

  • Miles D. "Breast Reconstrution: The Good, the Bad and the Mediocre." Breast Cancer Support Group. Loma Linda (05/2007)


  • Kang C, Heinrich C, Miles D, Gupta S. "Reconstruction of the Tuberous Breast: A review of 13 Patients." Loma Linda University Postgraduate. Loma Linda, California (03/2007)


  • Cho D,Gabriel A,Shores J, Heinrich C,Miles D,Gupta S. "Management of Pediatric Extremity Trauma with Vacuum Assisted Closure Silver Dressing and NPWT." Calfornia Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Fransisco (05/2007)
  • Gabriel A, Carter J,Shores J, Davis M, Heinrich C, Cho D, Miles D, Gupta S. "Lifestyle Outcome Study Following Body Contouring in Massive Weight Loss Patients." Calafornia Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Fransisco, California (05/2007)
  • Heinrich C, Gabriel A, Shores J, Cho D, MilesD, Gupta S. "Reported Outcomes of Vacuum Assisted Closure for the Treatment of Pediatric Wounds:Case series of 58 Patients." California Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Fransisco, California (05/2007)
  • Shores J, Gabriel A, Hiersche M, Heinrich C, Cho D, Miles D, Guptas S. "A Novel Method of Tendon Coverage Using Bi-Laminate Skin Substitute." Calfornia Society of Plastic Surgeons. San Fransisco (05/2007)
  • Heinrich C, Gabriel A, MilesD, Gupta S. "Lifestyle Outcomes Study Following Body Contouring In Massive Weight Loss Patients." Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons. Banff Alberta (06/2007)