Research Projects & Grants


  • Predicting healthy eating and regular exercise among Hispanic and Caucasian adolescents using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Role: Investigator, LLU School of Allied Health Professionals, (04/1997) Status: Completed

Non-Profit Organization

  • Factors that contribute to iron deficiency anemia among infants who attend the WIC program in San Bernardino, Role: Investigator, Kellogg (W. K.) Foundation, (03/2000 - 03/2001) Status: Completed
  • Peer nutrition education: a model for nutrition education among Spanish-speaking WIC participants, Role: PI, California Wellness Foundation, (12/1998 - 12/1999) Status: Completed
  • The Nutrition Heart Health Directive, Role: Investigator, Heart Institute of the Desert, (02/1996) Status: Completed