenport, A., Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H., Neish, C. (2011) Closing the gap in mammogram screening: An experimental intervention among low income Hispanic women in community health clinics. Health Education and Behavior (April online), 1-10.
Trieu, S.L., Modeste, N. N., Hopp Marshak, H., Males, M.A., Bratton, S. (2008). Factors associated With the decision to obtain an HIV test among Chinese/Chinese American community college Women in Northern California. California Journal of health Promotion 6(1):111-127.
Deavenport, A., Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H., Neish, C. (2010). Health beliefs of low-income Hispanic women: A disparity in Mammogram use. American Journal of Health Studies, 25(2):92-101.
Jones, P.L., Modeste, N.N. Montgomery, S.B., Wilson, C.M., Batterham, P.J. (2008), Factors related to youth living with HIV delaying access to care: The role of positive and negative social network influences on health seeking behaviors. California Journal of health Promotion 6 (2): 49-60
Nanyonjo R, Montgomery, S., Modeste, N., Fujimoto, E. (2008)A secondary analysis of race/ethnicity and other maternal factors affecting adverse birth outcomes in San Bernardino County. Maternal and Child Health Journal, July 12(4):435-441. Epub August 10.
Trieu, S.L., Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H., Males, M.A., Bratton, S.I., (2010). Partner communication and HIV testing among US Chinese college students. American Journal of Health Behavior, 34(3) 362-373.
Newell, M., Modeste, N.N., Hopp Marshak, H., Wilson, C.(2009). Health belief and the prevention of hypertension in a Black population living in London. Ethnicity & Disease, 19 (1): 35-41
Aja, G.N., Modeste, N.N., Lee, J.W., Montgomery, S.B., Belliard, J.C. (2009). Perceived church-based needs and assets for HIV/AIDS in an urban Nigerian Community. Journal of Religion and Health (January 10): 1-14.
Modeste, N.N., Francis, C., & Matshazi, D. (1993-1994). AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions of adolescents in Trinidad: A pilot study. Int=l Quarterly of Community Health Education 14(3):273--281..
Modeste, N.N. (1994). Health promotion targeting women at the worksite. Int=l Journal of Health promotion and Education 1(1):29-33.
Modeste, N.N., Hopp, J.W., & Abbey, D.E. (1984-1985). Hypertension in a Caribbean population. Int=l Quarterly of Health Education 5(3):203-211.
Modeste, N.N. (1983). Nutritional therapy in rehabilitating the alcoholic. CAJANUS 16(2):91-98.
Mickins, A, Modeste, N.N. Taylor, M. (2009). Peer Support on Breastfeeding Intentions Among Black WIC Program Participants. Journal of Human Lactation, 25, 157-162.
Jones, T.C., Modeste, N., Anderson, B., Lee, J. & Lim V.J. (2007). Factors influencing the intention to quit drinking alcohol among African American/Black pregnant women. CaliforniaJournal of Health Promotion, 5(3):131-144.
Modeste, N.N., Brathwaite, N, Fraser, H.S., & Toh, S.W. (2007). Exercise, blood sugar and cholesterol levels in a Caribbean population. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 27(1): 75-86.
Dixon, A., Modeste, N. N, Lee, J. W., Wilson, C. M. (2007). Factors associated with sexual intercourse among African-born adolescents in Southern California. CaliforniaJournal of Health Promotion, 5(4):97-112.
Binggeli, AL, Montgomery, S, Lee, JW, Modeste, N. (2006) Intentions for having sex: What matters. California Journal of health Promotion,4(3):68-79.
Cort, M., & Modeste, N. N. (2006-2007). Attitudes towards condom use among high school and university students in Zimbabwe. International Quarterly ofCommunity Health Education,26(1):61-72.
Studer, K. & Modeste, N. N. (2003-2004), Oral health practices, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs in Vanua Levu, Fiji. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 22(3): 189-197.
Boafo, K. A., Smith, B., Modeste, N. N., & Prendergast, Jr., T. J. (2004). Births to teens Older and younger than 17 years in San Bernardino County and California: Variables associated with infant mortality and survival. CaliforniaJournal of Health Promotion, 2(2): 20-27.
Modeste, N. N., Lee, J., Lim, V.J., & Anjejo, D. (2004). Factors associated with intention to quit smoking among African American pregnant women. CaliforniaJournal of Health Promotion, 2(1): 98-106.
Lim, V. J., Modeste, N. N., & Williams, Y. (2003). Personalized enhancement smoking cessation program (PEP). CaliforniaJournal of Health Promotion, 1(4): 30-37.
Modeste, N.N., Fox, C., & Cort, M. (2003). Early detection of prostate cancer among black and white men. California Journal of Health promotion, 1(3): 149-155.
Brathwaite, N., Fraser, H. S., Modeste, N. N., Broome, H., & King, R. (2003). Obesity, diabetes, hypertension and vegetarian status among Seventh-day Adventists in Barbados: Preliminary results. Ethnicity and Disease, 13: 34-39.
Caleb-Drayton, V. L., Montgomery, S. B., Modeste, N. N., & Frye-Anderson, B. (2003). The Health Belief Modelas a predictor of repeat pregnancy among Jamaican teenage mothers. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 21(1): 67-81
Rucibwa, N. K., Modeste, N. N., Montgomery, S. B., & Fox, C. (2003). Exploring family factors and sexual behaviors in a group of Black and Hispanic Adolescent Males. American Journal of Health Behavior, 27(1):63-74.
Kassem, N. Lee, J. W., Modeste, N. N., & Johnston, P. (2003). Understanding soft drink consumption among female adolescents using the Theory of planned Behavior, Health Education Research, 18(3):278-291.
Galvez, C. A., Modeste, N. N., Lee, J. W., Betancourt, H., & Wilkins, R. (2002). Predictors of intention to seek medical help by Peruvian mothers when their children have signs of pneumonia. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 20(4):347-368.
Galvez, C. A., Modeste, N. N., Lee, J. W., Betancourt, H., & Wilkins, R. L. (2002). Peruvian mother=s knowledge and recognition of pneumonia in children under five. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/Pan American Journal of Public Health, 11(2): 99-107.
Caleb-Drayton, V. L., Montgomery, S. B., Modeste, N. N., & Frye-Anderson, B. A., McNeil, P. (2000). The impact of the Women=s Centre of Jamaican Foundation Programme for adolescent mothers on repeat pregnancy. West Indian Medical Journal, 49(4):316-326
Modeste, N.N., Caleb-Drayton, V. L., & Montgomery, S (1999). Barriers to early detection of breast cancer among women in a Caribbean Population. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 5(3): 152-156.
Modeste, N. N., Hopp Marshak, H. P., & Green Ian (1997-1998). AIDS concerns among adolescents attending Seventh-day Adventist high schools in Trinidad and Tobago. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 17(4),375-387.
Watson, R., Modeste, N., Catolico, O., & Crouch, M. (1998). The relationship between caregiver burden and self-care deficits in post rehabilitation patients. Rehabilitation Nursing 23(5):258-262 .
Kassem, N.O., Lee, J.W., Modeste, N.N. Johnston, P.K.. "Understanding reduced-fat milk consumption among female adolescents using the the theory of planned behavior.." J Ped Neonat 2.2 (2005): 1-10.
Calcium is an essential dietary nutrient and a major constituent of bone mieral. Adolescents need to be in positive calcium balance to meet skeletal demands. However, studies have shown that their calcium intake s well below the Recommended dietary Allowance (RDA), and even farther below the latest Dietary Reference Intake(DRI) recommendations. This study identified factors that influence reduced-fat milk consumption among 710 female students, aged 13-18 years, attending north Los Angeles County public high schools. Participants completed a group-administered theory of planned behavior based questionnaire. The majority of the participants, 89.6%, reported that they currently drink some kind of milk. Of those who reported that they drink milk, 64.3% reported that they currently drink reduced-fat milk or skim milk. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control were each significant predictors of intention to drink reduced-fat milk and together explained 66% of its variance. The strongest predictor was attitude, followed by perceivd behavioral control and subjective norm. Taste and possible health benefits were the primary predictors of attitude: parents' opinions predicted subjective norm; and availability of reduced-fat milk at home, school and in vending machines prediceted perceived control. This study findings suggest points of intervention in increasing reduced-fat milk consumption among female adolescents.
Books and Chapters
Modeste, N. N., Francis, C., & Matshazi, D., (1998). AIDS -related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behavioral intentions of adolescents in Trinidad. In Buchanan, D & Cernada, G. (Eds.) Progress in Preventing AIDS? Dogma, Dissent and Innovation. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Company.
Modeste, N.N.(1996)Dictionary of public health promotion and education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Modeste, NN & Tamayose, TS.. Dictionary of Public Health Promotion and Education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2004.
Non-Scholarly Journals
Modeste, N. N., Hopp, H. P., & Green, I (1997). What do SDA high school students in Trinidad and Tobago know about AIDS. Journal of Adventist Education 59(4): 32-35.