Arden Hills SDA Church Head Sabbath School Superintendent
(09/2004 - 09/2006)
Superintendant - Sabbath School Superintendant, Arden Hills SDA Church
(09/2006 - Present)
Elder - Arden Hills SDA Church
(07/1992 - Present)
Arden Hills SDA Church Board Member
(01/1992 - Present)
Arden Hills SDA Church Sabbath School Teacher
(01/1992 - Present)
Committee Membership (LLU)
Chair of following dissertation committees (Year is year of student graduation):
Wiles, Stacey D. (2020 projected) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Education and Intention to Perform Resuscitation among Upper Elementary Students
Haubenstricker, John E. (2020 projected) Dietary Intake and Behavior In Competitive Women Bodybuilders
Krafft, Elena (2020 projected) Longitudinal Study of Job Control, Job Stress, Spiritual Meaning and Healthcare Utilization Among Older Adults
Moore, Adrienne (2019) Body Weight Perception: Predictors and Trends In Us Adults: A 20 Year Longitudinal Study
Chukwueke, Ihuoma Okezie (2019) Religious Social Support, Perceived Stress, CRP and Pain-Related Inflammatory Diseases
Reed, Rachael N. (2019) The Role of Religion and Ethnicity in the Relationship Between Discrimination and Diabetes
Burks, Erynn M. (2018) The Effect of the Seventh-day Sabbath on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Cortisol
Teteh, Dede Kossiwa (2017) The Role of Religious Coping in the Relationship Between Perceived Discrimination and Hypertension
Bahadorani, Nasim (2017) Implications of Tamarkoz® on Reducing Stress for University Students
Alanazi, Naif H. (2016) Waterpipe Smoking: Its Role in Initiation of Cigarette Smoking in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Fider, Carla R. A. (2015) Physical and Mental Health Outcomes of Caregiver Burden and Their Relationship to Religiosity
Holland, Karen J. (2015) The Effects of Spiritual Intimacy on Relational Intimacy and Well-being
Thomas, Lorraine Abaro (2015) The Relationships Between Dimensions of Religiosity and BMI
Tanzini, Laura (2015) Forgiveness in relation to Life Satisfaction and Childhood or Adult Traumatic Events
Castro, Lorri (2014) Prospective Relationships among Types of Prayer, Trauma, Perceived Stress, and Physical Health
(2014 - 08/2020)
Member of the following dissertation committees (year is year of graduation):
Reynolds, Abraham (2020 projected, psychology) Hurricane Survival: A Mediational Analysis of Religious Coping, Worldview, and Health
Chakos, Angelica (2020 projected, psychology) Forgiveness after Risky Family Exposure and Emotion Regulation in Adulthood
Viehmann-Wical, Katie (2020 projected) Effect of Poor Sleep Patterns on Predicting Increased Inflammatory Biomarkers
Koranda, Brenda (2020 projected) Effects of Electronic Prompted Activity Intervention for Sedentary Office Workers
Kramer, Kerianne (2020 projected, psychology) Adverse Childhood Experiences, Inflammation, and Depressive Symptoms
Tan, Alison (2018, Psychology) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms: Protective Effects of Dietary Flavonoids
Armstrong, Susan Lynn (2018) The Association of Religious Coping and Perceived Stress with Tobacco Cessation
Bhat-Patel, Priya (2018) School Policies, Health Education, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption, Sleep, & Academic Performance in U.S. Adolescents
John, Vimla Gill (2017, Nursing) Social Support and Stressors Predicting Postpartum Depression in Karachi Pakistan
Naté, Jemma (2017) Parental Perceptions of their Child’s Weight Status and Pediatric Obesity
Dautenhahn, Katherine (2015, Psychology) The Impact of Interpersonal Violence and Targeted Rejection on Depression and Social Support
Wosu, Oluwafeyikemi Adesina (2017, Epidemiology) Impact of Secular and Religious Social Support on Hospitalization during Follow-up
Bonome, Janet (2016) Environmental Stability, Intimate Partner Violence, and Associated Disparities in Child Maltreatment.
Schulz, Kristine A. (2015) Motivators for Clinical Evaluation of Hearing Loss Based on an Enhanced Health Belief Model
Serrano, Salim (2014) Lifestyle Predictors of Sleep Patterns Among Seventh-day Adventists
Mc Kinney, Ogbochi (2014) Predicting Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in HIV Positive Malawian Women
(2014 - 08/2018)
Octaviana Hemmy Asamsama (Dissertation Committee Chair) Depression and Diabetes: A Prospective Study of Older Seventh-day Adventist Adults
(07/2013 - 10/2014)
SPH Rank and Tenure Committee- Chair
(01/2005 - 08/2014)
Jennifer D. Johnson (Dissertation Committee Member) Running, Walking And Jogging Or Frequency Of Vigorous Activity As Predictors Of Diabetes In A Follow-Up Study
(04/2013 - 06/2014)
Dominick Louis Sturz (Dissertation Committee Chair) Retirement: Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Social Support, and Spiritual Meaning, Are They Factors?
(01/2013 - 01/2014)
HPRO Department Committee
(09/1983 - 12/2013)
Megan Holt (Dissertation Committee Chair) Association of Dietary Intake Paterns with Emotion Regulation
(07/2012 - 08/2013)
Salim Serrano (Dissertation Committee Member) Lifestyle Predictors of Sleep Patterns among Seventh-day Adventists
(01/2011 - 07/2013)
Joseph Raphel (Dissertation Committee Chair) Is Affect Associated with Stress and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Healthy Aging Seventh-day Adventists?
(02/2011 - 12/2012)
Aileen Rosogmar Castaritas Tareg (Dissertation Committee Member) Chewing Tobacco with or without Betel Nut and Smoking Among Adults in Yap, Micronesia
(09/2010 - 06/2012)
Patricia Ann Ford (Dissertation Committee Member) The Association of Diet with Affect
(03/2010 - 05/2012)
Daniel Osei (Dissertation Committee Chair) Impact of an Online Support System on Health Related Quality Of Life Among Men Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
(05/2006 - 08/2011)
Lisa Roberts (Dissertation Committee Member) Social And Cultural Factors Associated With Perinatal Grief In Ghhattisgarh, India
(09/2010 - 06/2011)
Melissa L. Wigginton (Dissertation Committee Chair) Modifying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Exercise Behaviors among Children
(09/2010 - 06/2011)
Sanam Kazemi (Dissertation Committee Member) Predicting Mammography Screening and Breast Self-Examination Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women in Orange County, California
(09/2010 - 06/2011)
Jacqueline D. Bougie (Dissertation Committee Chair) The Association of Religious Coping on Reports of Low Back Pain and Inflammatory Markers
(11/2009 - 06/2011)
Richelin Dye (Dissertation Committee Member) Religious Coping and Depression Among Blacks and Whites After Sexual Abuse
(09/2009 - 06/2011)
Jacqueline Bougie (Dissertation Committee Chair). The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Reports of Chronic Musculoskeletal Conditions and Inflammatory Markers.
(06/2009 - 06/2011)
Huma Shah (Dissertation Committee Chair) Religious Coping: A Predcitor of Job Satisfaction?
(04/2009 - 06/2011)
Huma Shah (Dissertation Committee Chair) Religious Coping: A Predcitor of Job Satisfaction?
(02/2008 - 06/2011)
Laura Chandler (Dissertation Committee Chair) The Relation of Fitness Assessment Feedback to Intrinsiic Motivation and Physical Activity Among College Students
(06/2006 - 06/2011)
Michelle Doan (Dissertation Committee Chair) Religious Homogamy, Marital Quality, and Health Outcomes in a Population of Seventh-day Adventists
(08/2009 - 08/2010)
Doan, Michelle (Dissertation Committee Chair) Religious Homogamy, Marital Quality, and Health Outcomes in a Population of Seventh-day Adventists
(11/2008 - 07/2010)
Michael Paalani (Dissertation Committee Member) Association between Obesity, Depression, and Inflammation among Seventh-Day Adventists in the Biopsychosocial Religion and Health Study
(09/2009 - 06/2010)
Richelin Veluz Dissertation committee Member. The Role of Worldview and Religious Coping in Moderating Depression in Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivors (Psychology Department)
(11/2008 - 06/2010)
Shi Fan Lin, Dissertation Committee Chair, Attitudes and Beliefs that Predict Taiwanese Older Adults’ Intentions to Attend Strength and Balance Training Programs
(02/2008 - 06/2009)
Nellie León, Dissertation Committee Member, The Prevalence and Determinants of Health Risk Behaviors among High School Students in México
(01/2008 - 06/2009)
Yen Ang Dissertation Committee - Member Title: The Effects of Nuts on the Biomarkers of Metabolic Syndrome among Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome
(06/2007 - 06/2009)
See Wei Toh Dissertation Committee - Member Title: The Influence of Familism on Subjective Norm in Predicting the Intention to Eat a Vegetarian Diet among Chinese Seventh-Day Adventists in North America
(05/2007 - 06/2009)
Ruth Tanyi Dissertation Committee - Member Title: The Effects of a Psychoneuroimmunology-Based (PNI) Lifestyle Intervention in Modifying the Progression of Moderate Unipolar Depression in Adults
(01/2007 - 06/2009)
Susan Andera Dissertation Committee - Chair Title: Religious Coping, Anxiety, Depression, and Perceived Health Status in Older Adults
(04/2003 - 06/2009)
Reviewer Hulda Crooks Scholoarship
SPH Wholeness Committee
(07/2004 - 12/2008)
Jung Park Dissertation Committee - Chair Title: Look Beyond: A Spiritual Group Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients
(05/2005 - 09/2008)
Leslie Bramson Dissertation Committee - Chair Title: The Association Of Intention To Breastfeed, Skin-To-Skin Contact, Time-Together During the First Three Hours Following Birth, and Breastfeeding During Maternity Hospital Stay
(03/2006 - 08/2008)
Godwin Aja, Dissertation Committee Member, Application of The Asset Mapping Model to Church Based HIV/Aids Prevention and Control in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria
(08/2007 - 06/2008)
LLU eUniversity Committee - Member
(07/2004 - 06/2008)
EEC Program Review Committee - Member
(07/2006 - 06/2007)
Ahlam A. Jadalla Dissertation Committee - Member Title: Acculturation Modes and the Health of Adult Arab Americans School of Nursing
(10/2005 - 06/2007)
Dixon Anjejo Dissertation Committe - Member Title: Factors Associated with Aids Risk Behaviors of African Born Adolescents in San Diego
(06/2005 - 06/2007)
Angelica Herrera Dissertation Committee - Chair Title: Determinants of Long-Term Care Service Utilization by Mexican-American Family Caregivers
(06/2005 - 06/2007)
Catherine Oliveros Dissertation Committee - Chair Title: An Evaluation of Burden and Perceived Health Status Among Non-Dementia Latino Caregivers Enrolled in Community Based Care Management Programs
(02/2005 - 06/2007)
Richelin Veluz Dissertation Committee - Member Title: Longitudinal evaluation of the coping process: The contributions of religious and nonreligious coping Department of Psychology
(12/2005 - 12/2006)
Tamarra Jones Dissertation Committee - Member Title: Factors Influencing the Intention to Quit Drinking Alcohol among African American/Black Pregnant Women
(05/2004 - 06/2006)
Defne Sahraryildizi Dissertation Committee - Chair Title: The Association between Religious Commitment, Social Support, Religious Coping Mechanisms, Sabbath Keeping and Stress
(10/2002 - 06/2006)
Dissertation Committee Chair - Chaired committees for Susan Andera, Janet Flores, Donna Hebbeler, Defne Saharyildizi, & Joyce Neergaard
(07/2004 - 06/2005)
Dissertation Methodology/Stat Mentor - Served as Methodology/Statistics advisor as well as committee memember for Amy Binggelli, James Jo, Peter Le, & Elvin Hernandez.
(07/2004 - 06/2005)
Health Education DrPH Project Guidance Committee:
Palacios, Katherine (2020 projected, Chair) The Association of ACEs, Neuroticism, Sabbath Observance, and Religious Coping with Life
(10/2019 - Present)
School of Allied Health Rank and Tenure Committee (Member)
(01/2019 - Present)
School of Public Health Rank & Tenure Committee Chair
(01/2019 - Present)
LLU Rank & Tenure Committee - Member
(2004 - Present)
HPRO DrPH Health Education Commitee
(09/1983 - Present)
HPRO DrPH Preventive Care Committee
(07/1983 - Present)
School of Public Health Rank and Tenure Committee (Member)
(08/1980 - Present)
Community Service
Reviewer Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
(11/2008 - 06/2011)