Honors and Awards

Professional Awards and Honors

  • Oral presentation of "Endocuff assisted push enteroscopy increases the diagnosis of gastrointestinal angiodysplasia at ASGE Annual Scientic Program Committee during Digestive Disease Week USA (May 2021). Plenary poster at 41st ASBMR meeting for the abstract entitled “Mild traumatic brain injury impairs fracture healing (Sep. 2019) Travel award and Oral presentation at 40th ASBMR meeting for the abstract entitled “Transcription factor 7 like (TCF7L2) is a novel regulator of Osteoblast function and peak bone mass in mice (Sep. 2018). Distinction in scholarship in Physiological Genomics for the article "Conditional disruption of miR17-92 cluster in collagen type-I producing osteoblasts results in reduced periosteal bone formation and bone anabolic response to exercise (March 2015). Distinguished oral presentation at 34th ASBMR annual meeting held at Baltimore, USA for the paper entitled " conditional disruption of the miR17-92 cluster in osteoblasts impairs skeletal growth and periosteal response to mechanical loading (2013). Plenary Poster at 34th ASBMR annual meeting held at Baltimore, USA for the paper entitled " IGF-I - estrogen cross talk is essential for cortical bone response to mechanical loading in mice (2013). Tata Junior Research Fellowship Award, Lady Tata Memorial Trust Bombay, India (Aug 1999 - Aug 2001). Project Fellow Award, University Grant Commission, Dept. of Genetics, Dr. ALM PG Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, India (1998). (Present)