

  • Tuburan S, Jacobson P, Luh G, Kido D. "Challenges in Initiating Prospective Outcomes Database in Interventional." APC. Loma Linda, CA (Present - 2006)


  • Carlson B.; Gregorius, J.; Jacobson, J.  Transformaminal Lumbar Puncture: A Lower-Risk Alternative to C1-2 Puncture.  ARRS 2008 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.  April 17, 2008. (Present - 2008)
  • J. Paul Jacobson, MD. "Developmental Disease of the Spine." LLU Radiology Resident Lecture. LLUMC (Present - 2008)
  • Jacobson JP. "Epidural leaks in vertebroplasty: Are vertebrograms a useful prognostic test? ." Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe. Barcelona, Spain (Present - 2004)
  • Jacobson JP. "Epidural leaks in vertebroplasty: Are vertebrograms a useful prognostic test? ." University Hospital of Geneva Vertebroplasty Course. Geneva (Present - 2004)
  • Jacobson JP, MD. "Imaging and Interventional Radiology of the Spine." 28th Annual Harold B. Boyd Lectures (2008 LLU APC). Loma Linda University School of Medicine (Present - 2008)
  • Jacobson JP. "Update 5: Minimally Invasive Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures: A Trial to Compare Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Kyphoplasty versus Vertebroplasty.." GERRAF Annual Conference. Scottsdale, AZ (Present - 2007)
  • Jacobson JP. "Update 3: Minimally Invasive Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures: A Trial to Compare Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Kyphoplasty versus Vertebroplasty.." GERRAF Annual Conference. Coral Springs, FL (Present - 2006)
  • Jacobson JP. "Update 4: Minimally Invasive Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Compression Fractures: A Trial to Compare Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Kyphoplasty versus Vertebroplasty.." AUR 54th Annual Meeting. Austin, TX (Present - 2006)
  • Penkar P, Alexander S, Jacobson P, Wycliffe D, Kido D. "Hypointense Cerebral Veins on High Resolution Susceptibility-Weighted MR Imaging: A Novel Finding in Brain Death." RSNA. Chicago, IL (Present - 2006)
  • Cristiano B, Jacobson JP, Hoss D. Fluoro-guided transforaminal lumbar puncture for intrathecal nusinersin in patients with spinal muscular atrophy and complex spines. American Society of Spine Radiology,  2020 Annual Symposium, Dana Point, CA. Thursday, 2/13/20. (02/2020)