
Accreditation Support -- LLU

  • Assisted writing reports for self study for CAPTE.  Primary responsibility faculty and contract instructors CVs and  clinical expertise. (07/2021 - 06/2022)

Accreditation Visits

  • Participated in virtual CAPTE accreditation visit (01/2022 - 03/2022)

Committee Membership (LLU)

  • DPT faculty meeting - ongoing biweekly meeting to discuss/share information about the physical therapy programs (10/2019)
  • Faculty meetings - PTA faculty meeting DPT/PMPT faculty meeting (07/2004 - 06/2005)
  • PTA Curriculum committee PTA Advisory committee (07/2004 - 06/2005)
  • PT Continuing Education and Webpage Committee - Secretary of committee for planing and supervising continuing education classes for the PT dept on campus and maintaining the PT webpage. (01/2007)
  • PTA faculty meeting - weekly meeting discussing faculty and student concerns. (07/2006)
  • DPT faculty meeting - Biweekly meeting discussing faculty and student concerns (07/2006)
  • PTA faculty meeting - ongoing weekly meeting to discuss/ share information about the physical therapy assistant program
  • PTA curriculum meeting - yearly meeting of faculty to discuss the curriculum for the upcoming year