

  • Jerry Lee. "Cambodia, ADRA, and LLU." Worship Service. Arden hills SDA Church (07/2004)
  • Jerry Lee. "Cambodia, ADRA, and LLU." Worship Service. Exeter SDA Church (08/2004)
  • Jerry Lee. "The Pursuit of Happiness." Worship Service. Zaosky Adventist University, Russia (08/2005)


  • Jo, James Kyung , Edward K. Fujimoto, Jerry W. Lee, and Ernie Medina. "Correlates of in-home smoking behavior of parents with young children: A cross-sectional study." American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA (12/2005)
  • Nyanzi, Susan A. , Jerry Lee, Kristian Lindsted and Edwin Krick.. "Effects of smoking on Antinuclear Antibody and Rheumatoid Factor, antibodies associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis." American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA (12/2005)
  • Patricia S. Jones, Xinwei E. Zhang, Jerry W. Lee, Betty Winslow, Margaret Burns The Caregiver Empowerment Model Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Scientific Meeting Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Scientific Meeting Nov. 18, 2007 (11/2007)
  • Kelly R. Morton, Jerry Lee, Chris Ellison, Richelin Veluz, Colwick Wilson, Eric Walsh, Jim Walters. Discrimination, Religious Appraisals, and Forgiveness Independently Predict Depression in a Cohort of Black and White Adults.  Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2008 Annual Meeting Louisville, KY (10/2008)
  • Kelly R. Morton, Jerry Lee, Julie Hewet;  Discrimination Effects on Depression Moderated by Religious Support; Association for Psychological Science; Boston, MA; May 27, 2010 (05/2010)
  • Kelly R. Morton, Jerry W. Lee, Mark G. Haviland, Kanchana DeSilva, Gary E. Fraser; Poverty, Risky Family Exposure, Religiousness and Health in Black and White Adults ; Association for Psychological Science; Boston, MA; May 28, 2010 (05/2010)


  • Lee, J. W., Morton, K. R., & Mahoney, M. . "The impact of lifestyle, social support, and religiousness on health." Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association. Vancouver, BC, Canada (05/2003)
  • . "Investigating the impact of public systems on the health behaviors of young injection drug users in Los Angeles County.." APHA Convention. Washington, D.C., (11/2004)
  • . "Schools, parents, and medical providers as HIV/STD prevention information resources for teens: How are we doing. , ." APHA Convention. Washington, D.C (11/2004)
  • Galvez, Cesar Augusto, Naomi N. Modeste, and Jerry W. Lee. "Predictors of Intention to Seek Medical Help by Peruvian Mothers for Children Who Have Signs of Pneumonia." American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting & Exposition. Philadelphia, PA (12/2005)
  • Lee, J.W., Morton, K.R., Walters, J.W., Mahoney, M., & Veluz, R.R. . "Beliefs about Sabbath: Associations with Religious Coping, Intrinsic Religiosity, Mental & Physical Health ." Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, CA (04/2006)
  • Amy Louise Binggeli, Susanne Montgomery, Jerry W. Lee, and Naomi Modeste. "Intentions for having sex: What matters to youth? ." American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition. Boston, MA (11/2006)
  • Angelica P. Herrera, MPH, Jerry W. Lee, Naomi Modeste, Patti Herring, and Johnny Ramirez-Johnson. "Determinants of long-term care service utilization by Mexican-American family caregivers ." American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting & Exposition. Boston, MA (11/2006)
  • Catherine Oliveros, Jerry W.Lee, Patty Herring, Betty Winslow. (2008). The Latino Dementia and Non-Dementia Caregiver Experience: Can Community Based Care Management Improve Caregiver Health? Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA Nov. 18, 2007 (11/2007)
  • Jerry W. Lee, Patricia S. Jones, Xinwei E. Zhang, Laura Chandler, Deanna Stover Differences in Filial Values among Five Ethnic Groups Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Scientific Meeting San Francisco, CA Nov. 18, 2007 (11/2007)
  • Patricia S. Jones, Jerry W. Lee, Xinwei E. Zhang Development of the Filial Values Index Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Scientific Meeting San Francisco, CA Nov. 18, 2007 (11/2007)
  • Morton, K. R., Lee, J. W., Bellinger, D., Fraser, G., Walters, J., & DeSilva, K.. Psychosocial Risk Exposure in Whites and African Americans: Religious Coping and Health. Association for Psychological Science 20th Annual Convention. Chicago, IL May 23, 2008 (05/2008)
  • Morton, K. R., Lee, J. W., Bellinger, D., Fraser, G., Walters, J., & DeSilva, K Psychosocial Risk Exposure in Whites and African Americans: Religious Coping and Health Association for Psychological Science 20th Annual Convention. Chicago, IL May 23, 2008 (05/2008)
  • Jerry W. Lee, Kelly R. Morton, James Walters, Denise L. Bellinger, Terry L. Butler, Colwick Wilson, Eric Walsh, Christopher G. Ellison, Monica M. McKenzie, Gary E. Fraser The Biopsychosocial Religion and Health Study (BRHS)AKA Adventist Religion & Health Study BRHS Monthly Presentation, LLU, June 2, 2008 (06/2008)
  • Angelica P. Herrera, Jerry W. Lee, Rebecca D. Nanyonjo, Larry E. Laufman and Isabel Torres Vigil. Religious coping and caregiver well-being in Mexican-American families. American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting & Exposition San Diego, CA (10/2008)
  • Jerry W. Lee, Kelly R. Morton, James Walters, Denise L. Bellinger, Terry L. Butler, Colwick Wilson, Eric Walsh, Christopher G. Ellison, Monica M. McKenzie, Gary E. Fraser. The Biopsychosocial Religion and Health Study (BRHS): Overview and Methods.  Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2008 Annual Meeting Louisville, KY (10/2008)
  • Jerry W. Lee, Kelly R. Morton, Oluwafeyikem Adesina.  The Structure of Sabbath Keeping and its Impact on Well-being. Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2008 Annual Meeting Louisville, KY (10/2008)
  • Kelly R. Morton, Jerry Lee, Chris Ellison, Julie Hewett, Sara Greene, Denise Bellinger, Gary Fraser. Giving vs. Receiving Religious Support by Marital, Racial, and Gender Status. Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2008 Annual Meeting Louisville, KY (10/2008)
  • Leslie Bramson, Jerry W. Lee, Christine Neish, Susanne Montgomery, Khaled Bahjri, and Elizabeth Moore. Factors influencing infant feeding method during the maternity hospital stay: How intention, maternal characteristics, and early skin-to-skin mother/infant contact correlate. American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, Oct. 27, 2008 (10/2008)
  • Janelle Guillory, Chris Ellison, Michael McFarland, Jerry W. Lee, James Walters. Coreligionist Networks and Health Behaviors in a Nationwide Sample of Seventh-day Adventists. Southern Sociological Society.  New Orleans, Louisiana, April 3, 2009 (04/2009)
  • Huma Shah, Jerry W. Lee; Religious Coping and Job Satisfaction; Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2009 Annual Meeting; Denver, CO ; October 23, 2009 (10/2009)
  • James W. Walters, Jerry W. Lee, Carla Gober; Concept of God, Eschatological Joy/Fear, and Quality of Life ; Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2009 Annual Meeting; Denver, CO ; October 23, 2009 (10/2009)
  • Jerry W. Lee, Kelly R. Morton, Christopher G. Ellison. Sabbath Beliefs and Health in a Seventh-day Adventist Cohort Sabbath Beliefs and Health in a Seventh-day Adventist Cohort; Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2009 Annual Meeting; Denver, CO ; October 23, 2009 (10/2009)
  • Richelin Veluz Dye, Kelly R. Morton, Jerry W. Lee; The  Role  of  Worldview  and  Religious  Coping  in  Moderating  Depression in Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivors; Society for the Scientific Study of religion 2009 Annual Meeting; Denver, CO ; October 23, 2009 (10/2009)
  • Ellison, Christopher; Smith, Cheryl; Morton, Kelly; Lee, Jerry (2010) Many Methods of Religious Coping, Revisited: Financial Strain, Religious Coping, and Depression in Seventh-Day Adventists Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX, January 28, 2011 (01/2011)
  •  Christopher G. Ellison; Michael J. McFarland; Rebecca Steckler; Jerry Lee; Kelly Morton.  The Social Organization of Healthy Lifestyles among Seventh-day Adventists.  Southern Sociological Society, Jacksonville, FL.  April 7, 2011. (04/2011)
  • Lee, Jerry W. Religion, Lifestyle and Health:  Perspectives from the Adventist Religion and Health Study. 2nd Global Conference on Health & Lifestyle. Geneva, Switzerland. July 9, 2014 (07/2014)
  • Ogbochi Mckinney; Naomi Modeste; Jerry W. Lee; Peter C. Gleason; Gisele Maynard-TuckerAntiretroviral therapy adherence determinants of women in southern Malawi: Healthcare providers' perspectivesNew Orleans, LA; November 17, 2014 (11/2014)
  • Ogbochi Mckinney; Naomi Modeste; Jerry W. Lee; Peter C. Gleason; Gisele Maynard-TuckerExamining the Impact of Food Access and Medication Side Effects on Intentions to Adhere to Antiretroviral TherapyLos Angeles, CA; November 7, 2014 (11/2014)
  • Jerry W. Lee  Sociocultural Connectedness: Religious Beliefs, Attitudes and Health within the Adventist Blue Zone First International Symposium on Blue Zone Area Science & Health, Loma Linda Uniersity (03/2017 - Present)