McAuley GA, Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Research, La Sierra University, March 9, 2004.
Kootsey, J.M., Liu, H.H., McAuley, G. Learning the behavior of complex systems with computer simulation (Technical Showcase). TechEd 2002 Best Practices Showcase, Long Beach, CA, Feb. 26, 2002.
McAuley GA, Intro to Java and Object Oriented Programming, Loma Linda Univeristy Information Systems, Loma Linda University, April 13 & 27, 2005.
McAuley GA, Introduction to XML Technologies, Loma Linda University Information Systems Department, Loma Linda University, June 8 & 22, 2005.
Kootsey, J.M., McAuley, G. NumberLinX: A Software Technology for Rapid Construction of Interactive Web Pages Based on Mathematical Calculations. Project T2 - A Technology Transfer Conference (a LARTA event), Los Angeles, California, November 13, 2003.
Kootsey, J.M., McAuley, G. NLX: Rapid Construction of Interactive Simulations in Web Pages for Teaching and Research. Experimental Biology 2005, San Diego, California, USA, April 2-6, 2005.
G McAuley, S Barnes, A Wroe, D Gridley, JM Slater. Monte Carlo Simulation of Magnetically Focused Narrow Proton Beams. Loma Linda University Annual Alumni Post Graduate Convention, March 2012.
McAuley G, S Barnes, A Wroe, J Slater. Monte Carlo Simulation of Single-Plane Magnetically Focused Narrow Proton Beams. American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 54th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, Jul 29 – Aug 2, 2012.
McAuley G, A Wroe, J Slater. Effects on Dose and RBE from High Density Materials in Proton Therapy. American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 55th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Aug 4 – 8, 2013.
McAuley GA, Teran AV, Slater JD, Slater JM, Wroe AJ. Evaluation of the Dosimetric Properties of a Diode Detector toProton Radiosurgery, Inaugural Scientific Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group of North America, Houston, TX, October 2014.
Andrew J. Wroe, Anthony V. Teran, Grant McAuley, Jeannie Wong, Marco Petasecca, Michael Lerch, James M. Slater, Anatoly B. Rosenfeld, Application of a Pixelated Silicon Detector to Proton Radiosurgery, Inaugural Scientific Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group of North America, Houston, TX, October 2014.
Nguyen TT, McAuley GA, Heczko S, Slater JM, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Evaluation of a dual focusing magnet system for treatment of small proton targets, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Washington, DC, August 2016.
McAuley GA, Martinez SJ, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Prediction of Optimal Focal Lengths in Magnetically Focused Proton Treatments, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Denver, CO, August 2017.
McAuley GA, Martinez SJ, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Prediction of optimal focal lengths in magnetically focused proton treatments using transfer matrices, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Nashville TN, July 2018.
Teran AV, McAuley GA, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Evaluation and optimization of a multi-wire ridge filter for pencil beam scanning applications, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Nashville TN, July 2018.
Elijah Yap, Anthony V Teran, Andrew J Wroe Jerry D Slater, Grant A McAuley. Precise Magnetic Field Measurements of High-Gradient Permanent Quadrupole Focusing Magnets. Poster Presentation (senior author) 59th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-operative Group (PTCOG) Online Conference, June 4-7 2021.
Mc Auley G., H. Liu, J.M. Kootsey, Learning Physiology with Interactive Web Based Simulations (Co-presenter), Fifth Annual Research Symposium, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda University, CA, September 12, 2002.
G McAuley, C Mueller, M Schrag, J Larsen, W Britt III, D Kido, B Holshouser, A Freeberg, F Petersen, R Raghavan, C Dickson, I Kim, A Dickson, J Knecht, W Kirsch (Loma Linda University), W Zhou, M Ross, A VanMeter, M Heiby, V Espina, L Liotta (George Mason University), A Khan, M Ayaz, EM Haacke (The MRI Institute for Biomedical Research), H Vinters, J Pomakian (UCLA). Iron Metabolism Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease. NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership Grantee Meeting, Bethesda, MD, June 23-24, 2008.
McAuley G, Barnes S, Wroe A, Slater J. Monte Carlo Simulation of Single-Plane Magnetically Focused Narrow Proton Beams. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, Oct 27 – Nov 3, 2012.
McAuley GA, Slater JM, Wroe AJ. Magnetically Focused Proton Irradiation of Small Volume Targets, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Austin, TX, July 2014.
McAuley GA, Slater JM, Wroe AJ. Single-plane Magnetically Focused Narrow Elongated Small Field Proton Beams, Inaugural Scientific Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group of North America, Houston, TX, October 2014.
McAuley GA, Slater JM, Wroe AJ. Magnetically Focused Proton Irradiation of Small Volume Targets, Inaugural Scientific Meeting of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group of North America, Houston, TX, October 2014.
McAuley GA, Slater JM, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Magnetically Focused Proton Irradiation of Small Field Targets, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Anaheim, CA, July 2015.
McAuley GA, Slater JM, Heczko S, Nguyen T, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Magnetically Focused Proton Irradiation of Small Volume Radiosurgery Targets" Oral ePoster, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Washington, DC, August 2016.
McAuley GA, Slater JM, Heczko S, Nguyen T, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Monte Carlo Analysis of Magnetically Focused Beams for Proton Radiosurgery, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Denver, CO, August 2017.
McAuley GA, AV Teran, PQ McGee,JM Slater, JD Slater & AJ Wroe. Toward Magnetically Focused Proton Radiosurgery, Annual Meeting American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Denver, CO, August 2017.
McAuley GA, Slater JD, Wroe AJ. Creation of proton minibeams using single quadrupole Halbach cylinders (ePoster Discussion Oral Presentation). 58th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group, Manchester, UK, June 2019.
Anthony V Teran, Andrew J Wroe, Eric V Ramirez, Jerry D Slater, Grant A McAuley. High-Gradient Magnetically Focused System for Preclinical Proton Minibeam Experiments. Oral Presentation. 59th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-operative Group (PTCOG) Online Conference, June 4-7 2021.