

  • PMID: 38594088 Statement of problem: A predictable protocol for accurately scanning implants in a complete edentulous arch has not been established. Purpose: The purpose of this clinical study was to investigate the effect of splinting implant scan bodies intraorally on the accuracy and scan time for digital scans of edentulous arches. Material and methods: This single center, nonrandomized, clinical trial included a total of 19 arches. Definitive casts with scan bodies were fabricated and scanned with a laboratory scanner as the reference (control) scan. Each participant received 2 intraoral scans, the first with unsplinted scan bodies and the second with resin-splinted scan bodies. The scan time was also recorded for each scan. To compare the accuracy of the scans, the standard tessellation language (STL) files of the 2 scans were superimposed on the control scan, and positional and angular deviations were analyzed by using a 3-dimensional (3D) metrology software program. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the distance and angular deviations between the splinted group and the unsplinted group with the control. The ANOVA test was conducted to examine the effect of the scan technique on trueness (distance deviation and angular deviation) and scan time (α=.05 for all tests). Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the overall 3D positional and angular deviations of the unsplinted and splinted digital scans when compared with the reference scans (P<.05). No statistically significant differences in overall 3-dimensional positional deviations (P=.644) and angular deviations (P=.665) were found between the splinted and unsplinted experimental groups. A faster scan time was found with the splinted group in the maxillary arch. Conclusions: Conventional complete arch implant impressions were more accurate than digital complete arch implant scans. Splinting implant scan bodies did not significantly affect the trueness of complete arch digital scans, but splinting appeared to reduce the scan time. However, fabricating the splint was not considered in the time measurement (04/2024)
  • PMID: 3745267 Abstract Digital replication of an existing cast gold onlay anatomy to a more esthetic material for a new complete denture is challenging. A technique is presented that uses digital technology to fabricate a new maxillary complete denture with monolithic zirconia onlays that duplicate the anatomy of an existing complete denture with cast gold onlays. (04/2024)
  • Abstract Purpose: To compare surface roughness and bacterial colonization of Streptococcus mutans to 3D printed (3DP), milled (M), and conventional (CV) acrylic resin. Methods: Thirty-six discs (n equals 12 per group) were fabricated from 3DP, M, and CV materials. One surface of sample was polished (Po); the opposite surface was left unpolished (UPo). Surface roughness (μm) was assessed using a contact profilometer. The specimens were placed in S. mutans suspension and incubated at 37 degrees Celsius overnight. The attached colonies were separated using a sonicator, and the resulting solution was diluted to 10-3 to assess colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml) after 48 hours. The colonies were categorized into a quantitative S. mutans (QS) index. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, chi-squares, and multivariate analysis of variance analysis with the least significant difference (LSD) post-hoc test (P<0.05). Results: Roughness average (Ra) values of CV were higher than 3DP and M for UPo surfaces (P<0.001; 3DP=0.10; M=0.13; CV=0.26 μm, respectively). For Po and UPo surfaces, the CV harbored more S. mutans colonies than M and 3DP (P<0.001; 3DP=5.2x10 6 ; M=4.7x10 6 ; CV=1.49x10 7 CFU/ml, respectively). M group had the lowest range of QS scores, while CV had the highest range (P<0.001). Conclusions: Digitally manufactured material provides smoother surfaces than the conventional group, resulting in fewer Streptococcus mutans colonies. However, all the material groups must still be adequately polished to prevent the colonization of S. mutans, regardless of the manufacturing methods, as higher S. mutans counts were observed with an increase in surface roughness values (03/2024)
  • PMID: 38375398   PMCID: PMC10874785   DOI: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2023.10.014 Abstract The fabrication of periodontal ligament (PDL) models for in vitro dental studies has seen a wide range of techniques and materials being utilized. This paper introduces a novel dental technique that employs a digital workflow for the fabrication of artificial PDL using three-dimensional printing of flexible resin. This innovative approach offers several advantages, including enhanced accuracy and realism in simulating PDL. The digital workflow facilitates a streamlined fabrication process, ensuring efficiency and precision. By presenting this novel technique, this digital approach contributes to the advancement of in vitro dental research, providing researchers with a reliable and realistic model for studying various dental phenomena. (10/2023)
  • PMID: 37429754   DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2023.05.018 Abstract STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Implant abutment screw loosening is the most common prosthetic complication of implant-supported single crowns. However, few studies have objectively evaluated the effectiveness of different tightening protocols on reverse tightening values (RTVs). Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the optimal tightening protocol for implant abutment screws with different screw materials. Material and methods: Sixty implants from 2 implant systems (Keystone and Nobel Biocare) with different definitive screw materials were selected. One group used diamond-like carbon (DLC) coated screws (DLC Group), and the other used titanium nitride (TiN) screws (TiN Group). Each group consisted of 30 implants. The implants in each group were distributed randomly into 3 subgroups (n=10). The implants from both manufacturers were mounted in resin blocks by following a clinical component connection protocol: a cover screw was placed, then an impression coping, and finally an original manufacturer prefabricated abutment. The abutment screws were tightened to the manufacturer's recommended tightening value using 3 different protocols: tighten the screw once (1T); tighten the abutment screw to the recommended tightening value, wait 10 minutes, and then retighten (2T); and tighten the abutment screw to the recommended tightening value, countertighten, tighten, countertighten, and then tighten (3TC). RTVs were measured after 3 hours. The Shapiro-Wilk test was performed to test for normal distribution of the data. The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to each system's group that was not normally distributed (P<.05). Where differences existed, a post hoc analysis using the Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Flinger (DSCF) pairwise comparisons test was conducted. Results: No significant differences were found among the 3 different tightening groups in the TiN group (P>.05). However, significant differences were found among the 3 different tightening protocols in the DLC group (P<.05). Conclusions: Abutment screw systems from different manufacturers behave differently with respect to how they are tightened. For the TiN screw group, statistically similar RTVs were found for the 3 tightening protocols. The most efficient tightening protocol for the DLC-coated screw was the 3TC-DLC. (07/2023)
  • Selective implant scan body modification to restore severely tilted adjacent implants: A completely digital workflow. Alqarni H, AlHelal A, Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 (11/2019)

Book Review - Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Alqarni H, Kattadiyil MT, Aponte-Wesson R, Alfaifi M, Alsayed H. Integration of intraoral scanning and conventional processing to fabricate a definitive obturator: A dental technique.  J Prosthet Dent.  (10/2021)
  • Wadhwani CP, Rosen PS, Yang G, Hu W, Schoenbaum T, Linkevicius T, Iyer S, Hess T, Kattadiyil MT, Chung KH. Survey of Dental Clinicians for Attitude and Use of Torque-Limiting Devices. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.    (06/2021)
  • Phasuk K, Koka S, Kattadiyil MT, Mutluay M. Leadership diversity in prosthodontics: Number of women and nonwhite individuals serving as President of selected prosthodontic organizations in the last 20 years. J Prosthet Dent. J Prosthet Dent.  (05/2021)
  • Kattadiyil MT, Alzaid AA, Campbell SD. The Relationship Between Centric Occlusion and The Maximal Intercuspal Position and Their Use as Treatment Positions for Complete Mouth Rehabilitation: Best Evidence Consensus Statement. J Prosthodont.  (04/2021)
  • Kattadiyil MT, Alzaid AA, Campbell SD. What Materials and Reproducible Techniques May Be Used in Recording Centric Relation? Best Evidence Consensus Statement . J Prosthodont.  (04/2021)
  • Swamidass R, Kan J, Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre C, Lozada J. Abutment screw torque changes with straight and angled screw-access channels. J Prosthet Dent.  (04/2021)
  • Alnasser A, Wadhwani C, Schoenbaum T, Kattadiyil MT. Evaluation of implant abutment screw tightening protocols on reverse tightening values: An in vitro study.  J Prosthet Dent.  (03/2021)
  • Alqarni H, Kattadiyil MT, Aponte-Wesson R, Alfaifi M, Alsayed H. Integration of intraoral scanning and conventional processing to fabricate a definitive obturator: A dental technique. J Prosthet Dent.  (2021)
  • Integration of intraoral scanning and conventional processing to fabricate a definitive obturator: A dental technique. Alqarni H, Kattadiyil MT, Aponte-Wesson R, Alfaifi M, Alsayed H. J Prosthet Dent. (09/2020)
  • Leadership diversity in prosthodontics: Number of women and nonwhite individuals serving as President of selected prosthodontic organizations in the last 20 years. Phasuk K, Koka S, Kattadiyil MT, Mutluay M. J Prosthet Dent. (07/2020)
  • Evaluation of implant abutment screw tightening protocols on reverse tightening values: An in vitro study. Alnasser A, Wadhwani C, Schoenbaum T, Kattadiyil MT. J Prosthet Dent. (05/2020)
  • Abutment screw torque changes with straight and angled screw-access channels. Swamidass R, Kan J, Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre C, Lozada J. J Prosthet Dent. (05/2020)
  • Influence of Tooth Preparation Design and Scan Angulations on the Accuracy of Two Intraoral Digital Scanners: An in Vitro Study Based on 3-Dimensional Comparisons. Ammoun R, Suprono M, Goodacre C, Oyoyo U, Carrico C, Kattadiyil MT. J Prosthet Dent. (02/2020)
  • An in vitro investigation comparing methods of minimizing excess luting agent for cement-retained implant-supported fixed partial dentures. Bukhari S, AlHelal A, Kattadiyil MT, Wadhwani C, Taleb A, Dehom S. J Prosthet Dent. (01/2020)
  • Leadership diversity in prosthodontics: The number and percentage of women speakers at recent annual scientific meetings of prosthodontic organizations. Piasecki ME, Mutluay M, Kattadiyil MT, Koka S. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 (09/2019)
  • Computer-engineered complete denture fabrication with conventional clinical steps: A technique to overcome protocol limitations. Alqarni H, AlHelal A, Kattadiyil MT. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 (06/2019)
  • Selective implant scan body modification to restore severely tilted adjacent implants: A completely digital workflow. Alqarni H, AlHelal A, Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ. J Prosthet Dent. 2019 (05/2019)
  • Use of Implant-Supported Custom Milled Impression Copings to Capture Soft-Tissue Contours and Incisal Guidance. Bukhari SA, Proussaefs P, AlHelal A, Garbacea A, AlBader B, Kattadiyil MT. J Prosthodont. 2019 (04/2019)
  • Digitally planned and fabricated mandibular fixed complete denture. Part 2. Prosthodontic phase. Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ, Lozada JL, Garbacea A. Int J Prosthodont. 2015 (10/2015)
  • Tooth retention through endodontic microsurgery or tooth replacement using single implants: A systematic review of treatment outcomes. Torebinejad M, Landaez M, Milan M, Sun CX, Henkin J, Al-Ardah A, Kattadiyil M, Bahjri K, Dehom S, Cortez E, White SN. J Endod. 2015. (10/2015)
  • A laboratory technique for coloring titanium abutments to achieve improved esthetics. Wadhwani C, Chung K, Kattadiyil MT. J Prosthet Dent. (Accepted for publication, September 2015) (09/2015)
  • Comparison of treatment outcomes in digital and conventional complete removable dental prosthesis fabrication in a predoctoral setting. Kattadiyil MT, Jekki R, Goodacre CJ, Baba NZ. J Prosthet Dent. (Accepted for publication, July 2015). (07/2015)
  • An in vitro comparison of the maxillary occlusal plane orientation obtained using five facebow systems. Maveli TC, Suprono M, Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ, Bahjri K. J Prosthet Dent. (Accepted for publication, February 2015). (02/2015)
  • Use of a digitally planned and fabricated mandibular complete denture for easy conversion to an immediate loaded and provisional fixed complete denture. Part 1. planning and surgical phase. Lozada JL, Garbacea A, Goodacre CJ, Kattadiyil MT. Int J Prosthodont. 2014 (10/2014)
  • Intraoral scanning of hard and soft tissues for partial removable dental prosthesis fabrication. Kattadiyil MT, Mursic Z, AlRumaih H, Goodacre CJ. J Prosthet Dent. 2014 (10/2014)
  • Tooth retention through root canal treatment or tooth extraction and implant placement: A prosthodontic perspective. Baba NZ, Goodacre CJ, Kattadiyil MT. Quintessence Int. 2014. (10/2014)
  • CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry. A review of software packages and step-by-step  protocols for planning surgical guides. Scherer MD, Kattadiyil MT, Parciak E, Puri S. Alpha Omegan. 2014 Spring (04/2014)
  • CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry; a brief review. Kattadiyil MT, Parciak E, Puri S, Scherer MD. Alpha Omegan. 2014 Spring (04/2014)
  • Book Chapter: Dean/Avery/McDonald: McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, Tenth Edition, In press, 2014 Chapter: Prosthodontic Treatment of the Adolescent Patient, Authors; Brown DT and Kattadiyil MT Publisher: Mosby / El Sevier (2014)
  • In vitro comparison of the tensile bond strength of denture adhesives on denture bases. Doris Kore, Mathew T. Kattadiyil, Dan B. Hall, Khaled Bahjri. J Prosthet Dent. 2013 Dec (12/2013)
  • Book Chapter: Single tooth implant and its restoration. Goodacre, Kattadiyil Edited by: M. Torabinejad Publisher: El Siever Chapter 9: Restoration of the Single Tooth Implant (2013)
  • Esthetic smile preferences and the orientation of the maxillary occlusal plane Mathew T. Kattadiyil, Charles J. Goodacre, W. Patrick Naylor and Thomas C. Maveli J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Dec; 108(5):354-361 (12/2012)
  • Effect of disinfection on irreversible hydrocolloid alternative impression materials compared to traditional irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials and resultant gypsum casts Montry S. Suprono, Mathew T. Kattadiyil, Charles J. Goodacre, and Myron S. Winer. J Prosthet Dent. 2012 Oct; 108(4):250-8 (10/2012)
  • Effects of aging and staining on color of acrylic resin denture teeth. Wendy C. Gregorius, Mathew T. Kattadiyil, Charles J. Goodacre, John M. Powers, Clyde L. Roggenkamp, Rade D. Paravina. J Dent. 2012, Sept 21 (09/2012)
  • CAD/CAM Technology: Application to Complete Dentures Mathew T. Kattadiyil and Charles J. Goodacre, Loma Linda University Dentistry, July 2012 (07/2012)
  • Co-author, Contributions to the Complete Denture CAD/CAM DVD prepared by Loma Linda University (2012 - 2013)
  • DVD Chapter: Management of complications in Implant Dentisty, Implant DVD (2012)
  • Book Chapter: Contemporary restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Kattadiyil Evidence-based diagnosis and treatment planning. Edited by: N. Z. Baba Publisher: Quintessence Chapter 15: Endodontic treatment of a tooth with a prosthetic crown (2012)
  • An in vitro investigation into the physical properties of irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives Rishi D. Patel, Mathew T. Kattadiyil, Charles J. Goodacre, Myron S. Winer. J Prosthet Dent. 2010, Nov; 104(5):325-32. (11/2010)
  • Book Chapter: Dental implant complications, etiology, prevention and treatment. Goodacre, Kattadiyil Edited by: Stuart J. Froum Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Chapter: Prosthetic related dental implant complications: etiology, prevention and treatment (2010)
  • DVD chapters contributed in Electronic Atlas of the Human Occlusion and the TMJ. Created in association with Loma Linda University/eHuman digital anatomy. Chapter: Border movements and envelope of motion Chapter: Condylar movements Chapter: Mandibular rest position and interocclusal distance Chapter: Bilateral balanced articulation Chapter: Lingualized occlusion Chapter: Monoplane occlusion (2008)
  • Root Canal or Implant?: Charles Goodacre, Mathew Kattadiyil, Ontario Dentist 2008, 85:5, 24-30   (2008)
  • Case planning: A team effort to achieve rehabilitation, Dentistry, Loma Linda University: Volume 19: Number 2, 16-19, 2008 (2008)
  •  Outcomes of root canal treatment and restoratio, implant-supported single crowns, fixed partial dentures, and extraction without replacement: A systematic Review. Mahmoud Torabinejad , Patricia Anderson, Charles J Goodacre, Mathew T Kattadiyil et al, J Prosthet Dent. 2007 Oct;98(4):285-311 (10/2007)

Scholarly Journals--Published

  • Puri S, Kattadiyil MT, Puri N, Hall SL. Evaluation of correlations between frequencies of complete denture relines and serum levels of bone 3 metabolic markers: A cross-sectional pilot study. J Prosthet Dent. 2016 Sep 16. (09/2016)
  • AlHelal A, Kattadiyil MT, Jekki B. Ring rest seat design for severely tilted molar abutment tooth: an alternative option. J Prosthodont. 2016 Aug 30. (08/2016)
  • Hussein AM, Rayyan MM, Sayed NM, Segaan LG, Goodacre CJ, Kattadiyil MT. Effect of screw-access channels on the fracture resistance of three types of ceramic implant-supported crowns. J Prosthet Dent. (01/2016)
  • AlHelal A, Jekki R, Kattadiyil MT. Application of digital technology in the fabrication of a maxillary removable and a mandibuler interim fixed complete dental prosthesis in a patient with myasthenia gravis: a case report. J Prosthet Dent. (11/2015)
  • Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ, LOzada JL, Garbacea A. Eine digital geplante und hergestellte festsitzende Unterkiefertotalprosthese. Quintessenz Zahrtechnik. 2015:41:878-887 (09/2015)
  • Maveli TC, Suprono M, Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ, Bahjri K. An invitro comparison of the maxillary occlusal plane orientatioon obtained using five facebow systems. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;114:566-573. (09/2015)
  • Tooth retention through endodontic microsurgery or tooth replacement using single implants: A systematic review of treatment outcomes. Torabinejad M, Landaez M, Milan M, Sun CX, Henkin J, Al-Ardah A, Kattadiyil M, Bahjri K, Dehom S, Cortez E, White SN. J Endod. 2014 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print]  (10/2014)
  • Tooth retention through root canal treatment or tooth extraction and implant placement:  A prosthodontic perspective. Baba NZ, Goodacre CJ, Kattadiyil MT. Quintessence Int. 2014;45(5):405-16. (2014)
  • CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry; a brief review. Kattadiyil MT, Parciak E, Puri S, Scherer MD. Alpha Omegan. 2014 Spring;107(1):26-31. (2014)
  • CAD/CAM guided surgery in implant dentistry. A review of software packages and step-by-step protocols for planning surgical guides. Scherer MD, Kattadiyil MT, Parciak E, Puri S. Alpha Omegan. 2014 Spring;107(1):32-8. (2014)
  • Intraoral scanning of hard and soft tissues for partial removable dental prosthesis fabrication. Kattadiyil MT, Mursic Z, AlRumaih H, Goodacre CJ. J Prosthet Dent. 2014; 112(3): 444-448. (2014)
  • Use of a digitally planned and fabricated mandibular complete denture for easy conversion to an immediate loaded and provisional fixed complete denture. Part 1. planning and surgical phase. Lozada JL, Garbacea A, Goodacre CJ, Kattadiyil MT. Int J Prosthodont. 2014; 27(5): 417-421.  (2014)
  • Kore D R, Kattadiyil M T, Hall D B, & Bahjri K. (2013). In vitro comparison of the tensile bond strength of denture adhesives on denture bases. J Prosthet Dent, 110(6), 488-93. (12/2013) (link)
  • Gregorius W C, Kattadiyil M T, Goodacre C J, Roggenkamp C L, Powers J M, & Paravina R D. (2012). Effects of ageing and staining on color of acrylic resin denture teeth. Journal of Dentistry, 40, E47-E54. (12/2012) (link)
  • Kattadiyil M T, Goodacre C J, Naylor W P, & Maveli T C. (2012). ESTHETIC SMILE PREFERENCES AND THE ORIENTATION OF THE MAXILLARY OCCLUSAL PLANE. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 108(6), 354-361. (12/2012)
  • Suprono M S, Kattadiyil M T, Goodacre C J, & Winer M S. (2012). EFFECT OF DISINFECTION ON IRREVERSIBLE HYDROCOLLOID AND ALTERNATIVE IMPRESSION MATERIALS AND THE RESULTANT GYPSUM CASTS. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 108(4), 250-258. (10/2012)
  • Patel R D, Kattadiyil M T, Goodacre C J, & Winer M S. (2010). AN IN VITRO INVESTIGATION INTO THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF IRREVERSIBLE HYDROCOLLOID ALTERNATIVES. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 104(5), 325-332. (11/2010)

Scholarly Journals--Accepted

  • Kattadiyil MK, Jekki R, Goodacre CJ, Baba NZ. Comparison of treatment outcomes in digital and conventional complete removable dental prosthesis fabrication in a predoctoral setting. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;114:818-825 (09/2015)
  • Digitally planned  and  fabricated mandibular  fixed complete denture.   Part 2. prosthodontic phase. Kattadiyil MT, Goodacre CJ, Lozada JL, Garbacea A. Int J Prosthodont. (Accepted for publication, 2014) (2014)