Mamier, I., & Petersen, A. B. (2024): Caring. In P. Jones, E. Ramal, & A. B. Petersen (Eds.): Whole Person Care—An Adventist Nursing Perspective.
Mamier, I., & Petersen, A. B. (2024): Caring. In P. Jones, E. Ramal, & A. B. Petersen (Eds.): Whole Person Care—An Adventist Nursing Perspective.
Park, C. G., McMillan, K., & Mamier, I., (2024): The CLEAR Whole Person Care Model. In P. Jones, E. Ramal, & A. B. Petersen (Eds.): Whole Person Care—An Adventist Nursing Perspective.
Mamier, I., Foster, K., & Pangan, J. (2023). Spirituality. In P. D. Larsen (ed.) Lubkin’s chronic illness: Impact and intervention (11th ed.) Jones & Bartlett.
Mamier, I., Foster, K., & Pangan, J. (2021). Spirituality. In P. D. Larsen (ed.) Lubkin’s chronic Illness: Impact and intervention (11th ed.) Jones & Bartlett.
Condon, V., Miller, E., Mamier, I., Zimmerman, G., & Ninan, B. (2015). Improving nursing students’ academic performance through The Exam Analysis. In L. Caputi (Ed.). Innovations in Nursing Education: Building the Future of Nursing (Vol. 3, pp. 85-103). Washington, DC: National League of Nursing.
Scholarly Journals--Published
Mamier, I., Park, G. C., Taylor, E. J. (2023). How Christian nurses respond to patients’ requests for prayer: An observational study. Journal of Christian Nursing40(4), 222-229. DOI: 10.1097/CNJ.0000000000001061
Mamier, I., Park, G. C., & Taylor, E. J., (2023). How Christian nurses respond to patients’ requests for prayer: An observational study. Journal of Christian Nursing. doi: 10.1097/CNJ.0000000000001061 epublished ahead of print
Mamier, I., Kim, S. M., Petersen, D., Bae, H. J., Taylor, E. J., & Kang, K. A. (2021). Spiritual needs among Koreans and Americans with advanced chronic illnesses: A cultural comparison. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Kang, K. A., Mamier, I., Chun, J., & Taylor, E. J. (2021). Cross-cultural Validation of the Spiritual Interests Related to Illness Tool - Korean Version. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing, 23(1), 98-108. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000718
Chun, J., Kang, K. A., Mamier, I., & Taylor, E. J. (2021). Cross-cultural Validation of the Spiritual Interests Related to Illness Tool - Korean Version. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing, 23(1), 98-108. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000718
Mamier, I., Taylor, E. J., & Winslow, B. W. (2019). Nurse spiritual care: Prevalence and correlates. Western Journal of Nursing Research 41(4), 537-554. doi: 10.1177/0193945918776328
Taylor, E. J., Gober, C., Schoonover-Shoffner, K., Mamier, I., Somaiya, C., Bahjri, K. (2019). Nurse Religiosity and Spiritual Care: An Online Survey. Clinical Nursing Research28(5), 636-652. doi: 10.1177/1054773817725869
Taylor, E. J., Gober, C., Schoonover-Shoffner, K., Mamier, I.,Somaiya, C., Bahjri, K. (2018).Nurse opinions about initiating spiritual conversation and prayer in patient care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(10), 2381-2392. DOI: 10.1111/jan.13777
Siler, S., Mamier, I., & Winslow, B. W. (2018). The perceived facilitators and challenges of translating a lung cancer palliative care intervention into Community-based settings. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing. 20(4), 407-415. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000470.
Mamier, I., Ramal, E., Petersen, A.B. & Elder, H. (2017): Inviting spiritual dialogue: A Loma Linda Perspective. Journal of Adventist Education79(5).
Taylor, E. J., Mamier, I., Ricci-Allegra, P., & Foith, J. (2017). Self-reported frequency of nurse provided spiritual care. Applied Nursing Research, 35(17), 30-35.doi:10.1016/j.apnr.2017.02.019
Mamier, I. & Taylor, E. J. (2015). Psychometric evaluation of the Nurse Spiritual Care Therapeutics Scale. Western Journal of Nursing Research 37, 679-694. doi: 10.1177/0193945914530191
Mamier, I. & Winslow, B. W. (2014). Divergent views of placement decision-making: A qualitative case study. Issues of Mental Health Nursing 35, 1-8. doi:10.3109/01612840.2013.834014
Taylor E. J. & Mamier I. (2013). Nurse responses to patient expressions of spiritual distress. Holistic Nursing Practice, 27(4), 217-224. doi:10.1097/HNP.0b013e318294e50a
Condon, V., Morgan, C. J., Miller, E. W., Mamier, I., Zimmerman, G., & Mazhar, W. (2013). A program to enhance recruitment and retention of disadvantaged and ethnically diverse baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 24(4), 397-407. doi: 10.1177/1043659613493437.
Taylor, E. J., Mamier, I., Bahjri, K., Anton, T., & Petersen, F. (2009). Efficacy of a self-study programme to teach spiritual care. Journal of Clinical Nursing,18(8), 1131-40. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02526.x
Taylor E. J. & Mamier I. (2005): Spiritual care nursing: What cancer patients and family caregivers want. Journal of Advanced Nursing,49(3), 260-267.
Scholarly Journals--Accepted
Chun, J., Kang, K. A., Mamier, I., & Taylor, E. J., (2021). Cross-cultural validation of the Spiritual Interests Related to Illness Tool - Korean Version. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 23(1),
Winslow, B. & Mamier, I. (2007). Family caregivers and placement decisions [abstract]. 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of American in San Francisco, CA: The Gerontologist, 47(SI 1). p. 387.
Taylor, E.J. & Mamier, I. (2004). Spiritual care nursing interventions: What cancer patients and family caregivers want. Oncology Nursing Forum31(2).
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