
Accreditation Support -- LLU

  • National Association of Seventh-Day Adventist Dentists (08/2011 - Present)
  • International/American Association for Dental Research (08/1988 - Present)
  • International Association for Orthodontics (08/2010 - Present)
  • Chair of scholarly activities evaluation committee for a faculty for promotion (10/2014 - 11/2014)
  • Treatment of injured pig teeth requested by LLU animal care facility (11/2014)
  • Speaker at 52nd LLU Alumni Scientific Convention   (03/2012)
  • Faculy of Graduate Study (07/2010 - Present)
  • Professor of Restorative Dentistry (01/2011 - Present)
  • Guided Democratic People''s Republic of Korea ( DPRK) visiting scholars Translated Lecture Slides (350) into Korean  for  Visitors   (02/2010)
  • Awards Presenter (04/2010)
  • Student Research Competition Judge (02/2009)
  • Research Committee Member (07/2009 - Present)
  • Book Reviewer for Publication:  A baby Named Jesus is Born; Author: Dr. Ann Stauble (07/2009 - 12/2009)
  • Faculty of Graduate School (01/2008 - Present)
  • Associate Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry (01/2006 - 12/2010)
  • Director, Clinical Research Program,                  Center for Dental Research,                  School of Dentistry, Loma Linda University (06/2005 - Present)
  • Mission trip Faculty to Korea (June 17-23). (06/2009)
  • Speaker at 45th LLU Alumni Scientific Convention     (02/2008)
  • awards presenter (04/2007)
  • Instructor: mission trip to Korea (06/2007 - 07/2007)

Accreditation Visits

  • Host Visitor from Kyung hee University Dean Dr. Joon Bong Park  (08/24-25/2010) (08/2010)

Committee Membership (LLU)

  • Member of Promotion Committee (06/2017 - Present)
  • Committee member for scholarly activities evaluation committee for Dr. So Ran Kwon for promotion form associate professor to professor (03/2017 - 04/2017)
  • Chair of scholarly activities evaluation committee for Dr. Balsam Jekki for promotion form Assistant professor to Associate professor (07/2016 - 08/2016)
  • Faculty of Graduation Studies (06/2013 - Present)
  • Research Guidance Committee for Graduate Student (07/2013 - Present)
  • Scholarly Activity Task Force Committee (07/2013 - 12/2013)
  • Research Guidance Committee for Graduate Student (07/2011 - 06/2012)
  • Research Committee (06/2010 - Present)
  • Faculty Promotion Committee (06/2011 - 06/2013)
  • Scholarly Activity Task Force Committee (02/2012 - 06/2012)
  • Promotion Peer Review(Academic) Committee Chair (02/2011 - 04/2011)
  • Research Guidance Committee Member for Graduate Student (12/2009 - Present)
  • member - admission committee member (07/2006 - 06/2007)

Community Service

  • Donate 1 case of toothbrushes(144) and 2 cases of toothpastes(144) to Tropical Storm Erika victims in Dominica (09/2015)
  • Donate 1 case of toothbrushes(144) and 3cases of toothpastes(210) to local church (02/2016)
  • Article Reviewer for Healthy Women as an expert reviewer on halitosis   (04/2012)
  • Article Reviewer for LA Times as an expert reviewer on fluorosis   (03/2012 - 04/2012)
  • Donator; donate children’s toothbrushes to Language and Literacy center, S.B. and given toothbrushing demonstration (07/2010)
  • Instructor - Instructor for a Mission trip to South Korea (03/2006)
  • Director - Appointed as a director of incorporation of Korea HaeDongKumDo Association (10/2006)
  • Sport Missionary Dentist - Dentist for Missionary Tae Kwon Do Association (07/2004)

International Service

  • Oral session chair. IADR –March 11-14, 93rd IADR, 44th AADR, 39th CADR, Boston (03/2015)
  • Poster Session Chairs at AADR Annual Meeting (04/2012)

Society Memberships (professional)

  • IABR (Internation Association of Breath Research) (06/2016 - Present)
  • International Association for Breath Research (09/2013 - Present)
  • Omicron Kappa Upsilon (08/2011 - 01/0000)
  • American/California Dental Association/Tricounty Dental (08/1997 - Present)
  • American Academy of Implant Dentistry (09/2010 - Present)
  • ISBOR Board member   (06/2012 - Present)
  • Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) (06/2011 - Present)
  • National Association of Seventh-Day Adventist Dentists (NASDAD) (07/2005 - Present)
  • International Society of Breath Odor Research (ISBOR) (07/2000 - Present)
  • International/American Association for Dental Research (IADR, AADR) (07/1988 - Present)
  • International Association for Orthodontics (IAO) (07/2003 - Present)
  • American/California Dental Association/Tricounty Dental (ADA, CDA, TCDS) (08/1988 - Present)
  • American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) (07/2005 - Present)