Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society 1996-current
Committee on Residents and Fellows in Training,American Academy of Otolaryngology-
Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) 2000-2001
Resident member of the National Residency Curriculum Subcommittee-AAO/HNS 2001-2002
National Resident Delegate for Section of Residents and Fellows (AAO-HNS) to the Society of University Otolaryngologists 2001- 2002
Illinois State Medical Society Governing Council Resident and Fellow Section
Resident Representative to Governmental Affairs Committee 2003-2004
Alternate Delegate for Illinois RFS to Illinois House of Delegates Meeting April 2004
American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery Media and Public Relations Committee 2004-2015
Wound Healing Society Education Committee 2006-2011
Pennsylvania State Medical Society Young Physicians Section
Governing Council Member at Large 2008-2011
Alternate Delegate, Pennsylvania Medical Society For Allegheny County October 2008
Visiting Scholar Committee University of Pittsburgh Faculty LiaisonLiaison (departmental) May 2009
American College of Surgeons Fellowship Induction October 2009
American College of Surgeons Council, Southwestern PA 2010- 2012 (3 year term)
Laryngology and Bronchoesophagology Education Committee, 2011-current
Home Study Course Section and MOC section Co-Chair 2015
Airway and Swallowing Committee, AAO-HNS 2013-current
(01/1996 - 08/2015)