

  • Inceoglu, S., Botimer, G., and Maskiewicz, V.K.,  “Controlled Relase of Gentamicin from Novel Microcomposite Implants”, AACP Annual Meeting, Boston MA, 2019. (07/2019)


  • V.M. Knepp, R.S. Hinz, F.C. Szoka Jr., and R.H. Guy, "Transdermal Drug Delivery from a Liposomal-Based Reservoir Device",  presented at the 39th National Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Minneapolis MN, 1985.   (03/1985)
  • V.M. Knepp,. R.S. Hinz, F.C. Szoka Jr., and R. H. Guy, "Controlled Release from a Liposomal-Based Reservoir Device," presented at the 191st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, NY, 1986.   (03/1986)
  • V.M. Knepp,. R.S. Hinz, F.C. Szoka Jr., and R. H. Guy, "Controlled Drug Release From a Novel Liposomal Delivery System," presented at the 61st American Chemical Society Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI, 1987.  Podium presentation. (07/1987)
  • V.M. Knepp, R.S. Hinz, F.C. Szoka Jr, and R.H. Guy, "Controlled Drug Release and Transdermal Delivery from a Liposomal-Based Reservoir Device," presented at the Japanese - United States Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 1987.   (12/1987)
  • V.M. Knepp, J.L. Whatley, A. Muchnik, and T.S. Calderwood “Formulation, Development and Characterization of recombinant human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor,” AAPS National Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, 1995. (11/1995)
  • S.J. Prates, V.K. Maskiewicz, I.C. Clarke, P.A. Williams, and T. K. Donaldson, “What Happens to the Proteins in Serum-Based Lubricants During Wear Testing of CoCr Hip Prostheses?”, STLE Annual Meeting, Las Vegas NV, 2010. (01/2010)
  • Brier-Jones, J., Kroger, J., Beauford, P., Inceoglu, S., Maskiewicz, V. and Cheng, W., “Setting time comparison of four antimicrobial-laden calcium sulfate plasters”, Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Trauma Association, San Diego CA 2015 (06/2015)
  • Veillette, J.J., Winans, S.A., Forland, S.C., and Maskiewicz, V.K., “A simple and rapid RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of piperacillin and tazobactam in human plasma”, Loma Linda University Annual Research Day, Loma Linda CA, 2017. (03/2017)